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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. The kick and return part of the game are far and away the most exciting parts of the game.
  2. I am feeling sympathy for the announcers who have to try to put lipstick on this pig.
  3. There seem to be a good number of younger fans in the stands- good on the TiCats.
  4. Definitely not the Bo-Levi of old.
  5. God will get you for that.
  6. Anti-Mask Florida Official Dies of COVID—and Takes GOP Software Secrets With Him Just a day after testing positive for COVID-19, a Florida Republican official who battled against mask mandates, attacked the vaccine, and railed at CDC officials has died in Tampa. Gregg Prentice, who was 61, led the Hillsborough County Election Integrity Committee—and his sudden death has sent the local GOP scrambling as it no longer has access to essential campaign finance software without his help. In a Sept. 14 letter to the Federal Election Commission, the Hillsborough County Republican Executive Committee reported it might not be able to file its monthly financial reports as required—because only Prentice knew how to do it. “Gregg’s software converted data from our Quickbooks software to supply the information needed by the FEC,” it states. “Unfortunately, Gregg passed away suddenly from Covid-19 on Saturday, Sept. 11, 2021. Gregg did not share the software and instructions with our officers. We will have to enter the August data manually, and according to the information we have received from our FEC analyst, Scott Bennett, we may likely have to re-enter the data from our first 7 months of 2021. “We will be struggling to get all of this entered in the proper format by our deadline on Sept. 20, but we will try to do so with our best effort.” Along with others in the Hillsborough County Election Integrity Committee, Prentice was a vociferous critic of the vaccine, mask mandates, and COVID-prevention measures. He railed against top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, vowing in a Twitter post to “end Faucism.” He also insisted the U.S. needs “more socialist distancing than we do social distancing” and that the pandemic was created to destroy small businesses. A spokesperson for the Hillsborough Republican Executive Committee has reportedly said that Prentice’s wife and daughter have also caught COVID-19.
  7. The beating that the Riders and especially Fajardo took from the Bombers in the last two games has to affect the confidence of all there. The Argos are not a powerhouse, but ought to beat the Riders. Is that possible? Watford so far looks sharper than Mitchell...weird but okay by me.
  8. Trump Is Still Begging Georgia Officials To Overturn The 2020 Election. Former President Donald Trump is still trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election, more than nine months after he lost ― and one day before a planned rally in support of the various people charged for the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. On Friday, the former president sent a letter to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger with more claims of voter fraud ― even though thorough efforts to root out alleged voter fraud in the state, and across the country, have come up empty. The Republican state officials who oversaw the election have repeatedly said that Trump’s claims of widespread fraud in Georgia are false. In Friday’s dispatch, Trump cited a post on Georgia Star News, a pro-Trump website launched in the days after the November election that is part of a wider network of pro-Trump sites. Steve Bannon, a former Trump aide, described the site as “very populist,” “very nationalist” and “very MAGA,” NPR reported. The website claims that it received documents in response to an open records request that showed more than 43,000 DeKalb County ballots had not been processed correctly. “It’s an absurd claim,” Emory University political science Professor Alan Abramowitz told HuffPost. “The results in DeKalb were entirely consistent with the results in other counties in Georgia and with the results of earlier elections in DeKalb,” Abramowitz wrote in an email. “A disparity of that magnitude would be very obvious.” Trump Is Still Begging Georgia Officials To Overturn The 2020 Election Results | HuffPost
  9. Popeye's spicy chicken sandwich is not incendiary, but pretty good.
  10. Getting scary again.
  11. This post makes me feel sad and angry. There was no reason for many of the people to become infected and even die to please political ends. There are widowers, widows and orphans because of these decisions to pretend that the pandemic was over. Damn them to Hell.
  12. A GOP congressman’s retirement due to violent threats is 'a deeply ominous sign’ for US politics’: conservative Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, a conservative Republican and former Ohio State football star who voted to impeach Donald Trump following the January 6 insurrection, has decided not to seek reelection in 2022 — saying that he fears for the safety of his family and that the "toxic dynamics inside our own party" were a "significant factor" in his decision. In an article published by The Bulwark on September 16, Never Trump conservative Tim Miller describes Gonzalez's decision as "an ominous sign for our politics." "It might be a Trump era cliché to say that 'this is not normal,' but a 36-year-old congressman in his second term doesn't just retire," Miller writes. "That is the start of one's career, not the finish. Moreover, a 36-year-old Republican congressman sure as **** doesn't retire because he is scared Republican voters might hurt his family. That is not normal. At all. It is a flashing siren about just how dangerous the Republican Party has become." A GOP congressman’s retirement due to violent threats is 'a deeply ominous sign’ for US politics’: conservative - Alternet.org
  13. Holy crapola. If the Blue buries the Elks (still having trouble with that name) rather than expecting this to be a cake-walk, several CFL coaches will need to change their underthings.
  14. A desperate, futile gesture by someone who knew that the test would show results that he would not want to come out. And the beat goes on. Leonard is looking at a possible/probable end of his CFL career. Sooooo....are the Riders gonna bring back their previous head coach? Sound like he would fit right into that milieu.
  15. 'They're gonna kill me': MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell launches into a paranoid rant about the government MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell defended his appallingly bad and debunked three-hour election conspiracy theory "documentary" called "Absolute Truth," by saying he was so scared for his life during the Trump presidency that he prayed the federal government did not summarily execute him. "Yeah, yeah, the 'Absolute Proof,' let me tell you the key part of that," Lindell said. "This is probably the only time where I had a little fear and I had to pray, get on my knees and pray to God. This was 10 days before the impeachment trial. And let me tell you I'm 10 days before, and remember at the time that that was like the towards the end of January, you know the impeachment trials were Tuesday following like the February 8, okay?" The second Senate impeachment trial of Donald Trump was February 9-13. The House impeached Trump for a second time on January 13 in a 232–197 vote. "And this was about maybe January 25 or so. I'm sitting there I go, 'Wow, They're gonna impeach him,' and I had word that they were gonna impeach him," Lindell said, presumably meaning "convict," given Trump had already been impeached. "We were not going to be able to show evidence at that trial," Lindell continued, although it's unclear why he saiod "we" since he was not oin trial and was not legally part of Trump's defense. He then went on to call the January 6 insurrection, for which well over 600 people have been arrested and charged a "big fake insurgency or whatever that you're against the government." "And guess who was number one on that list to come and get? Me. And they were coming, I'm going, 'God they're gonna kill me.' You know, they're gonna put me and hang me. And basically is what I'm thinking and at that moment he said, You know, I got to put a documentary, just put the evidence out there and make it." 'They're gonna kill me': MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell launches into a paranoid rant about the government - Alternet.org
  16. There is an interesting storm brewing in the police and fire departments in Winnipeg with Bowman's edict that all civic employees who interact with the public will be required to be double-vaccinated or be tested weekly. The EMTs and most, if not all employees will have no problem with this, but, given the macho attitudes of many in police and fire departments, I can foresee a lot of resistance or even defiance there. The union will have a hard time defending the resistance but may be forced to do so. The best they can hope is to delay the enforcement, allowing the resistors to continue unvaccinated until the pandemic passes.
  17. One helluva deck.
  18. If somehow he managed to become leader of the Tories, the Liberals would be overjoyed. Kenny has neither wit nor wisdom and would doom the Tories to another ten years in the wilderness.
  19. He would probably do less damage there as a small frog in a big pond.
  20. Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer to the end, the faster it goes.
  21. The third inoculation will be administered only at doctors' office and only to those with compromised immune systems and/or those who have received a non-approved vaccine.
  22. The brain-dead have been with us forever. For my part, I was involved in a serious auto accident in the 80's (not my fault BTW) where if we had not been wearing my seat belt, both myself and my wife would have almost certainly died and left our kids, who were 6 and 8 years old, as orphans. Seatbelts were not mandatory at that time, but we used them as a matter of course.
  23. Capitol Police officer reported by friend 'of 40 years' after disclosing lawmakers’ secret location to rioters on Jan. 6 A U.S. Capitol Police officer has been accused of disclosing the location he evacuated lawmakers to during the January 6th insurrection on the U.S. Capitol. According to The Miami Herald, a special agent for USCP's Protective Services Bureau is now facing accusations of improper dissemination of information. The officer reportedly held a conversation with a friend just one week after the riots. During the conversation, he allegedly revealed he had disclosed the secure location where he had taken the lawmakers as a safety precaution amid the riots. His friend contacted the FBI Tip Line with details about their call. The anonymous friend expressed concern about their conversation and the officer's support of former President Donald Trump's election conspiracy theories. "I don't want to report a friend of forty years but he says enough concerning statements that I feel like I need to do this... he's just fallen into this cult and these beliefs," the documents quoted. According to the Miami Herald, the agent did not deny sharing information about legislators' whereabouts. Capitol Police officer reported by friend 'of 40 years' after disclosing lawmakers’ secret location on Jan. 6 - Alternet.org
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