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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. I desperately hope that Meffy takes the field when Rod Black is calling the game.
  2. Agreed. Apparently there was not evidence for the on-field refs to eject Adams but there was enough later to suspend him??????
  3. And is only marginally better as a blitzer.
  4. Yes- like Kongbo did. A couple three of those ought to smarten Adams up.
  5. It was rightly a great day. You, your lady and family have won more than the Grey Cup Stanley Cup and Superbowl combined.
  6. A good recap of the game on 3downnation: https://3downnation.com/2019/09/21/bombers-collapse-out-east-again-10-other-thoughts/
  7. As Mark Twain said, "There are lies, there are damned lies, and then there are statistics." They have also been referred to as mathematical self-pleasuring.
  8. Given that we are unanimous in our reactions to and condemnation of the debacle that was last Saturday, is it safe to assume that both Walters and Miller as well as the majority of fans feel the same way and are at the end of their patience with this coaching regime?
  9. Agreed, but I allowed myself the freedom to vent. We are two thirds of the way through the season, and still making the same dumb mistakes.
  10. We're standing on the outside looking in, but the players are living this crap playcalling and feeling the sting of games they ought to have won. How long before they give up and start losing on-field discipline? Doug Brown talked about the time (in the Jim Daly era, I think) when the defensive coaching was so inept that the defense would huddle on the field after each play and decide among themselves on what to do. Are we there yet?
  11. Disagree. The proof is that we lost the damned game in the same way we lost in the LDC and against the Argos. O'Shea should have been smart enough to see that the defensive backs had suddenly developed terminal stupidity and the offensive game plan was moribund. He should have called a time out or at least mandated a change in game plan.
  12. Booch can answer better than I, but I suspect that all you need do is stack the box and get a linebacker to spy on Streveler all the time. The obvious answer to that is to lob the ball into the medium 10 yard area to a tall receiver who can both catch and run (hello Drew Wolitarsky- anyone remember him 'cause the offensive game plan didn't).
  13. Is O'Shea taking the bullet for LaPolice here? Whoever made the decision was stupid or drunk, as the running game had completely dried up by then. Did O'Shea also direct LaPolice to do this against the Riders and Argos?
  14. Great to hear that she is feeling feisty enough for that. A very good sign.
  15. I would settle for being in the Cup game and even if we lose a close game. In a one-game winner-take-all, anything can happen, but getting there is non-negotiable for me.
  16. When it counted, the Als changed up their offensive and defensive games plans, and the Bombers..............
  17. Streveler was good, but it came down to the Als stopping the running plays and the passing game was so poor that it wasn't a threat, so the offence died out. And then the "defensive backs" in general and Hecht in particular started into their Keystone Kops coverage routine. To make it short: the Bombers got out-coached again. Yes, it was Hall and LaPolice but this steaming pile lies at the feet of O'Shea.
  18. Consider yourself fortunate to not have watched that travesty of a collapse.
  19. Its not the freaking loss! Its the same goddam collapse that we've seen far too often.
  20. You would have been disappointed. Nothing but softball questions and cliched answers. No insight into the collapse or what the plans might be to correct yet another embarrassing implosion. The players change and yet the results are the same, so maybe its not the players who are at fault.
  21. If they allow fans to bring rotten eggs, tomatoes and dead cats, I'm in.
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