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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Apparently a total of 2.7 million was paid out just before the riot from Trump's re-election committee to the various groups who fomented the violence.
  2. The impeachment notice will be delivered to the Senate Monday morning.
  3. You would do well to be skeptical. I have been following these developments for quite a while and so far he appears credible. Time will tell. BTW: Fleishman and Pons were never proven or alleged to be scammers. Their academic records are and continued to be spotless. The knock was that no one except some Russians were able to replicate the results on a consistent basis. Remember that as recently as 19 years ago, no one was convinced that electric vehicles were practical.
  4. What would be the point? The replacement senator would be at least as insane as the last.
  5. FYI: For the past 7 years I have been following the work of Prof. Andrea Rossi in Italy. He is a physics professor who has been following up on the work of Pons and Fleishman who claimed to have created "cold fusion"- the holy grail of energy research. There was a great flurry of publicity at first but subsequent researchers claimed to have been unable to replicate the results, so it died out. There was speculation that the surge of energy (heat) was due to a chemical rather than nuclear reaction and the metals used were very expensive, so the whole concept was largely abandoned. Rossi persisted, though and claimed to have both replicated the initial results and was eventually able to do it without rare, expensive metals- nickel, in fact. His work challenged the most basic tenet of physics that energy cannot be created, and that energy out of a process must always be less than energy put in. This has always been the challenge for creating a fusion reactor- the energy required to run it has always been less than the energy output. Rossi's work was pure heresy. His experimental "cold fusion reactors" initially produced wildly inconsistent results but yielded as much as 35-1 energy output vs input but only in bursts. He eventually found a way to make the processes self-sustaining, needing no external power once started. There has been no radioactive waste or output. About two years ago, he began to move towards production, with further refinements along the way and was able to scale up his reactors. His sustainable output has gone up as well. All this sounds too good to be true, and these things almost always are, but Rossi has not made extravagant claims nor has he been asking for investments. His progress has been what one would expect from a cautious researcher- slow and steady with independent validation. His concept is that every home would have a reactor the size of a refrigerator which would supply all the heat and electricity for the home, independent of any central station. I am cautiously optimistic that there may be a way to supply energy needs without pollution, nuclear waste transmission lines (which have problems) or massive investment and risk. My biggest concern is that once everyone has unlimited heat and electricity, will people stop insulating their homes and workplaces, pouring cumulative, massive amounts of heat into the atmosphere, worsening the existing problems we already have? E-Cat World (e-catworld.com)
  6. No matter who is appointed to the governor-general position, there will be detractors. Such is the nature of politics. In retrospect, Payette was a poor choice and her interpersonal relationships ought to have been examined before she was named.
  7. We still have people in power who do not believe in climate change, so......
  8. No doubt that Cruz will be elevated to folk-hero status in Texas for his keen insight and principled stands.
  9. Every country seems to have a minority who feels aggrieved and wants to run away (figuratively) and be their own country. Human nature, I guess that the grass is always greener elsewhere.
  10. Amazing that there are so many on that website defending Trump.
  11. I watched some of Fauci's interview on CNN- it was all he could do to not come right out and denounce Trump as a fourletterwording moron.
  12. Abrams has all the qualifications needed to be a great president or vice president, but I do not think that America is ready for a Harris/Abrams double black woman slate. It was a small miracle that Obama made it to the oval office.
  13. Harris/Butiegieg in 2024
  14. Amen to that.
  15. A bit off topic, but apparently there is at least one rational person in Saskatchewan:
  16. There is no "fine line". There was an absolute disregard for the laws that govern and a deliberate attempt to undermine the democracy, not to mention the blatant corruption. Sedition and probable treason cannot be ignored. Fox News actually gets upset over Biden's denouncing white supremacy – because it might offend Trump voters After the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday, Fox News critiqued the 46th president's speech, taking issue with Biden's strong denouncement of nativism, racism, and white supremacy – which, they suggested, might offend Trump voters. Denouncing nativism, racism, and white supremacy was apparently upsetting to Fox News host Martha MacCallum and Fox News contributor Dan Henninger, who is also the deputy editorial page director of The Wall Street Journal. Trump supporters "might be asking, 'Why is he bringing up nativism and fear and telling lies for power and profit in the middle of an inaugural speech?'" Henninger asked, as Media Matters reports. Is President Biden "talking about Donald J. Trump or is he talking about the people who voted for Trump?" he also asked. "I think a lot of them," he said, referring to Trump voters, "would be entitled to sit out there and say, 'I'm not that person.'" Many Americans would say that voting for a racist, white nationalist, and white supremacist, twice, makes you "that person." "And if he is trying to reconcile with the country, it's one thing for him to be giving his inaugural speech about his grievances with Donald J. Trump, but a lot of people out there who supported Trump and his policies did not agree with some of those ideas," he added. Fox News actually gets upset over Biden's denouncing white supremacy – because it might offend Trump voters - Alternet.org
  18. The above posts illustrate why there has to be a surgical excising of all the rotted tissue that are the remnants of the Trump Reign of Error. In behavioural shinkology, the surest way to ensure that behaviour will resurface is to let it pass without intervention and vigorous correction. If the Democrats refuse to do this, they will as complicit be as the GOP in the certain destruction of American democracy. One more regime as corrupt as the Trump, and Americans will sour on democracy and welcome a "strong man" who will promise to correct all the excesses but will preside over the last days of the democracy.
  19. Trump's looming legal nightmares ought to provide lots of grist for the mill for months, if not years to come, if that can be considered US politics. And then there are all of his toadies.....
  20. The PC's in Alberta would have a hard time philosophically with federal money coming into "their" province. If Alberta can get past that, any credit they will give to federal Liberals will be very short-lived- about 20 minutes, I figure.
  21. Republican says 'classified briefings' revealed that the Capitol riot was 'much worse than people realized' Rep. John Katko (R-N.Y.), the first Republican lawmaker to publicly support efforts to impeach former President Donald Trump, is speaking out about the deadly Capitol riots that erupted on Jan. 6 as lawmakers worked to complete the Electoral College certification. Although the American public watched in shock and dismay as the disturbing series of events unfolded, Katko insists the riots were far worse than reported on television. During an interview with Syracuse.com, Katko shared details about the day of the deadly U.S. Capitol riots. While he could not offer specific details about the classified briefings he has received, he did reveal that the incident was far worse than reported. "I've had a lot of classified briefings on it, and it's deeply troubling," Katko told Syracuse.com. "I was left with a profound sense that it was much worse than people realized." He went on to stress the importance of taking a full objective look at the situation, how the series of events unfolded, and who else should be held accountable. Republican says 'classified briefings' revealed that the Capitol riot was 'much worse than people realized' - Alternet.org
  22. Trudeau is under the impression that if he tosses token spending at Alberta, they will stop whining and snarling at him and maybe even vote Liberal. Fat chance.
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