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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Brady runs like a fullback
  2. Tremendous body control by Lawler
  3. Has Buck learnt his lesson from last week and sticking to what is working?
  4. Holm, sweet Holm! And Mr, Vaseline escapes again.
  5. Next team to score a major wins.
  6. And they are not greybeards, either.
  7. They did for Ottawa
  8. If I wasn't emotionally engaged, I would be bored stiff with the horrid game.
  9. Ask and you shall receive.
  10. There's your answer.
  11. How have the mighty fallen!!!
  12. Last game in the second half, RBs had the ball 22 minutes, Bombers?.....8 minutes.
  13. Okay, lets see if the Bomber defence can step up.
  14. Elks playing as well as usual, but Bombers are not.
  15. And yet, he doesn't that much worse than Collaros so far.
  16. Aaand...Brown runs right at Briggs
  17. Just crappy execution
  18. Bryant getting beaten badly on every damned speed rush
  19. Elks really bringing the hurt.
  20. Think you are underestimating the needed changes. We desperately need a better o-line performance and a homicidal nose tackle.
  21. Milt has the best suits.
  22. Bombers in trouble. Too many similarities to previous losses.
  23. FOURLETTERWORD!!! What else can get screwed up?
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