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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. I would think that Hamilton or Toronto would be very interested in him- maybe even Ottawa.
  2. Agreed. Over the past three games, the Bombers have not only won, but looked better each game, and Nichols has played as good as or better than any other QB in the league. Calgary has been looking very ordinary and the Esks looked very beatable .
  3. Care to place a wager on that?
  4. I hope O'Shea shows the team footage from the BC- Rider game to school them about what can happen if you don't come to playevery game.
  5. I'm starting to wonder if Wally has lost his edge. Happens to everyone, sooner or later.
  6. Gotta go with the winner.
  7. I don't think Laurent is good enough to displace any of our Canucks and definitely not worth what we'd have to pay for him.
  8. He's that worthy of comment.
  9. Considering that he is insulin-dependent with a pump, its amazing that he's not only lasted this long, but has been effective as he has.
  10. T think that means they were on the ground with no chance to catch the ball. Or, they were forced into an egalitarian culture.
  11. The game last night proved that the Bombers can compete with the best most nights. It also showed that Harris, and Adams are legit stars and both had their best games ever in blue and gold. The game also raised some concerns- some old (linebacking, red-zone performance and Carmichael) and some new- Edmonton's o-line was patchwork but Reilly had way too much time. If the Bombers want to be a dominant team, they need to fix this.
  12. I'm betting that pressuring Reilly and not letting him get out of the pocket is key. As a pocket passer, he is good, but when he scrambles, he is very dangerous.
  13. I think the key is not become predictable- something we've seen too much of. If the defence thinks the QB might run (even if he doesn't), it adds another dimension to the offence, and the defence has to respect that. If the offence keeps playing the short game, unless the QB is another Cavillo, the defence will key on that. Etc Etc.
  14. How long have you been going without?
  15. Could you step over to the nearest window and tell us what colour of sky you see there?
  16. Six out of seven dwarves are NOT Grumpy.
  17. I am aware of his stats. He does great when its in a straight line, but from what i can see, that is more a testament to special teams' blocking rather than him making something out of nothing, like the great ones like Gizmo do.
  18. It was apparent last year that Adams had the talent, but I had real doubts Lankford. He has made a believer out of me as a receiver. As a kick returner, he seems to have a hard time finding the seams.
  19. The video clip reminded me of how unique he was and how he ran like he had the centre of gravity of a manhole cover.
  20. And yet, like Tom Landry and many other coaches of note, he may not be loved. but he keeps winning more than losing. As long as that continues, he's untouchable unless the new ownership of the Lions wants fresh faces in the coaching ranks.
  21. That's what they want you to think.
  22. I'm not sure that BC would have laid down for the Bombers as they did for the Riders. They would expected stiff resistance from the Bombers whereas I would bet they thought the Riders would be an easy game. Maybe Jennings' non kick-butt personality played into that. Reilly probably would have throttled at least one of his teammates in full view of the crowd.
  23. I would agree with this. There are great athletes out there, and a few elevate the play of those around them. I would put Reilly and even Nichols in that category.
  24. I am starting wonder if Wally has lost his edge. In every profession, at some point, no matter how good you are or how much you love the work, your unconscious starts sending out signals by changing perceptions and behaviours that its time to move on. If you're in tune with that, you leave with your dignity intact. If not, and you overstay your welcome, you become an object of pity or scorn.
  25. The core is good, but they do have some injuries to receivers that scare the poop out of d-backs.
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