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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. It would be nice to think that these suits will bankrupt Faux News, Julliani and the Faux talking heads, but who knows....?
  2. And so it begins- the inexorable weight of the American judicial system turning against Trump at last. He has the money to weather the civil cases and even pay off the plaintiffs, but each successful lawsuit chips away at his self-image of the untouchable "genius" who is anointed by fate to ride roughshod over anyone who dares to oppose him in any measure. He will always have his core of fanatics who will support him regardless of proof, choosing the willing suspension of belief over sanity, but that will dwindle over time.
  3. The flight pattern strongly suggested that it was being deliberately piloted to an area where survival and retrieval would be very difficult if not impossible, and that points to pilot involvement for unknown reasons.
  4. Do you think that Kenny and O'Toole want to know this sort of thing? "Plausible deniability" and all that.
  5. Sad, but inevitable under the circumstances. This is gonna be a make or break year for the oldest football league in the world.
  6. Ammon Bundy has amassed an army of over 50,000 as he looks for his next battle in a religious war Ammon Bundy, right-wing malcontent behind the 2016 armed takeover of Oregon's Malheur Wildlife Refuge and now a western anti-mask movement, believes he's doing God's work. Coming from a long line of religiously inspired men who have been "called" to defend the US Constitution, Bundy has varied in his focus, from rebelling against public land ranching regulations to protesting COVID-19 safety protocols. But in his view, these are all forms of government tyranny and affronts to constitutional rights. Arrested for the fourth time on March 15, 2021, Bundy was taken into custody for failing to appear at his hearing on past trespassing charges. Because he refused to wear a mask into the courtroom, thereby missing his trial, he was apprehended outside amid of a throng of other protesters. Bundy's crusade has been a long time in the making, but in the last year he successfully established a coalition of supporters that is broad, diverse, and a serious threat to federal law. His group is called the People's Rights Network. Like the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, it includes members who see the current government as a threat to perceived rights and are committed to defend their ideas of personal liberty, by force if necessary. So what has taken Ammon Bundy, who first came to prominence during the 2014 armed standoff in Nevada over his father's unpaid grazing fees and trespassing cattle, into a life of an anti-government militant? The answer is a libertarian worldview and his take on Mormonism. Bundy's ideology parallels the thinking of certain leaders in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who've had a history of government cynicism. He also shares with them a tradition of theo-constitutionalism--venerating the Constitution as a sacred document. The paradox here is that Bundy believes he is upholding the Constitution and fulfilling his religious duties in his acts of lawlessness. Ammon Bundy has amassed an army of over 50,000 as he looks for his next battle in a religious war - Alternet.org
  7. ‘I'm Scared’: CDC Director Warns of ‘Impending Doom’ as COVID-19 Cases Climb -Reuters Centers for Disease Control and Prevention head Rochelle Walensky said she feels a sense of “impending doom” as COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations tick back up, and pleaded with the public to continue masking up until a majority of the population is vaccinated, NBC News reported. “I’m going to lose the script, and I’m going to reflect on the recurring feeling I have of impending doom,” an emotional Walensky said at a Monday press conference. “We have so much to look forward to, so much promise and potential of where we are, and so much reason for hope. But right now I’m scared. I know what it’s like, as a physician, to stand in that patient room gowned, gloved, masked, shielded, and to be the last person to touch someone else’s loved ones, because their loved ones couldn’t be there.” The recent increase in COVID infections comes as roughly 2.5 million Americans a day are being inoculated against the coronavirus. Walensky pointed to the emergence of more contagious variants, more people traveling, and governors reopening their states too quickly. “We are not powerless,” said Walensky. “We can change this trajectory of the pandemic, but it will take all of us recommitting to following the public health prevention strategies consistently, while we work to get the American public vaccinated.”
  8. Here's the ridiculous reason the MyPillow guy thinks 'Trump will be back in office in August' MyPillow founder and conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell appeared on former top Trump White House advisor Steve Bannon's streaming TV show promising he has information that will convince the U.S. Supreme Court to invalidate the 2020 presidential election and return Donald Trump to the Oval Office. "What I'm talking about Steve is what I've been doing since January," Lindell said on Real America's Voice. "All the evidence I have – everything is going to go before the Supreme Court and the election of 2020 is going bye-bye." "It was an attack by other countries, communism coming in, I don't know what they're going to do after they pull it down but –" Lindell rambled. "Hang on," Bannon pleaded repeatedly, but Lindell kept going. "Donald Trump will be back in office in August," he declared. Here's the ridiculous reason the MyPillow guy thinks 'Trump will be back in office in August' - Alternet.org Right-wing donors terrified by conservative support for bill to prevent billionaires from buying elections: leaked recording A newly surfaced recording shows a senior adviser to Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell conspiring with the Koch brothers' network and other conservative groups to torpedo sweeping voting rights legislation. The Jan. 8 recording obtained by The New Yorker reveals leading conservative activists are alarmed by public support for House Resolution 1 and Senate Bill 1, commonly known as the For The People Act, and they privately admitted they had no effective way to counter the argument that billionaires should be able to buy elections. "When presented with a very neutral description" of the bill, "people were generally supportive," Kyle McKenzie, the research director for the Koch-run advocacy group Stand Together. "The most worrisome part . . . is that conservatives were actually as supportive as the general public was when they read the neutral description." "There's a large, very large, chunk of conservatives who are supportive of these types of efforts," he added. The election reform bill, which would ban large, anonymous political donations, enjoys broad public support, and McKenzie told participants that Senate Republicans would need to use "under-the-dome" legislative tactics to stop the bill because generally everyone but them agreed billionaires should not be able to buy elections behind the scenes. "Unfortunately, we've found that that is a winning message, for both the general public and also conservatives," McKenzie said. Right-wing donors terrified by conservative support for bill to prevent billionaires from buying elections: leaked recording - Alternet.org The Koch-funded group had spent a lot of money to find persuasive arguments against the bill, but found that even claiming it would allow Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) to hold Trump administration officials accountable wasn't particularly effective.
  9. Dr. Birx is on her absolution tour. She has said that had Trump and his administration responded appropriately, the US death toll from COVID would not be the 550,000 it is now, but close to 100,000. That means the GOP under Trump has the deaths of 450,000 on their hands and are untroubled by it. Sad.
  10. Or the Spanish Inquisition.
  11. Kemp used 'monument to Georgia’s history of white supremacy' as backdrop to sign voter suppression law: columnist The Philadelphia Inquirer's columnist Will Bunch went internet sleuthing after a picture of Georgia Republican Governor Brian Kemp surfaced showing the governor surrounded by a group of white lawmakers, presumably all Republicans as well, signing his voter suppression bill into law one hour after it passed the legislature. In a Twitter thread, Bunch pointed out that readers should take note of the antebellum-style portrait behind Kemp as he signed the suppression law. 1. You've probably seen this picture of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and his gaggle of white men signing the state's vot… https://t.co/dK7Fzpqn8h — Will Bunch Sign Up For My Newsletter (@Will Bunch Sign Up For My Newsletter)1616764160.0 Crediting Twitter crowdsourcing, Bunch relates that the measure to limit Black voting was "signed under the image of a notorious slave plantation in Wilkes County, Georgia." On the painting, he notes, "you can see that the painting is clearly 'Brickhouse Road — Callaway PLNT' (PLNT for 'Plantation…subtle, right?) by artist Olessia Maximenko from Wilkes County, GA'." (The GOP has abandoned all pretense of not being racists) 'I will ruin you': Salt Lake Republicans treat women so horribly even Utah's GOP governor is outraged Salt Lake County Republicans are being called out by women in their ranks in a bombshell new report published by The Salt Lake Tribune. The story recounts how GOP candidate Laurie Stringham created a short campaign video to post online. "Hours after the video went out on Sept. 15, Stringham said, she was driving her teenage son to a meet a friend when she got a call from Dave Robinson, the county Republican Party's unofficial communication director. 'You sound like you're having an orgasm!' Stringham said he yelled at her over her car's speakerphone. She said he repeated her 'more, more, more' catchphrase with obscene grunting sounds. "He tells me if I want to '***** myself out,' that is my choice," Stringham said, recounting him threatening her. "'I will make sure you never get elected! I will ruin you! And I will make sure the party never works with you! Get your **** together!'" Stringham recalled him saying. "Then he hung up on me. The call lasted just over two minutes, but scared the hell out of me," she told the newspaper. 'I will ruin you': Salt Lake Republicans treat women so horribly even Utah's GOP governor is outraged - Alternet.org
  12. Insurrectionist insists she won't go to jail because she has 'blonde hair, white skin' Sadly, she might have been right. It doesn't matter how many police officers were injured or killed, how many were attacked with bear spray, fire extinguishers and flag staffs, or how many eyes were gouged, or how much feces were spread on the walls: the rioters were white and privileged. But the cardinal sin in our justice system that she broke is that you don't say the quiet part out loud. Realtor and part-time insurrectionist Jenna Ryan stormed the Capitol building on Jan. 6, took a selfie by the smashed window where the insurrectionists entered, and for some reason thinks its a good idea to keep the incendiary rhetoric going on her social media. Most people aren't very supportive of her on Twitter. One guy told her she was going to jail. This is how Ryan responded: @tysonstuart Definitely not going to jail. Sorry I have blonde hair white skin a great job a great future and I'm n… https://t.co/6Zk3Qb57dM — Jenna Ryan (@Jenna Ryan)1616766192.0
  13. And here I always thought it was the Cuban mafia operating out of a grassy knoll.
  14. Agreed- for the Harper government, it was an item of politico-religious dogma, not economics.
  15. The CWB was so effective that it was on the American NAFTA hit list in every negotiation. It was also grieved under GATT although never successfully.
  16. Fascism has been a factor in American politics for a very long time and it is tied into their racism. It was no accident that Nazis held huge rallies in the US in the 30's, and even had very active "Hitler Youth" organizations. Trump's father was a supporter of the Nazi party, so was Charles Lindbergh, Henry Ford and so forth. The support resulted in an attempted coup against Roosevelt but was only derailed when the general in charge of the US Marine Corps had an attack of conscience and reported it. Many of America's wealthiest families were involved. I am not sure of the accuracy of this but at one time I read that over a third of all white Americans had German ancestry.
  17. And we will be FKT.
  18. Romney could best be described as a man of limited courage .
  19. For me, it's: 1. Sean Connery 2. Daniel Craig 3. Timothy Dalton 4. Everyone else.
  20. Noooooo...ever hear of George Lazenby? And Roger Moore wasn't much better. Brosnan was a woman's fantasy boytoy.
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