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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. There is a military axiom: Hope is not an actionable plan.
  2. Well, that explains everything. I feel much better now and will go have a nap. And a handful of Librium.
  3. That's a big if. I cannot imagine the blow to the team confidence should they lose to the Riders tomorrow.
  4. If you look at the past 6 games, the Bombers have regressed and the Riders have progressed. I think its obvious that the Riders have less talent, but their coaches have managed to figure out how to make Fajardo look like a legit quarterback. Its not all on the head coach, but ultimately if his subordinate coaches cannot adjust their game plans and if a poor player keeps getting starts (ie:Hecht) when even fans know that he is a problem, then it falls to the head coach. O'Shea can get a Mulligan for the first two or three years but the honeymoon is long over.
  5. As the Bombers have proven in games against Toronto and Montreal, having better and more talent does not mean you are going to win. The coaching also has to be factored in, and I think (and the record shows) that the Riders have been the better team overall than the Bombers. You are what your record says you are.
  6. I tried to keep an eye on LaBatte's play last game, and while I am no expert, he appeared to be holding his own, although not flooring anyone. If nothing else, he was an improvement over whoever he replaced. I am curious as to your reaction to the last Bomber game.
  7. Hmmm...the only Sam Williams (linebacker) was born in 1980 and retired several years ago. This guy must be a clone.
  8. If the only positive attribute is that he can imitate a human pinata well, and we trade for him, we are in trouble and Walters should be forced to submit a urine sample.
  9. If true, this is nothing less than insane. None of the Argo QBs have a good track record, Collaros could have his concussions reappear when he sneezes, Bethel-Thompson could not stick here the first time and Franklin has been a complete bust. What is there to like?
  10. Hell, I would help O'Shea pack, but Walters has done a very good job, especially considering that he was a rookie GM when he stepped into the job. That is not to say that he is irreplaceable, but its hard to fault Walters on the basis of the body of his work thus far.
  11. "Doing their jobs" is not good enough, particularly when other teams can rebuild on the fly and compete. That is damning with faint praise. Would you go repeatedly to a restaurant that consistently served mediocre food?
  12. As the RedBacks are demonstrating, any team that can do not better than these two is in trouble.
  13. It still comes down to the concept that the truth of our lives is not in what we say but what we do. And O'Shea has kept and defended his coordinators for years in the face of good evidence that they are not doing the job.
  14. He may have been attending a necktie party.
  15. But they were the head coaches, so your logic is flawed.
  16. If the criteria you use to assess a coaching staff is regular season wins, then why agitate to fire the assistant coaches, yet keep O'Shea? Why are there playoffs at all? If the point is not to win the Cup, what is the goal?
  17. If I follow your logic, the Als would have kept Sherman and the Argos should keep Chamblin and the Lions should keep their head coach as well.
  18. Let's see how many playoff games the Bombers win- the sum total to date under O'Shea is......one.
  19. That was one game, and hardly representative of a trend any more than a cold day means climate shift.
  20. And keeping this lot hasn't in six years, either. While O'Shea was head coach, During his time, several other clubs have resurrected their fortunes, most recently the Riders and the Alouettes- both with rookie coaches.
  21. And this is why I believe that O'Shea has used up all of his Mulligans. He just cannot see that there are any significant core problems.
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