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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Damn. I was really, really hoping that we would be under 100 new cases per day by now.
  2. She presents as someone who is of limited intellectual capacity with the integrity of a bowl of watery Jello.
  3. Or hire Medlock to coach our new kicker for a couple of months.
  4. Blindfolded and into the teeth of a tornado. In the dark.
  5. Soooo....the Bombers are expected to make their Marc?
  6. Feinstein said that Trump learned his lesson after his first impeachment, so you know how keen her judgment is. BTW: there is also a village in Spain whose inhabitants are all blue- the Blue Man Group?
  7. I hope you are not holding your breath while awaiting a Democrat with gonads to say this.
  8. Nah. That kicker from Quebec looked pretty darned good. Medlock was as steady and consistent as you get, but I do not expect him to return.
  9. Gov. Greg Abbott Makes Texas a ‘2nd Amendment Sanctuary State’ by Legalizing Carry of Handguns Without License or Training Gov. Greg Abbott signed a bill allowing Texans to carry handguns without a license or training after Sept. 1. So y'all vacationing in Texas this fall or nah? In 2019 the state of Texas saw two mass shootings in El Paso and Midland-Odessa that left a total 30 people dead. It was reported that the two shootings marked the sixth and seventh mass shootings that occurred in Texas over that year and the nine years prior. That year, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott—the Donald Trump of people who will never be president (of course, a lot of people also said that about Trump)—pledged to Texans that he and his office would do “everything we can to make sure a crime like this doesn’t happen again.” Two years later, it turns out—*in my best Tyler, the Creator voice*—that was a lie.
  10. I If You need further proof: GOP Congressman: FBI 'participated' in insurrection to 'entrap' harmless protestors and 'frame the MAGA movement' U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) is demanding the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Dept. of Justice tell Congress what they know about their own alleged "participation" in Donald Trump's January 6 insurrection, which led to at least seven deaths. Gohmert falsely claims the attack on the U.S. Capitol – which in reality was an attempted coup designed to overturn a free and fair election – was instead a "monumental entrapment scheme used as a pretext to imprison otherwise harmless protestors" and used to “frame the entire MAGA movement as potential domestic terrorists." News organization The Recount calls Gohmert's assertions "a bullshit baseless conspiracy theory." Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) spews a bullshit baseless conspiracy theory blaming the FBI for organizing the January 6th insurrection to “frame the entire MAGA movement as potential domestic terrorists." pic.twitter.com/LZI5bQfx65 — The Recount (@therecount) June 17, 2021 The Texas Republican congressman, explained on Thursday on the floor of the House that his "friend," Fox News white supremacist host Tucker Carlson "covered this last night," called the conspiracy theory "really disturbing... because we don't like to see government agents stirring up trouble or find that there are criminal acts that would not likely have occurred had not the federal government been participating." Having no evidence that January 6 was an "inside job," which is what Gohmert is asserting, he goes on to make up possible scenarios, again, without any basis in fact. "Whether they were actual agents, or an undercover agents, or informants that were working for the federal government. But this is scary stuff this is, This is kind of third world stuff, this is not only third world stuff but this is like Putin-like kind of activity. So, if there were federal agents that were involved on January 6, we really need to know what the FBI knew and when they knew it, and not only that, we need to know how much participation did any of our federal friends either at DOJ, FBI, or any of the Intel Community, what kind of role were they playing?" GOP Congressman: FBI 'participated' in insurrection to 'entrap' harmless protestors and 'frame the MAGA movement' - Alternet.org At Long Last, Donald Trump Finally Admits: ‘We Didn’t Win’. But he did add ominously: “Let’s see what happens on that.” Amid a rambling, off-the-rails phone interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, former President Donald Trump finally admitted a critical fact: “We didn’t win.” It was the first time since the presidential election more than seven months ago that Trump has conceded to his successor, President Joe Biden. But he also ominously warned: “Let’s see what happens on that.” Trump told Hannity Wednesday night: “Shockingly, we were supposed to win easily at 64 million votes, and we got 75 million votes, and we didn’t win. But let’s see what happens on that.” At Long Last, Donald Trump Finally Admits: 'We Didn't Win' | HuffPost
  11. Fox News caught trying to pass off GOP operatives as parents "concerned" about critical race theory. A new report sheds light on the backgrounds of the nearly dozen anti-CRT guests featured on Fox News Fox News failed to disclose to their audience that nearly a dozen guests billed as parents panicked by what they misleadingly label critical race theory being taught to their young children in school are also professional Republican operatives, according to a newly released report. The liberal media watchdog organization Media Matters for America details how Fox News has repeatedly failed to mention that their guests, who included right-wing media personalities, GOP strategists and conservative think tank staffers, were far from apolitical despite billing them as your average outraged parent. For example, one of the guests who frequently appeared to rail against critical race theory was a gentleman by the name of Ian Prior, who was billed by the network as a "Loudoun County parent" that went "from [a] concerned parent, like many of you, to legal activist." But below the surface, Prior is a Republican operative with deep GOP political roots. The former Department of Justice spokesperson, Media Matters noted, worked "in top communications roles during the 2016 election cycle" including for "the National Republican Congressional Committee, the Karl Rove-fronted super PAC American Crossroads, and the Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC that works to elect Republican senators which was founded by allies of Minority Leader Mitch McConnell." Fox News caught trying to pass off GOP operatives as parents "concerned" about critical race theory | Salon.com
  12. There was a report on CBC radio this afternoon that some of the vaccination supercenters are taking walk-ins.
  13. GOP's Jim Jordan outraged after DOJ refuses to investigate bizarre Italian space laser election fraud theory Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) is outraged over a new conspiracy theory he says the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) refuses to investigate. According to Above the Law, Jordan actually believes Italian laser satellites swayed the 2020 presidential election in President Joe Biden's favor. "That is a problem," the Ohio congressman said on Wednesday during the House Oversight Committee hearing for Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. He referred to a cache of emails that highlighted the Trump White House's mounting pressure on the DOJ to interfere with the presidential election. GOP's Jim Jordan outraged after DOJ refuses to investigate bizarre Italian space laser election fraud theory - Alternet.org Trump Goes On The Weirdest Tangent In Rambling Fox News Call Donald Trump called into Fox News on Wednesday night, and the former president immediately launched into a rambling montage of his rally talking points from the past. In one of the strangest moments of the interview, Trump revived his grievances against windmills, this time claiming they “kill everything.” As president, Trump repeatedly griped about windmills, and at one point even claimed ― falsely ― that they cause cancer. In reality, his main problem with wind turbines is that he thought an offshore wind farm would ruin the view from his golf resort in Scotland. He sued to stop it from being built, but he lost. The turbines were constructed, and Trump has held a grudge ever since. “They’re making windmills all over the place, to ruin our land and kill our birds,” he said Wednesday. “To kill everything.” Trump Goes On The Weirdest Tangent In Rambling Fox News Call | HuffPost
  14. FWIW:
  15. Conservatives follow Fox News' Tucker Carlson to baselessly claim FBI was behind Capitol riot Fox News primetime host Tucker Carlson was quick to give air to a relatively new fringe theory that the January 6 Capitol riot was an inside job hatched and carried out by FBI operatives — and other conservatives pundits were even quicker to buy into the baseless claims. On the Tuesday episode of his top-rated Fox News show, hours after military officials and FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before Congress, Carlson claimed that there remain a series of "basic factual matters" to which the nation still doesn't have answers stemming from the riot. "Why is the Biden administration preventing us from knowing?" Carlson asked his audience before citing an article posted on the far-right website Revolver News, which was founded by disgraced Trump speechwriter and white nationalist conference speaker Darren Beattie. The story penned by Beattie speculated that it wasn't fervent pro-Trump activists who breached the Capitol and took marching orders from Trump, but rather undercover agents of the federal government. "Some of the key people who participated on January 6th have not been charged. Look at the documents. The government calls those people unindicted co-conspirators," the Fox host commented. "What does that mean? Well, it means that in potentially every single case, they were FBI operatives," Carlson concluded. "Really! In the Capitol on January 6th." Conservatives were quick to pounce on the notion after Carlson's promotion of it. Conservatives follow Fox News' Tucker Carlson to baselessly claim FBI was behind Capitol riot | Salon.com
  16. I had zero ill effects from my shot on Sunday. The waifu had some pretty strong chills that night and a sore arm for a couple of days.
  17. Impressive.
  18. No big loss. The storyline had gotten so muddled I mostly lost interest this season.
  19. Fines are not going to prevent further violations- all the pastor or pastors will do is squeeze the parishioners a little harder while wringing their hands as they complain about being persecuted for "Jesus' sake". Send them to jail. I hear Milner Ridge is nice this time of year.
  20. This could have gone in the humour section, but... Economist Robert Reich tears apart GOP's 'dangerously loony' claim Dems caused Chipotle price hike On June 9, National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Mike Berg issued an official statement blaming Democratic policies for fast food chain Chipotle's decision to raise their prices by about 4%. Democrats have been mocking Berg for that statement. But in an op-ed published by The Guardian on June 13, liberal economist Robert Reich does more than mock Berg's claim — he debunks it. Berg, taking aim at the American Rescue Plan Act of 2022, stated, "Democrats' socialist stimulus bill caused a labor shortage, and now, burrito lovers everywhere are footing the bill." Economist Robert Reich tears apart GOP's 'dangerously loony' claim Dems caused Chipotle price hike - Alternet.org
  21. Or in the upper bunk.
  22. From what I can see, there is a window of time- a few months to a year, for the Biden regime to aggressively and legally go after the would-be fascists who supported and rose to power with Trump. After that time, it will seem like old news and convictions will be harder to pursue. Worst of all, each day that passes gives more encouragement to these criminals and increases the chances that American democracy will fade out of existence or mutate into an unrecognizable travesty of democracy. Biden and the Democrats have to stop trying to be nice guys and realize they are in a death match.
  23. I am so happy with the prospect of my Bombers and CFL returning I am giddy with delight and verging on urinary incontinence.
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