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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. The ball was underthrown and that allowed that dam Hoover to grab the ball.
  2. That was a baaad pass by Collaros. Fire him, too.
  3. Demski with the dropsies- fire him. Now!
  4. Bombers just toying with the Ungulates now.
  5. Time for Harris to become a receiver. BIIG reception for Demski! MOP, anyone?
  6. WOW!!! Demski had a herd of blockers with him there.
  7. Betcha Ellingson ain't gonna go in that zone again.
  8. Aaaand...Harris is still O-fer.
  9. And horror of horrors, no sacks on Harris yet. What is going on?
  10. Is that anything like a harbour seal?
  11. First punt of the game for the Blue.
  12. Trevor Harris has been no less than terrible. And haven't seen a single flex from Wilder so far...
  13. Wash your mouth out. Shame.
  14. Somehow, its doesn't matter as much when a TD results.
  15. BIIIIG night for Demski so far! And he wasn't good enough for the Riders.
  16. Damdamdam....soooo close!
  17. Would be nice to see Adams return to 2019 form. He's been off so far this season. Aaand...Bailey contributes! Nice blocking.
  18. Who cares? Bombers are carrying the day so far- just a glitch.
  19. What a horrible two consecutive offensive series by the Elks. If the Blue score a quick TD now, that will take the starch out of the Elks.
  20. That was probably too predictable and Elks stacked the box.
  21. Oooh- that was not good. Counts as a turnover.
  22. Power running by Harris- looking good. Gotta say that Buck's offence is better every week. And Harris is gonna stomp the Elks.
  23. Woli is in- good!
  24. Two and out- really bad execution on both plays, YESSSSSS!!!
  25. Elks start the game with a penalty. Figures. Howthehell did Alford drop that?
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