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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. He may be a good linebacker prospect, but why do we want that guy who killed all those people in the movies?
  2. If Bruce was so compulsed with his gambling that he bet on his own team and even possibly shaved points, he is in very deep and his gambling has him by his pubes. Jones continues to give the CFL the finger.
  3. What galls me the most about that loss was that a retread, mediocre quarterback who spread failure everywhere he went did it to us. Had it been Adams, I would have been much more at peace. And I do not hate Fajardo- I hate that he was allowed to win.
  4. Sad, but true.
  5. My dating profile of yore would support that concept.
  6. One too many shots to the head when he was a d-lineman.
  7. Would a sane person with a functioning cerebral cortex want to work under a GM who is on thin ice before the season starts?
  8. I am currently suffering from denier's remorse. I was a big fan of Khari as a coach, but soured on him after Montreal and Ottawa. I keep getting this nagging thought that someone as smart and experienced as him just cannot be a flop. On top of that, he knows the city and has lotsa credibility here, so if Buck accepts the banzai head coach job the Riders (ugh), surely he would be worth bringing for a cuppa coffee and a chat as a possible replacement.
  9. Don't count on it. I've had all the symptoms you have, plus a few more thrown in for good measure, for over a month now. The symptoms tend to come and go and you're never quite sure when its over.
  10. Agreed on the threat-to-run but it doesn't take that much hesitation and indecision for a good quarterback to turn into a mediocre one.
  11. I believe I have seen more happy feet, critical INTs and indecision this past season than in previous ones, and that concerns me.
  12. Agreed. If Dru Brown is the best option for the future, he has to earn that. Too many coaches have lost games and jobs because of misplaced loyalty.
  13. To state the obvious, this is a results-based business, and it comes down to "what have you done for me lately"? The steadiness and ability to ad lib seems to have deserted Collaros of late. We have seen in Calgary the futility of keeping a QB past his good years- it is expensive, non-productive and blocks the development of other pivots. That day is coming for Collaros if it is not here already- it is just a question of time. Smart GMs know when to move a player before he becomes a liability.
  14. But we do know what Collaros has given us in two consecutive playoffs and Grey Cup games. I have no problem letting him come to training camp and earn the starting job with the understanding that he is under the gun.
  15. Houston has the physical tools but his tendency to play off his man cost the team dearly.
  16. If O'Shea is so rigid in his ideation so as to believe that he made all the correct decisions prior to and during the game, then his time here is done. If Walter and Miller are OK with O'Shea's choices, then the team and fans are scrooged.
  17. True to an extent, but BOLO has shown himself to be a pretty good receiver and we had Ambles who never saw the field. O'Shea could have done better and if Walters does not hold him accountable, we will be having the same conversation next November. O'Shea is a good coach but his Achilles Heel seems to be his reluctance to make roster changes when needed. If this is a core personality trait with him, then Walters has a tough call to make.
  18. We needed a dominant nose tackle ALA Oakman all year and that was very, very evident in the Grey Cup game. Further, if Walters cannot score a NI fullback who can block, run and catch the odd pass, it will be a big black mark against him.
  19. Life consists of isolated event and patterns, and patterns can be changed. This Grey Cup game was, in so many different ways, a repeat of last year, Collaros was the worst QB on the field, and the defence played well in the first half but rolled over to give up the big plays in the second half, Bomber halftime adjustments were either non-existent or inadequate, Demerio Houston is a puzzlement- obviously talented but every time the opposition needs a big play, they go after him. And the Bomber front 7 were beaten repeatedly. We mocked Fajardo and other Alouette players, but they got the job done, whereas the Bombers' key players did not-I'm looking at you, Collaros. As in 2022, the game was there to be won with even an average effort by our team, but there were too many tight collars yesterday. This is gonna reek for a long time to come, and all we are likely to get from the Bomber brain trust are cliches and platitudes.
  20. and there the game goes. The Als were the better team tonight and deserved the win.
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