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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. I was expecting Vernon Adams to have a breakout year, but he looks to have regressed. He does not seem to be able to read an offence or go through his progressions. His injury might actually help the Larks.
  2. Politics has trumped (appropriate reference) science and common sense in many places, including a lot of Albertans and Saskatchewanites.
  3. Yes! *rubs hands together*
  4. Any port in a storm.
  5. 'Cuz its where I see them.
  6. I guessing that its because Cornelius has better healthcare coverage.
  7. Watching the Monday games confirmed for me two things: 1. LaPolice has a lot of chicken feathers on that team. 2. Non of these teams have a quarterback My CFL Rankings: 1. Bombers 8. Riders, Stamps, Lions, TiCats 9. Elks, Alouettes, RedBlacks, Argos
  8. It is inevitable if nothing changes, and I am doubtful if the will is there. It is going to be messy no matter which way it goes, but the longer it takes, the worse it will be,
  9. This game is more like a pillow fight than a competitive football game. Fighting to stay awake or even interested. I feel for the fans who paid to see this.
  10. That was their original outlet. They moved to Pembina at Grant.
  11. The mindsets of military, paramilitary, conspiratorialists and fundamentalists is such that they are predisposed to acting without questioning. These all tend to believe that their way is righteous enough that it can be imposed on the unbelievers "for their own good".
  12. I do not follow the NFL all that closely, but from reports, Hajrullahu did not wow anyone there. He was OK, but not outstanding, and unless there is a spate of kicker injuries, he is unlikely to be re-signed in the NFL. That said, unless he has a change of heart in the next week or two, we will not see him in blue and gold this year at least.
  13. That is inevitable in my opinion, and the sooner it comes to that, the better the chances of America retaining some form of recognizable democracy. If the American Civil War had come 20 or 30 years later, it would have been bloodier and more protracted, as the South would have had more time to prepare. As it is now, the right wing is busy getting ready while the center-left is waiting for a Disney-like epiphany to come to the neo-fascists. Fanatics cannot be placated with anything short of complete submission and will take advantage of any perceived weakness of their foes and attribute concessions as fear.
  14. The only hope America has of surviving as a nation is if their Department of Justice starts aggressively prosecuting Trump and every one of the GOP and all those involved in the attempted coup. The January 6th incident was a trial run and those involved in organizing are still free. They are organizing subversion at the school board, civic and state levels to challenge any elections result they lose and to disqualify as many Democratic voters as possible.
  15. Agreed that recycling is not THE answer- it is part of the answer. Other measures need to be in place- for example, in Europe, one chain of stores has installed equipment that allows people to refill their own containers with shampoo and conditioner for a great deal cheaper. This and other yet to be discovered means will help. but manufacturers have to do their part.
  16. 'Cuz they couldn't find anyone better. For now at least.
  17. It would be better if each party had to report annually on how they were living up to their campaign commitments, but I have little doubt that they would weasel out of this. Gary Filmon made all kinds of promises because the province was doing so well economically, but soon after the election, the reported economic outlook deteriorated so badly that he "reluctantly" backed out of all his promises.
  18. Not as much as Cauchy slept on the field.
  19. If he ain't got it by now, he ain't gonna get it.
  20. COVID-Infected Allen West Goes on Unhinged Anti-Vax Rant—From Hospital Right-wing firebrand Allen West on Sunday followed up the previous day’s news that he contracted COVID-19 and was hospitalized with an off-the-rails Twitter rant against vaccination. The former congressman, who is not vaccinated, wrote that he and his wife Angela received monoclonal antibody treatments at an emergency room in Dallas on Saturday. “The results were immediate,” he claimed before noting that his wife, who is vaccinated, was allowed to go home while he stayed at the hospital due to concerns over COVID-related pneumonia and low blood oxygen levels. The far-right figure, who has increasingly adopted QAnon-adjacent rhetoric and recently quit his post as Texas GOP chairman, praised the hospital for “not forcing any harmful protocols on me” and for “making me grits for breakfast!!!” And then, despite the burden placed on hospital staff by people like West who refuse to get vaccinated, he pivoted to attacking vaccines. “I can attest that, after this experience, I am even more dedicated to fighting against vaccine mandates,” he tweeted. “Instead of enriching the pockets of Big Pharma and corrupt bureaucrats and politicians, we should be advocating the monoclonal antibody infusion therapy.” (Monoclonal antibody treatments, of course, are largely manufactured by pharmaceutical giants like Regeneron and GlaxoSmithKline.) West’s anti-vaccine rant included fact-free claims about the shot and somehow also found a way to fearmonger about migrants: “Instead of jabbing Americans, and not illegal immigrants, with a dangerous shot which injects them with these spike proteins...guess what? I now have natural immunity and double the antibodies, and that’s science.” The Tea Party star also took a moment to tout his Texas gubernatorial candidacy, claiming he will “vehemently crush anyone forcing vaccine mandates” including the “progressive socialist jackasses who must be saved from themselves.” Aside from his anti-vaccine nonsense, West has previously pushed unproven, potentially dangerous COVID “treatments” popularized by anti-vaxx contrarians, like anti-parasitic drug ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial medication. Neither drug has been proven to treat the coronavirus, despite West’s assertions. Allen West Goes on Unhinged Anti-Vaccine Tirade Amid COVID Hospitalization (thedailybeast.com)
  21. Darvin Adams still blocks like a berserker but the rest of his game is significantly below what it was. Even good guys are not immune from aging
  22. Calgary's biggest liability is behind center, and he looks very brittle. The receivers as a whole are average- way below the talent level of previous years, Over in Riderfans, they are moving on in their healing and have gone from denial to anger and depression.
  23. I would settle for another 3 years.
  24. Gotta be Ward. I would be willing to trade a first-round pick (if he signs a long-term contract) and an import DB (we seem to have a lot of them) and Liegghio. This is a sore spot that will cost us if we let it go on. Acquiring Ward would send a signal to the team and league that we're going for the brass ring again.
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