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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Trump lawyer suddenly repudiates the president — says he was used to 'perpetrate a crime' In Philadelphia, one of the cities where President Donald Trump's legal team has been making baseless and debunked claims of widespread voter fraud, Trump campaign attorney Jerome Marcus has asked to withdraw from one of the campaign's Pennsylvania-related election lawsuits. Marcus made that request following the violence that occurred on Wednesday in Washington, D.C., where a violent mob of far-right Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol Building hoping to prevent the counting of President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College win. Although a joint session of Congress was delayed and members of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives feared for their safety, it resumed on Wednesday evening — and the Electoral College results were affirmed by Congress. Biden's inauguration is set for January 20. On Thursday in Philadelphia, Marcus told U.S. District Judge Paul Diamond his client "used the lawyer's services to perpetrate a crime and the client insists on taking action that the lawyer considers repugnant and with which the lawyer has a fundamental disagreement." Larson quotes Marcus as saying, "I believe that the filing of that and other cases was used by President Trump yesterday to incite people to violence. I refer specifically to his urging people to come to Washington for a 'wild' protest." Trump lawyer suddenly repudiates the president — says he was used to 'perpetrate a crime' - Alternet.org
  2. Pence has presidential delusions and besides that, he appears to be almost totally spineless. Trump really savaged him and Pence was finally driven to anger when Trump pretty much ordered him to commit an illegal act by not announcing Biden's election. Pence will either waffle endlessly or slow-walk the Amendment 25 process so that the time will run out, so as to not alienate the Trump voter base.
  3. They will have a lot of company.
  4. Trump to Flee D.C. After Inciting Riot on U.S. Capitol REUTERS Less than 48 hours after he incited a riot on the U.S. Capitol, President Donald Trump plans to flee Washington, D.C. for the weekend, Business Insider first reported on Thursday. A White House official confirmed that the president would travel to the Camp David retreat in Maryland, not his preferred Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, on Friday. The decision to leave the White House comes after a growing exodus of top staff from the administration and calls for impeachment and invoking of the 25th Amendment from both Democrats and some Republicans in Congress.
  5. Pence is as big a coward as Trump, but has a better developed sense of self-preservation.
  6. 'It's time to get violent': Far-right extremists are promising more violence after the U.S. Capitol invasion When both branches of Congress met during a joint session on Wednesday to certify President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College victory, many journalists, law enforcement officials and national security experts feared that violence would occur in the streets of Washington, D.C. But it came as a major shock when a violent mob of pro-Trump extremists stormed the U.S. Capitol, a disturbing series of events recounted by reporters Andrew Egger and Audrey Fahlberg in an article published by The Dispatch the following day. "The people most determined to start a riot at the Capitol were the ones who were there first," Egger and Fahlberg explain. "As Trump's speech dragged on, first a trickle, then a stream of rally-goers peeled off and started to march down the Mall. But by the time the first of them arrived, the mayhem was already underway. Protesters who had forgone the speech had pushed through a series of police barriers onto the lawn and had even scaled a tall scaffold near the steps of the Capitol itself." The journalists go on to note that the "tension" in Washington, D.C. on January 6 "ratcheted higher still once news trickled out that Vice President Mike Pence, in defiance of Trump's repeated requests and threats, had announced he did not have the power to unilaterally throw out electoral votes." One angry Trump supporter, in response said, "Pence sold us out" — and two young women began chanting, "Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!" Egger and Fahlberg note some of the things that extremists had to say about the storming of the Capitol Building. Ron Russell, a Trump supporter from Ohio, told The Dispatch, "I see justice being done. This is our house, our house. We're taking it back. May not be today, but we will take this house back, guaranteed." Robert Unterzuber, a friend of Russell, predicted that future attacks on the Capitol Building will be even more violent — telling The Dispatch, "We're coming to the Capitol, and we're going to tear her down if necessary and drag them people out of there." 'It's time to get violent': Far-right extremists are promising more violence after the U.S. Capitol invasion - Alternet.org
  7. Many of the Secret Service overtly support Trump despite their conditions of employment demand that they be apolitical. Bill Barr, the disgrace of an Attorney General, has now turned on Trump.
  8. Not sure how many caught this, but December 10th in an Edmonton Mall parking lot, a 41 year old nutjob attacked two Muslim women sitting in their car, severely beating them. We have at least our share of racists and fascists.
  9. No question that the police did not handle this well at all, to the point of fraternizing with the rioters (terrorists, really), and heads ought to roll because of it. None of this exonerates or mollifies Trump's role. He began to create this years ago, inflamed it over the past weeks and it all came to a head with his and Giuliani's speeches yesterday. In any other democracy, this sham would have ended long ago and the leader who dared to do this would have been unceremoniously removed.
  10. As the evidence of Trump's incompetence, indifference and complicity rises, it will be harder and harder for the GOP and Democrats to resist removing him from office and prosecute him. I do not think they have the cojones to do it.
  11. I believe it was. She had been deliberately deluded by those who used her to provide for their own power and profit. She was an expendable pawn to them- nothing more. She died for an illusion.
  12. Former FBI assistant director fears the US is entering a period of 'permanent insurrection' Some of the most sobering commentary on the January 6 invasion of the Capitol Building has come from former FBI Assistant Director Frank Figliuzzi, now a national security analyst for MSNBC. During an MSNBC appearance following the attack, Figliuzzi expressed fears that the violence that rocked Washington, D.C. on January 6 is a preview of things to come. Figliuzzi warned that "extremists" in the U.S. have been "radicalized" and that the storming of the Capitol Building was a result of that radicalization. The former FBI assistant director told MSNBC's Brian Williams, "Look, this wasn't a surprise for anyone. If you were monitoring social media traffic of known extremist groups, violent groups and individuals, you knew this was coming. So, this was not so much an intelligence failure as a security failure. I don't know any professional member of law enforcement who would consider today successful…. This was a failure of police work today." Former FBI assistant director fears the US is entering a period of 'permanent insurrection' - Alternet.org
  13. The news came from CNN, and it was apparently wrong. Nevertheless, it was a stupid, needless death.
  14. There will be a few show trials of the pawns and a lot of pontificating and hand-wringing but nothing will change. The Sandy Hook massacre has shown us that. The vermin will retreat underground, their sympathetic politicians will repeat coded messages of support and the business of politics will return to what was before.
  15. A Greek philosopher said " A nation destroyed from without can rise again. A nation destroyed from within can not."
  16. If section 25 is not invoked now, Trump's natural and predictable next step will be to invoke martial law and suspend Congress and the Senate, thereby making himself tyrant without any definable limit as to term or power. Pence had his parachute packed a long time ago- he and his family are flying out to Europe tomorrow and he has delusions about running for president in 2024.
  17. Just saw this as well. As welcome and appropriate as this would be, I suspect that it is GOP members hearing the drums and deciding to save their own asses.
  18. Rudy Giuliani called for “trial by combat” and then chaos descended on Capitol Hill. The president's lawyer wants to have a “trial by combat” to determine if baseless fraud claims are true Just before a mob of MAGA supporters swamped the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Donald Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani proposed a "trial by combat" over his baseless allegations of election rigging during a bizarre speech at a rally to protest the certification of Joe Biden's Electoral College win. Giuliani spoke ahead of Trump's speech at the so-called "Save America Rally" in Washington DC, repeating the same false claims that have been rejected by dozens of courts and Trump-appointed judges, Republican election officials, and Trump's own Justice Department. The rally came ahead of a joint session of Congress to formally certify the Electoral College results where a group of Republicans planned a futile challenge to an election President-elect Joe Biden won by a 306-232 electoral margin. At one point during his speech, the former New York City mayor said he would stake his reputation on a bizarre conspiracy theory that Dominion Voting machines, which are used in numerous states, flipped votes from Trump to Biden even though the claim has been repeatedly discredited. "So over the next ten days, we get to see the machines that are crooked, the ballots that are fraudulent. And if we are wrong we will be made fools of. But if we are right, a lot of them will go to jail," Giuliani declared. "So let's have trial by combat! I'm willing to stake my reputation, the president is willing to stake his reputation on the fact that we're going to find criminality there." Rudy Giuliani called for “trial by combat” and then chaos descended on Capitol Hill | Salon.com
  19. Those just were the ones who admitted it.
  20. She was a worker at a hospital and 26 years old. Probably got caught up in something she knew little about and thought it would be "fun". Didn't deserve to die for being naive/stupid. That the guy beside her was able to bring in an AR-15 without being challenged makes me wonder how many others brought firearms to the party. 'The president is out of his mind': CNN says a GOP source thinks Trump has totally lost it -Jim Acosta // CNN CNN reporter Jim Acosta said on Wednesday evening that an ally of President Donald Trump believes he is "out of his mind." The comment came after a historic and disturbing day in Washington, D.C., where a crowd of supporters riled up by the president and his false claims that the 2020 election was rigged stormed the U.S. Capitol. The assault, which left one person dead, according to officials, forced lawmakers to stop the counting of the Electoral College votes, the final step in the process of affirming Joe Biden's victory. Trump later seemed to celebrate the attack, telling supporters on Twitter to "Stay peaceful" but glorifying the siege by saying, "Remember this day forever!" He did not condemn the violence, and even many Republicans accused him of inciting it. "I talked to a GOP source close to the president who speaks to him regularly," Acosta said on CNN. "And I take no pleasure in reporting this, but this source tells me he believes the president is out of his mind. The quote used by this source is 'He is out of his mind.' And the source said the president is so traumatized by his loss in the election, it is all he can talk about, it is all he can think about. It's all-consuming for him. In this source's opinion, he's out of his mind."
  21. 597 points · 133 comments
  22. Gonna have a week of this, thanks to the brain-dead who have valued their socializing more than the lives of their fellow citizens.
  23. Makes no difference. Her death is on the heads of Trump, his supporting politicians and rabid followers.
  24. Disagree. Trump and his supporters were setting the stage for all this way back in 2016 when Trump said outright that he would not accept a loss in that election. All of the Proud Boys/Oathkeepers/Qanon/Wolverines etc etc have been letting it be known for months that they would resort to violence if things did not go their way. Shocking video catches Capitol Police member taking selfies with insurrectionists President Donald Trump's supporters seized the U.S. Capitol, stealing shields and batons and began breaking the windows and began shooting into the House chamber while scared U.S. Representatives and Senators hid under their chairs, some with gas masks on. Meanwhile, at least one Capitol Police officer was taking selfies with those breaking into the building. The man was wearing a hat and mask, but his green vest clearly said "Police," and on his sleeve, he had the insignia of the Capitol Police. The moment was captured while someone was live-streaming the attack on the U.S. Capitol from Trump's rioters. Shocking video catches Capitol Police member taking selfies with insurrectionists - Alternet.org
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