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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Is anyone else still conscious?
  2. Well, there goes the goddam game, Maybe not. UGH
  3. Dare we hope?
  4. Bomber D showing signs of life.
  5. Well, as crappy as the first half was, here's more of the same. And another screwup - this time by Castillo.
  6. Agreed, but the defence and special teams have to step up.
  7. Unless the Bombers get to Dukes a lot in the second half, the Bombers will lose and lose badly. And I cannot see how that can happen.
  8. But Dukes played in the powerful Arena Football League.
  9. Free first down to the Argos.
  10. Someone needs to point to the Bomber defence that if you hammer the opposition, good things happen.
  11. Butterfly nets ready.
  12. Teams have decided that if they neutralize Schoen, Bombers lose half their offence.
  13. The evidence is mounting
  14. Does anyone on defence?
  15. He should be,
  16. Bomber butts saved- for the moment.
  17. The whole responsibility for winning cannot be just on the offence. If it does, we are scrooged.
  18. Looked perfect to me.
  19. We can't get into a track meet with the Argos.
  20. Starting wonder if Richie Hall has passed his expiry date.
  21. This could real ugly real fast
  22. Holy CRAP X2!!!
  23. Holy CRAP!
  24. Kick coverage is a good as always (sigh).
  25. Did someone call for a two and out?
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