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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. If Milli Vanilli can do it.....
  2. You were expecting?
  3. TiCats look prepared for Brady.
  4. Bombers a bit loose on that TiCat drive. Time to tighten up.
  5. Bombers cannot start thinking that way- coasting into the playoffs is a recipe for disaster.
  6. Game post-mortem: Fajardo was not that bad in the game. He got pounded and yet came back to nearly win the game. If Montreal gets decent, consistent quarterbacking, and Stanback returns to form, they will be competitive. Toronto is interesting to watch. Kelly was not as good as Fajardo but the Argo defence played just well enough to scrape out a win. The interesting part is that when Kelly is on the bench or standing on the sidelines, few of his teammates talk to him or high-five him- just the coaches, Argos look to have regressed the past two games and better get their poop together. The rest of the eastern teams are sooo much worse that the Argos are pretty much guaranteed a playoff spot but one bad playoff game will sink them.
  7. Game post-mortem: Dolegala is the best QB the Riders have had in years. Under different/better coaching and with a decent O-line, he could be quite good. The Riders played like they already were out of the playoffs and didn't care. It's all downhill from here for the Riders from now on. Tre Ford transforms the Elks from a pathetic team into a legitimate playoff contender. Should the Elks meet the Bombers in the playoffs, he will give the Blue all they can handle. The Ungulates' defensive backfield is bad but their front four is pretty good and would be a challenge for the Bomber hogs.
  8. Gotta admit that Dolegala is managing the game well with some nice intermediate passes.
  9. Huh. Who'da thunk the Als would ****** defeat out of jaws of victory. (s.n.a.t.c.h.)
  10. Ford reminds me so much of a young Damon Allen,
  11. Not so much. Stoopid penalty by Argo O-lineman to kill any comeback.
  12. Als playing off the Argo receivers now.
  13. Hasn't looked like it so far.
  14. They are playing like they thought a half-game was enough.
  15. Kinda looks like the Argos are gonna lose.
  16. What the Hell is Kelly's excuse?
  17. Damned if the Argos aren't going to give this game away. Hope the Bombers are watching.
  18. Immediate ejection would be the best answer.
  19. Mocking Maas for his decisions is fair game. Mocking him for his physical appearance is crossing a line.
  20. As bad as Fajardo is, Kelly is not looking that much better. Still anybody's game.
  21. Okay, now its getting scary. bombers are on a roll. and the Ticats are hobbled and an overall crappy team. I'm getting a baaad feeling about this....
  22. Will never replace the reverse cowgirl.
  23. Why is he still in the league? He is not particularly good or young and seems to be a disaster waiting to happen.
  24. Don't forget to use your sarcasm font when appropriate.
  25. Over at Riderfans, cold, stark reality has set in for those with a functioning cerebral cortex. They are in the third (depressive) stage of grieving and sliding towards accepting that their team sucks, has sucked for a long time and will continue to suck for a long time.
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