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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Surely 7-11 can spend more than $18.00 to produce a commercial.
  2. Stamps definitely not the juggernaut of yore.
  3. Your bile would be better directed at the players and coaches who have not done their jobs consistently well for the past few games.
  4. Looking at the Riders, they have a good set of receivers and running back but every other piece of the team (apart from the coaches) is nothing more than average on a good day. The Bombers may not blow them out, but there is no reason to lose to a team with poorer talent. Confidence may be the biggest edge the Riders have.
  5. My preferred method of expiring is at the age of 95 at the hands of an enraged bridegroom.
  6. Gonna be a riveting game with a year's worth of bragging rights and a playoff position on the line. All the changes in the Bombers will either spur them to a heckuva game or self-destruct if they have some game setbacks and get behind. Despite whatever the Bomber players and coaches say, their confidence has to be shaky. They need to get out front and stay there. LaPolice needs to compensate for the Riders using the tactic of stacking the box and hardening the edge of the line of scrimmage.
  7. I take it that she was born and raised in Stepford?
  8. Its not hatred, its frustration, and if you have been keeping up, you would know.
  9. This absolutely looks to be a pivotal game for both teams, but Streveler turning the ball over is the least of the Bomber problems.
  10. Weird, I know. Whoda thunk that Dane would be this good?
  11. How can Edmonton penetrate the TiCat O-line so well and we couldn't?
  12. Kilgore looks almost like a quarterback tonight. Esks still look outclassed, though.
  13. If memory serves, Hall has had a serious health concern not that long ago. He has to have been feeling a lot of stress over the performances of his charges, and that is not good for his health.
  14. There have been a series of questionable decisions by the coaches.
  15. That is an unwarranted assumption on your part.
  16. To be fair to Harris, the O-line took that game off and Harris had very little room. The TiCats schemed for him and it worked.
  17. You are saying that Bighill is underperforming?
  18. As your chosen view fits yours.
  19. This sure as spit sounds like a poor coaching scheme. Benching under-performing players does not seem to be in the playbook.
  20. I suggest that the Bomber record over the past 6 games is the best measure of where the team is now, and that is not complimentary to them. Its not just the losses, its the way they lost games.
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