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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. You may be confusing "worrying" with feeling nauseous and depressed. Easy to do.
  2. "If you can't trust the head coach on the quarterback situation, who can you trust?"- Mike Kelly (paraphrased).
  3. Time flies when you're having fun. Or, as Kermit would say, time's fun when you're having flies.
  4. Sad, but likely true.
  5. As per 3downnation, a certain Regina sports writer is "reporting" that CFL teams are inquiring into the Riders' spare quarterbacks. In related news, a strong aroma of bovine excrement was noted in southern Saskatchewan today.
  6. True, but from Ross's performance against the Esks, he will have to show very well to hold off Bennett for third spot. Presumably, the Bombers saw enough in Bennett to bring him in once again, so the pressure has to be on Ross.
  7. From the look of things, Mahoney is a dead man walking, Streveler is tentatively set as #2 pivot, and Ross and Bennett will fight it out for the #3 QB spot. The BC preseason game will tell the story of which of these two gets the road map and apple.
  8. Not for long, I'm sure.
  9. Irony: the opposite of wrinkly.
  10. No. He's much taller, for one thing, although not as good-looking.
  11. Manziel has a hot blonde ex-girlfriend?
  12. Sounds like the Bomber O-line has some gelling to do.
  13. You do not have to look in the ranks of athletes for people who are damaged (in childhood mostly) and are the walking wounded among us. One statistic that I saw was that unresolved emotional trauma is responsible for 80-90% of illnesses in pretty much every population group. I have seen many such in my practice.
  14. I would love to see Augustine catch on with the Bombers. He has all the right tools, but sometimes even that isn't enough. You have to be in the right place at the right time and have a horseshoe up your butt.
  15. Some time back, our head coach was asking about the poor performance and early release of a "star" prospect. The coach replied that he thought the player only came to camp to get away from his mother for a few days. Maybe the same here.
  16. For that answer, all you need do is check the bars there either during or immediately after the game.
  17. Agreed. The best thing to look for (if we could watch on TV) would be matchups, as the playbook will be pretty thin.
  18. Sounds like he and Chris Jones have a lot in common.
  19. We would ask that you stay away when Ponn Farr is upon you.
  20. It occurs to me that if Bryan Bennet could not beat out any of those sad-sack QBs that played against the Esks, what hope is there for him here? Unless....somehow...the Great and Wise Chris Jones has misjudged him. (Gasp) Heresy--heresy!!!
  21. That's not where all the good drugs are anyways.
  22. Some of the girls I dated have said that to me.
  23. He was nuthin' but a hound dog- cryin' all the time.
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