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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. I resent his slur on the CFL. The agent and Mulumba both have to know that time is not on their side- I would bet that if nothing gets done in the next few days, it isn't going to get done at all.
  2. As much as can be determined by a highlight reel, Bauman looks very interesting. He runs with great balance and determination, seems quick and fast enough to beat DBs and looks to have surprising power. These late additions usually are looksees for next year, but he reminds me a lot of ChuckBob.
  3. You're not alone. The only ones not confused are the Rider thralls who will believe anything fed to them- more like a doomsday sect than fans. Its anyone's fault but Jones's.
  4. This is pure speculation, but one of the players could have gone to a coach complaining about the other player and was told to confront his adversary directly.
  5. Over at Riderfans, they are slowly working through the four stages of grief: denial, anger, and depression, but the acceptance part is still far, far away. I am reveling in schadenfreude and God will probably going to get me for that.
  6. And yet, he could not be a consistent starter in spite of wowing everyone each time he plays. A puzzlement to be sure.
  7. Most of us learn from our big, stupid mistakes but some of us are remarkably resistant to learning.
  8. FWIW; on 1290 yesterday, (I think it was Bauming) it was stated that the circumstances behind Thorpe's departure were such that there was zero chance he would ever be back. No details.
  9. Grant has never had any baggage, but Carter................I don't think Gimli has distilled enough firewater to get O'Shea and Walters to bring him in.
  10. Well, we were all expecting the crap named Duron Carter to hit the fan sooner or later, but this..... this sounds like a bizarre series of events, and if its anywhere near true, not only are the Riders in the process of imploding, but so is Chris Jones' stewardship pf the team. Surely the board of directors cannot ignore this. As soon as I take my Librium, I'm gonna go read the Rider fans' comments.
  11. You weren't alone in writing off the TiCats and Masoli. Masoli looks like one of those QBs who aren't polished but just win anyways. Hard to believe that an American coach with no CFL experience could make such a difference in a short time.
  12. If my memory serves, when a pass to him was picked off, he didn't try to chase down the DB.
  13. The crappy thing is that we have a very suspect MLB and now we have to replace Leggett. Whoever steps in will have big shoes to fill.
  14. Worst case scenario, dammit. Still, a bad strain could have been as bad as a torn Achilles. Hard to replace a league all-star easily.
  15. It would be like asking Peluso to cover McDavid.
  16. Many of the Lions have given up on the season and their team. That Wally is gonzo at the end of the season makes him pretty much toothless and the players who ought not to be there are behaving like it. The players who are worth keeping will be playing for pride.
  17. I would much rather be punched than be rammed in the head with a helmet. Not even close.
  18. Apparently Wild and Dressler will likely be back for the next game. It might be asking a bit too much for them to be right back up to speed, particularly Dressler.
  19. Nichols seemed to be off a notch or two after that hit and seemed to be stiffer for the rest of the game. I wouldn't want to be him waking up tomorrow morning.
  20. Gonna be some hard decisions for the BB coaching staff.
  21. An ankle sprain (particularly a high ankle sprain) or a broken metatarsal can hurt like crazy, too. A lot of things in the bottom half of a leg.
  22. The BC game plan was obviously to take Harris out of the Bomber game plan and they mostly did that. We were fortunate to win after losing Adams, Leggett and Walker. I wasn't sure that Nichols would finish the game after that hit to his back.
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