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  1. hen Miller blames 'the media' for Trump losing court cases — says 'alternate' electors will 'certify' himStep White House senior advisor Stephen Miller is blaming "the media" for President Donald Trump losing nearly 60 election cases in court, but says right now "alternate" electors are voting to "certify Donald Trump as the winner of the election." Miller, one of the most prominent white nationalists aside from the president working in the White House, appeared on Fox News Monday in his capacity as a "senior Trump campaign advisor," something experts say at best draws questions of "the appearance of impropriety." "The only date in the Constitution is January 20, so we have more than enough time to right the wrong of this fraudulent election and certify Donald Trump as the winner of the election," Miller said on "Fox & Friends." His claim that election was "fraudulent" is a lie. 86 judges across the country in 59 court cases – including at the U.S. Supreme Court – have refused to indulge the Trump team's lies. Miller continued to spread falsehoods, while Fox News hosts allowed him to do so unchallenged. "As we speak," he then said, "an alternate slate of electors in the contested states is going to vote and we are going to send those results to Congress."
  2. He jumped before he was going to be pushed, but only after kissing up to Trump one more time. Stockholm syndrome?
  3. Because they are trying to court the center-right wing voters who are largely imaginary. Appeasement does not work- as Neville Chamberlain. a
  4. Yes, but Trump did not say who would be doing the winning...... The wingnut members of the GOP (pretty much all of them) have set up "alternate electors" and say they will forward the results to the Senate for acceptance. Just keep getting weirder and weirder.
  5. The ‘Terrorgram’ Plot by Neo-Nazis to Seduce Anti-Vaxxers Safe and effective vaccines are finally here. So are white-nationalist fantasies of using diehard skeptics for their own even more twisted ends. As the United States crept towards authorizing the rollout of pharma giant Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine this weekend, millions of Americans cheered, ecstatic to see the nation take a key step towards the end of a brutal pandemic that has killed nearly 300,000 of their fellow citizens. The reaction from Corona Chan News (CCN) was decidedly more negative. CCN bombarded its readers on the messaging platform Telegram with links and commentary about the supposed dangers of taking a dose of the vaccine, which has in fact proven safe in major trials. Most of the links lead to articles from reputable sources analyzing, for instance, legitimate concerns about potential allergic reactions to the vaccine and discussing the details of a rollout. But the channel’s commentary spun these stories into evidence of nefarious plots to track, sterilize, or mutilate citizens. Within hours of a key FDA panel approving the vaccine’s U.S. debut on Thursday, the channel posted, “Here comes genocide." Anti-Vaxxer Panic About the Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine Meets Neo-Nazi Fantasies in ‘Corona Chan’ (thedailybeast.com)
  6. Black Hawk was a wise and brave chief and not a racist trope, so that name will probably remain.
  7. True. Tragic, but true. The US was born in armed conflict, grew in slavery and racism, and has kept these values as sub-context to all their affairs.
  8. Armed MAGA fanatics spread politics of violence around the country with shooting in Olympia, Washington The pattern has become clear: Wherever pro-Donald Trump "Stop the Steal" rallies are organized, the thugs who come out in large numbers to participate wreak violence on anyone who comes out to protest them. This weekend, even as Proud Boys and other Trump supporters were bringing violence to the streets of Washington, D.C., a similar but much smaller group of MAGA fanatics was doing the same thing across the country in the Washington state capital. And for the second week in a row in Olympia, a Trump supporter fired a gun at counterprotesters for a "Stop the Steal" event—this time, hitting and injuring a man who was wounded and hospitalized at the culmination of a running series of brawls. Police arrested the man, along with three other people at the event. Armed MAGA fanatics spread politics of violence around the country with shooting in Olympia, Washington - Alternet.org
  9. I'm afraid that the disease of racism/fascism is endemic in American society and deeply, deeply rooted. It has surfaced in the GOP only because it was invited but is also prevalent in the Democratic party as well. Just not as well tolerated, but there nevertheless.
  10. A bizarre demonstration of a diseased mind utterly divorced from reality.
  11. These individuals confuse "freedom" with "license".
  12. Michael Flynn, who pushed for Trump martial law, says Americans will 'not allow' Biden inauguration Disgraced former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn on Sunday insisted that Americans will "not allow" President-elect Joe Biden's "false inauguration" to go forward. Flynn, who has previously suggested that the current president should declare martial law, told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo that there is a "10 out of 10" chance that President Donald Trump will be the next commander-in-chief. "Why not look into this if in fact the evidence that we have is true?" Flynn opined. "We definitely believe that it is true. And there is clear, clear evidence." He added: "And so what we have to stop doing is saying [there is] nothing to see here, you know, we're going to continue to march down the road towards a false inauguration, which the country will not allow that right now." Flynn also argued that the Georgia Senate runoff elections are "a falsehood that people shouldn't even be considering right now." Texas AG explains his 'Plan B' to overturn election 'state by state' after Supreme Court rejection Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) on Sunday outlined President Donald Trump's path to victory after the Supreme Court dismissed a lawsuit that sought to overturn the 2020 election. During an interview on Fox Business, host Maria Bartiromo asked Paxton if he had a "Plan B" for contesting the election results. "Going forward, I think the Trump campaign is taking our arguments that we tried to get in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, they are now going to take those, I think, state by state," Paxton explained. "Because I think they are legitimately good constitutional arguments that don't depend on actually proving every little instance of fraud."
  13. For the first time in six months, I have hope for a 2021 CFL season. The vaccines are arriving and being produced worldwide by multiple sources, meaning quicker deliveries, greater volumes and even lower prices.
  14. Trump's House loyalists planning last-ditch attempt to reverse Biden's victory on the floor: report According to the NYTimes, if Trump gives the thumbs-up, a "messy and deeply divisive spectacle" will follow. According to a report from the New York Times, hardcore supporters of Donald Trump who serve in the House are willing to attempt to deny the transfer of power to President-elect Joe Biden if Donald Trump gives them a thumbs-up to proceed. With the president insisting on Saturday during a Fox News interview that "It's not over," and Biden would be an "illegitimate president," a few Republicans are making plans to use the rules of the House to contest the election results. "As the president continues to refuse to concede, a small group of his most loyal backers in Congress are plotting a final-stage challenge on the floor of the House of Representatives in early January to try to reverse Mr. Biden's victory," the Times reports. "Constitutional scholars and even members of the president's own party say the effort is all but certain to fail. But the looming battle on Jan. 6 is likely to culminate in a messy and deeply divisive spectacle that could thrust Vice President Mike Pence into the excruciating position of having to declare once and for all that Mr. Trump has indeed lost the election." According to the report, the effort is being led by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) who has amplified the president's accusations of voter fraud despite a complete lack of evidence. "We have a superior role under the Constitution than the Supreme Court does, than any federal court judge does, than any state court judge does," the conservative GOP lawmaker explained. "What we say, goes. That's the final verdict."
  15. Wave of GOP ‘kooks and crackpot’ candidates are following Trump’s lead and refusing to concede their elections According to a report from Politico, Donald Trump is not the only Republican candidate willing to admit they were crushed at the polls, with an assortment of what one GOP campaign consultant called a collection of "kooks and crackpots" insisting the election was stolen from them. As the report notes, it has been five weeks since the election, counting has concluded, the totals are in, and yet more than a few Republican candidates are clinging to conspiracy theories to explain their losses and are refusing to move on. Case in point: Republican Loren Culp who ran for governor in Washington state only to lose by 13 points. According to Politico's David Siders, "In the case of Republicans losing in impossibly Democratic districts or states, their post-election protests can come off as almost comical. In Washington, the Democratic home of Gov. Jay Inslee, Culp's campaign announced his lawsuit last week as if it was momentous breaking news: 'At 1:15 p.m. Pacific Standard Time,' an adviser said in a video, 'the Culp for Governor campaign has filed a lawsuit in King County Superior Court against the secretary of state asking for injunctive relief and demand for an audit of the paper ballots, vote counting machines and voting results' in several counties." That, the report notes, adds Culp to the long list of Republicans like Trump who are refusing to admit they lost.
  16. And this is why there will 300,000 dead from the virus by January. Stoopidity is as contagious as COVID.
  17. America hasn't had pride for the past four years.
  18. Under the Trump administration, the DOJ has been largely been emasculated and turned into the hit squad of Trump, so these inflammatory outbursts have been ignored or even encouraged. This sort of crap may be challenged under the new AG.
  19. ‘IT’S NOT OVER’: Turns on Trump’s SCOTUS Picks After Texas Ruling The ultra-conservative Fox News competitor went into meltdown mode, questioning whether Justices Barrett, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch “actually understand the gravity of the situation.” Amy Coney Barrett was supposed to save Donald Trump from electoral defeat. Instead, she just joined with the president’s two other Supreme Court picks to hand down what could be the final blow to his attempt to upend democracy. “First off, it’s not over,” a distressed Greg Kelly said at the top of his Newsmax broadcast Friday night. “The Supreme Court did turn down the Texas case,” he lamented. But before getting to the details, he made sure to give his viewers more false hope, saying, “We have the situation in Pennsylvania that has not been settled. We have Georgia that has not been settled, we have Michigan that has not been settled, independent of this lawsuit from Texas.” What seemed most shocking to the Trump-defending network was that Justices Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch sided with the liberals on the Supreme Court to reject what Kelly at one point started to call “our” lawsuit, before correcting himself. At another point, the anchor said, “This would seem to be a 7-to-2 decision against us.” Newsmax Turns on Trump’s SCOTUS Picks After Texas Ruling (thedailybeast.com)
  20. Right-wingers on Parler call for civil war after SCOTUS dumps Trump's election fraud case After the Supreme Court refused to hear Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's case seeking to toss hundreds of thousands of votes in four swing states, right-wingers on Parler, the far-right version of Twitter, are literally calling for Trump to use the military and conservative states to secede from the union, essentially setting the conditions for a bloody civil war. Here's a sampling of different messages on Parler: "Time for succession... If even the GOP majority Supreme Court won't hear the citizens' claims of corruption in the election process; then we need to create our own separate country from all of those that cheat us of our given rights!!" "I'm ******* raging!!!! Patriots do NOT allow those dirty thieving DemocRats to take this election from our one and only hero President Donald J. Trump!!! If he sold out Supreme Court won't stand up for DJT then we MUST boycott the runoff election to show those ***** ass so-called Republicans how much." "Trump will not let this stand. There is no way Biden will be inaugurated. The enemies of our nation cannot be allowed to take over its government. This is the reason we have a military." "Are we just going to sit back in our lazy boy recliners and whine about this or are we going to stand up and take action? It's time." "Trump needs to declare war. We are under attack" "#Texit Texas must exit" "INSURRECTION ACT time!!!!!" "TIME TO CALL IN THE KRACKIN (MARSHAL-LAW)" This election was nothing but fraud. Basement Biden got more votes then Obama?! Yeah, right. Dems want to play?! Let's play. New game, new rules. Except this time, the reds win." In related news, Vice found that even the most extreme right-wingers are starting to abandon Parler After the Supreme Court refused to hear Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's case seeking to toss hundreds of thousands of votes in four swing states, right-wingers on Parler, the far-right version of Twitter, are literally calling for Trump to use the military and conservative states to secede from the union, essentially setting the conditions for a bloody civil war. Here's a sampling of different messages on Parler: "Time for succession... If even the GOP majority Supreme Court won't hear the citizens' claims of corruption in the election process; then we need to create our own separate country from all of those that cheat us of our given rights!!" "I'm ******* raging!!!! Patriots do NOT allow those dirty thieving DemocRats to take this election from our one and only hero President Donald J. Trump!!! If he sold out Supreme Court won't stand up for DJT then we MUST boycott the runoff election to show those ***** ass so-called Republicans how much." "Trump will not let this stand. There is no way Biden will be inaugurated. The enemies of our nation cannot be allowed to take over its government. This is the reason we have a military." "Are we just going to sit back in our lazy boy recliners and whine about this or are we going to stand up and take action? It's time." "Trump needs to declare war. We are under attack" "#Texit Texas must exit" "INSURRECTION ACT time!!!!!" "TIME TO CALL IN THE KRACKIN (MARSHAL-LAW)" This election was nothing but fraud. Basement Biden got more votes then Obama?! Yeah, right. Dems want to play?! Let's play. New game, new rules. Except this time, the reds win." https://twitter.com/gtconway3d/status/1337557156246269952 https://twitter.com/MomJovi/status/1337582517180792833 In related news, Vice found that even the most extreme right-wingers are starting to abandon Parler
  21. Trump calls for the immediate firing of AG Bill Barr over Hunter Biden investigation U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr may be the next top-ranking White House official on President Donald Trump's cut list. On Saturday morning, Barr was one of the first people Trump attacked via Twitter. Trump began with a retweet of the Wall Street Journal's report suggesting Barr was aware of the Hunter Biden investigation back in April but remained mum about it. ADVEThe Wall Street Journal reported: Attorney General William Barr has known about a disparate set of investigations involving Hunter Biden's business and financial dealings since at least this spring, a person familiar with the matter said and worked to avoid their public disclosure during the heated election campaign.
  22. I am sure that as gratifying as it was to hear that Hitler was dead, it was of little comfort to the people who were his victims. The same applies to Trump. The only thing that would ameliorate the suffering of Trump's victims will be if he and his people are put behind bars for along time and his empire that he built on fraud and credit collapses.
  23. This case was so bizarre that two imaginary states were allowed to put their names onto the list of aggrieved plaintiffs. Weird or what?
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