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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. AS an example of the unevenness of the American justice system, the Steckler family marketed their opiods as non-addictive and even pressured their reps to recommend them to kids have made billions and none have been even charged with an offence. There is ample evidence to indicate that they continued to sell and promote their drugs even after they had absolute proof that they were highly addictive.
  2. I hope the Bombers do not try to win the whole game in the first quarter. They have to be steady through the entire game, grinding the TiCats into the ground. A mixture of running and passing would be the best bet to keep the TiCat defence off balance.
  3. Women can be so picky. Once when I was dating, a gal struck up a conversation via email and asked for my measurements as she didn't like short guys. I told her "6 '3" and she was impressed until I told her those were two separate measurements.
  4. Gotta get through tonight first. Don't think this game is going to be a gimme for our side.
  5. What Streveler brings is not just the run, but also just the threat to run. That causes the DBs and linebackers in particular to pause a second or two to assess the play and that can enough to allow a receiver to break open. If/when Streveler is allowed to fully use the pass as an option rather than run-first-pass-if-you-have-to appro If Strevelrach which caused the loss against Montreal when they adjusted to it the team ought to be almost unstoppable.,
  6. Disagree- that time was the first or maybe the second third of the season, not the home stretch. Bob Irving said as much in his last interview with O'Shea.
  7. Are you aware that Manitoba Lotteries are renaming the casino on McPhillips in her honour?
  8. We are in a sink or swim with Streveler, for better or worse and from the available evidence, he is no worse than Nichols. It could be a helluva lot worse, like the Esks, but I hope that McGuire will be given a few reps over the next few weeks.
  9. Or next. The troubling thing is that the impact Nichols took when he went down didn't seem to be all that heavy, leading me to wonder if he is just brittle.
  10. Strongly disagree. The turnovers happened due to really, really bad hires by the board and GMs and the lack of good players coming into the team. The frustration of the fans were and are a reflection of that incompetence. O'Shea may or may not be the coach to finally lead the team to the Grey Cup final, but the polarized thinking of many in this forum, that it's either O'Shea or a return to the Dark Ages does not help. If it comes down to Walters firing O'Shea, the same intelligence and diligence that Walters has shown in building the team would also guide him in finding a good replacement for O'Shea.
  11. Its gotten so a girl doesn't know what to believe any more.
  12. Even if Roh is not nicked, we need to get Jeffcoat warmed up, and the same for Speller. Now, if only we could swap someone better in for Hecht.
  13. As a side note: 3downnation has demoted the Bombers to 4th place in the power rankings, just ahead of the Riders. Now its up to the Big Blue to prove they belong at the top of the rankings tomorrow night.
  14. No matter if the coordinators are at fault- the person who hired and has kept them is equally responsible.
  15. Well, he was black, you know. White dealers get rehab, black ones get jail.
  16. You words are herein recorded and will be used against you should the need arise.
  17. The worst thing the Bombers could do is play tentatively. If they cannot play with the same fervour that they had for the first half of the last game, they are going to struggle. The Tabbies are not a dominant team, but a good one.
  18. Well......that's.......something.....I guess....
  19. Disagree. Hecht has been better on shallow plays than deep ones but he's still no great shakes at either. He still hasn't learnt the concept of using his arms to tackle.
  20. Not sure how that would induce humility- he might like that sort of thing.
  21. If he was African-American, would that make him the Dark Knight and get sued by DC Comics?
  22. Not if you had been watching the way the Bomber defence started playing near the end of the third quarter.
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