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Trump’s Bonkers Oval Office Meeting With Sidney Powell Was Even Too Much for Rudy -Getty Sidney Powell’s insane claims about the election being stolen have left judges across the country shaking and scratching their heads. But during a bonkers Oval Office meeting with her on Friday night, President Trump floated the idea of appointing her as a special counsel investigating voter fraud. Two sources familiar with the matter confirmed to The Daily Beast that Trump and Powell held the Friday meeting to discuss their baseless theories of mass election fraud. According to The New York Times, which first reported the meeting, some aides were left in shock at Trump’s suggestion of making Powell a special counsel. Even Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s loyal foot soldier in the election fraud crusade, was reportedly against the idea. Powell was reportedly accompanied in the Oval Office by her former client, Michael Flynn, the ex-national security adviser who recently suggested that Trump should invoke martial law to allow the military to “re-run” the election. During the meeting, Trump asked about Flynn’s suggestion, the Times reported. Powell has spouted numerous convoluted and bizarre conspiracy theories, claiming that the 2020 election was rigged by forces from Venezuela, China, and the company that makes voting machines, among others. Faced with repeated legal losses and no real evidence of massive voter fraud, Powell nonetheless accused other aides of being quitters during the meeting, according to the Times. Still even some of the president’s closest allies vocally opposed some of the insane ideas floated in the meeting. Along with Giuliani, White House counsel Pat Cipollone was against the special counsel idea. Flynn’s idea of invoking martial law was similarly shot down, as was an extraordinary idea for an executive order to seize voting machines, according to the Times, which described the meeting as “raucous.”
Christmas Rules Tightened In England As New Lockdown Introduced. U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announces stricter lockdown rules for England amid fears over new variant of coronavirus. By Ned Simons, HuffPost US Boris Johnson has announced strict coronavirus restrictions for England over Christmas, with London, the South-East and East also placed under a new tier 4. It comes amid fears a new variant of COVID-19 is spreading more rapidly across parts of the country. Speaking at a Downing Street press conference on Saturday, the prime minister said the variant could be “up to 70% more transmissible” than the original variant. Christmas Rules Tightened In England As New Lockdown Introduced | HuffPost Canada (huffingtonpost.ca)
Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani has been reduced to selling cigars and coins on YouTube Rudy Giuliani, the personal attorney of Donald Trump, has repeatedly and thoroughly discredited himself by pushing far-fetched lies about how President-elect Joe Biden allegedly stole the election. But just when you thought he couldn't get any lower, he's now on YouTube selling cigars and gold coins on his personal YouTube channel. As Giuliani's 473,000+ subscribers on YouTube channel already know, the former New York mayor releases a weekly show of conservative spin. The most recent installment claims that former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was colluding with Ukraine to benefit Biden, and the Democrats are all corrupt criminals and so on and so forth. But the true highlights(?) of his program are the commercials featuring him hawking commemorative coins and smokes. Here's a taste. https://twitter.com/therecount/status/1339614011302825984 "If you want a good cigar, go to a good cigar shop. If you want the best, go to Famous Smoke shop," he begins. "Let Famous Smoke deliver your favorite cigars right to your doorstep at America's lowest price.... From affordable everyday smokes to high-end luxury cigars for your next special occasion." His coin advertisement is a bit more groan-worthy: "I accomplished a lot in 2020, exposing the truth, establishing the relationship with you, working tirelessly for America. And I came to know the work and value of the people at American Hartford gold. You see, you buy gold, not only for what you know. But you buy gold for what you don't know," he says. "Give them a call and tell them, Ruby sent you. And be sure to ask them what I bought. And if you call them right now, they will give you up to $1,500 of free silver on your first order. Folks, these are uncertain times. The one thing you can count on, to protect what you have worked so hard for, is physical gold and silver." While it's hardly shocking for celebrities to appear in commercials for extra money, it's rare if not completely unprecedented that the president's own lawyer should push smokes and coins in their own self-published show of conspiracy theories. Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani has been reduced to selling cigars and coins on YouTube - Alternet.org
Hard to believe that there could be any greater corrupted embarrassment than the current president who is owned by the Russians. Apparently the hackers got way into the American nuclear arsenal listings.
Great news!!!! Gotta get the % and fatalities down, though- the mortalities will take another couple of weeks before they follow.
As an interesting sideline, CNN reported that if the US relied completely on herd immunity, it would mean about 11,500,000 deaths to create that. And I have little doubt that Trump would be OK with that.
There is credible evidence that the Russians encouraged the Brexidiots, much as they have meddled in the US elections and for the same reasons- to weaken Russian competitors. And they have succeeded beyond their hopes and dreams,
As horrible as it sounds (and it is) the GOP, led by McConnell is adamant that the financial relief package will not pass unless it includes a clause that protects employers from civil and criminal suits if they mandate employees to return to a COVID-ridden or non-protected workplace.
Not sure if it has been posted already, but apparently there are hundreds of thousands of doses of the vaccine in a warehouse in Washington that have been awaiting distribution orders since Tuesday. The Trump regime is doing...nothing about the American pandemic.
Another 900 doses are scheduled to arrive next week and are designated for caregivers.
Does this have anything to do with silicone allergy?
I believe that this is all about promoting Putin's agenda as voiced by Trump. The aim is to sow disbelief about the credibility of the American political system in general and the validity of elections specifically. If there is enough violence or threats of violence, it will give Trump and his budding fascists an excuse to declare martial law. Even when it comes to the distribution of COVID vaccine, if there is turmoil, regardless if it is created and inflamed by the GOP, that will further the GOP agenda to that end. From Putin's point of view, a dictatorship led by Trump will be much more compliant with the Kremlin's policies.
Four chilling signs Trump's attempted coup is escalating President Donald Trump continues to refuse to concede that he lost the 2020 election to President-elect Joe Biden. There were four major signs on Thursday evening that the Republican effort to overthrow the election is escalating. The first sign was when former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn suggested on NewsMax Trump could use "military capabilities" to overturn the election in swing states hold do-over elections. The second sign occurred a short time later on Fox News when White House advisor Peter Navarro said President-elect Biden would be an "illegal and illegitimate president." The third sign was when White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany argued on Fox News that Congress could use "alternate slates" of electors to steal the election. The fourth sign was Trump's Twitter account.: Trump complimented Senator-elect Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) for saying he would back Trump's efforts to overturn the election in Congress. Trump then falsely claimed he won Wisconsin and that the vote was rigged. And then Trump complained about the United States Supreme Court refusing to go along with his efforts to overturn the election.
Florida group under fire for possible use of dark money to 'split the Democratic vote' A Florida group is at the center of scrutiny for its alleged use of dark money to fund political expenses and campaigns for phantom candidates despite being categorized as a "social welfare organization." On Thursday, Dec. 17, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) submitted a written complaint to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) urging the department to launch an investigation into the group, Broken Promises. CREW Executive Director Noah Bookbinder outlined a number of potential violations the group is responsible for as he explained why the group appears to be a political organization masquerading as a social welfare non-profit. It was also reported that the group has spent a whopping 99.6% of its funding on politically-linked endeavors. Bookbinder also reiterated the legal requirements for tax-exempt organizations to receive tax breaks and benefits. "Broken Promises blatantly misled the IRS about its primary activities and exploited our federal tax laws to get the benefits nonprofits are entitled to while secretly acting as a political organization," said Bookbinder. "The law is clear that tax-exempt organizations that receive tax benefits and do not disclose donors cannot spend the majority of their money on politics, but that is exactly what Broken Promises did." The report also breaks down expenditures from the group's 2018 tax documents highlighting: "the dark money group spent a total of $161,010, though it failed to disclose that $160,470 of it went towards political activity. Most of the money was in-kind contributions of advertising or direct mail provided to the political committee Friends of Charles Goston, which supported an independent candidate whose state Senate race candidacy was directly backed by donations from Republican lobbyists." (Hmmm.... the right wing trying to use secret money to split the left wing vote...sounds familiar...)
Sounds like Putin is distancing himself from Trump and trying to build goodwill with the incoming administration so as to minimize blowback from all his dealings with Trump. Bombshell report: Jared Kushner's shell company diverted campaign cash to the Trump family. Jared Kushner helped set up a shell company that secretly paid President Donald Trump's family members and spent nearly half of his 2020 campaign's funds. The president's son-in-law and White House senior adviser directed his sister-in-law Lara Trump, Vice President Mike Pence's nephew John Pence and Trump campaign CFO Sean Dollman to sit on the shell company's board, a source familiar with the operation told Business Insider. The company, which was incorporated as American Made Media Consultants Corporation and American Made Media Consultants LLC, spent $617 million of the campaign's $1.26 billion war chest, according to campaign finance records. Trump's top advisers and campaign staff told Insider they were unaware of how the shell company operated, and campaign officials even conducted an internal audit of its operations under former campaign manager Brad Parscale but never reported those findings, and the next campaign manager Bill Stepien had little involvement with AMMC. "Nothing was done without Jared's approval," said a former advisor to Trump's 2016 campaign. "What Stepien doesn't know is because Jared doesn't want him to know." The nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center filed a civil complaint in July with the Federal Election Commission accusing the campaign of disguising" about $170 million in spending "by laundering the funds" through AMMC. "[It's a] scheme to evade telling voters even the basics on where its money is really going [and a] shield to disguise the ultimate recipients of its spending," said Brendan Fischer, the center's director of federal reform. The Department of Justice may open a criminal investigation if the government suspects the payments were a "knowing and willful" violation of election law. Bombshell report: Jared Kushner's shell company diverted campaign cash to the Trump family - Alternet.org
Damndamndamn. I had gotten my hopes up that we had turned a bit of a corner on this, but it looks like not.
A criminal prosecution will be different from congressional hearings and are a lot less partisan. Ignoring all the laws that have been broken is much more dangerous to the democracy in the US than allowing the legal proceedings go forward.
All the GOP has is empty threats and innuendo. It has worked well enough for Reagan and Bush junior as well as Trump, so what incentive do they have to change? Only if the DOJ actively pursues investigations and charges where appropriate will things change. If Biden wusses out, the Democrats will get what they deserve- yet another corrupt GOP reign. Only it will be worse, because they have seen that they can do whatever they want and suffer no consequences.
If only Trump could be sedated into a vegetative state, the country would be much much better for it.
Sweden made the mistake of assuming that this was just another influenza, contrary to WHO statements. Other European countries took the WHO advice at face value- Norway had only 10% of the fatalities per capita, for example, did much better. Economics should not be the determinant in assessing responses to a looming pandemic.
There is rarely a need for personal attacks- we all have family for that. But the concept of "herd immunity" was so transparently wrong that it needed to be challenged. As with Sweden, it leads to the preventable deaths of hundreds of thousands, and is still alive and kicking.
This California Representative Survived Jonestown and Says Trumpers Have Definitely Drunk the Kool Aid A few years ago, Jackie Speier resisted comparisons between Jim Jones and Donald Trump. But now, she sees them clearly. Jackie Speier was a legislative counsel working for a California congressman when she was left for dead on an airport runway in Guyana, South America, in 1978. She was investigating Jim Jones, a charismatic religious leader whose Peoples Temple had come under scrutiny from parents alarmed at his hold over their young adult children. Speier was shot five times by Jones loyalists and played dead in order to survive. Her boss, Rep. Leo Ryan, was killed, together with two members of an NBC crew following the story and countless others attempting to leave, including several defectors. That was only part of the massacre. Back at the commune Jones had established, 909 of his ardent followers followed him in a murder-suicide pact, downing a cyanide-infused flavored drink, an act of true believership that has since become known as “drinking the Kool-Aid.” Parents got some 300 children to consume the poison, behavior that four decades later can only be understood in the context of a cult. It took Speier multiple surgeries and years to recover. Today, at age 70, she is a seven-term member of Congress representing the Bay Area of California. She spoke with The Daily Beast about her reflections on the Jonestown cult and the parallels she sees in the blind loyalty that followers of President Trump exhibit on a daily basis. Tom Williams/Getty
Trump campaign attorney shares dangerous claim about SCOTUS Justice in bizarre Twitterstorm Lin Wood, a QAnon backing attorney for the Trump campaign, tweeted a firestorm of tall allegations attacking U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts for allegedly conspiring to have President Donald Trump voted out of office. On Thursday, Dec. 18, Wood took to Twitter with details about an alleged call that took place sometime in August. According to Wood, Roberts and Justice Stephen Breyer discussed ways to have Trump voted out, reports Law & Crime. "In discussing @realDonaldTrump in phone conversation in 8/19, Justice John Roberts stated that he would make sure 'the mother f#*ker would never be re-elected," the tweet said. "Roberts engaged in phone conversations with Justice Stephen Breyer discussing how to work to get Trump voted out." To make matters worse, Wood's allegations are no different than any of the Trump campaign's other post-election claims and conspiracy theories as he had no evidence or proof to back the tweet. However, he did attempt to do damage control by claiming that there is documentation "in the hands of several third parties" to support his claim even though he did not attempt to provide the information. "The documentation of my claims about Justices Roberts & Breyer has been placed in hands of several third parties," Wood claimed. "When one cannot attack message, all too often messenger is attacked," Wood said. "But TRUTH cannot be denied. It cannot be destroyed. I have made sure of that TRUTH." At one point during his rant, Wood even attempted to accuse Roberts of being involved in Jeffrey Epstein's entanglements although the chief justice has already addressed this allegation. Trump campaign attorney shares dangerous claim about SCOTUS Justice in bizarre Twitterstorm - Alternet.org