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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. I think what "house money" means is that no matter what happens this season, the Rider faithful will applaud like trained seals and Jones will return next year to bring all those special qualities that we have all grown to love back to the Riders and CFL.
  2. Judging from the defensive results, O'Shea is a hands-off head coach and that may fit well with Thorpe.
  3. Very little chance Bombers will bring in new pieces, but maybe O'Shea can convince Hall to utilize the pieces that are are here in a better system. As a defensive player, O'Shea ought to be able to figure out what is actually going to work consistently.
  4. Despite his pick 6, Carter did not look all that good in his debut as a d-back. Calgary played like poop and almost any other team would have beaten them. Bridge is starting to look able, but I'm not ready to anoint him as Russ Jackson's heir. Chris Jones has been lucky as much as good and his ignoring of the rules that others have to play by has helped him and the league ought to come down hard on him and the Riders and let him know that his days of forgiveness are over. Jones' biggest asset is how badly the Riders sucked last year and how low the bar had been set for this season.
  5. This has to fixed SAP- we are on the cusp of the playoffs and have to have a settled and respected defence before we get there. Hurl and Knox have had ample opportunity to show their stuff, and have been found wanting.
  6. Its kinda sad to see Wally, who has been such a respected fixture in the CFL for so many years, come to this.
  7. On one of the telecasts this year, it was mentioned that the completion rate for 2-point conversion this year in the CFL was about 50%, so going for it on 3rd and 5 shouldn't be that much of a stretch.
  8. And just maybe that new guy could be Noel Thorpe, who is currently unemployed. We've seen enough of Hall's deficiencies that he ought to be gone at the end of the Bomber season, come hell or high water.
  9. Why would anyone with self-respect want to stay where they are not wanted or respected?
  10. In that loss, there was enough blame to go around for everyone on defence, coaches and players.
  11. Well now, that is going to put a BIG hitch in the Lions' offensive plans. Like they didn't have enough problems already.
  12. No question that Bauman would not be as effective as Flanders or a permanent replacement, but one would think he would be more effective than trying to replace Flanders with another receiver who is nearly as green.
  13. That's what they want you to think.
  14. Flanders was/is a good versatile back, but he certainly is not irreplaceable. Bauman's highlight reel seems to show some darned good skills. He would have to have learned how to pick up a blitz, pick holes and catch, otherwise what would have made the Bombers bring him in?
  15. Medlock's record speaks for itself. We do not know what is going on in his head or life but his track record indicates that he will rebound.
  16. You are missing the point. A running back's role is pretty simple compared to receivers-take the ball and follow the blocking. There have been many examples where a rookie running back has stepped in on short notice and contributed. The loss of Flanders has hampered the team, and we can't replace him?
  17. Anyone else curious as to why the Esks can pick up a running back and have him contribute immediately, but even though the Bombers and Harris are suffering from the absence of Flanders, our shiny new and promising RB cannot?
  18. Agreed. The Bombers have to view the BC game as a confidence test. It has to be way better to win your way into a favourable playoff spot rather than back in due to rivals losing. If the Bombers lose to BC, their confidence will be very low going into the Calgary game. Calgary looked terrible against the Riders, but I wouldn't count on that continuing. Winning against BC has to dramatically increase the chances of beating the Stamps and will create the best mindset for the playoffs. With damned near the whole west stumbling, plus the best QB in the league, its probably the best chance to get the the Cup game in years.
  19. I have my doubts. Jones' ego drives his choices and I would not be surprised to see Carter back in 2018.
  20. Money doesn't seem to be a concern for the Riders. Jones seems to have taken the position that they are willing to pay the fines and the rules be damned.
  21. At 6'4" and 265, he was trying to make it in the NFL as a weak-side linebacker. Unless he is a lot quicker than I think he is, he's a DE here, and I don't know why we need another one.
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