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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Looks decent on the highlights- pretty much a drop back passer who runs every now and again. At least he probably has heard of Winnipeg and the CFL. Looks to have a darned good arm.
  2. Plugging Howard into the line may turn out to be a good thing if he is good. Montreal's D-line is as good as any in the league and I would bet the game plan for Montreal will be to blitz at almost every opportunity to rattle a rookie starting quarterback. Funny enough, the Bombers may be considering the same tactic, or they may lay back a bit and let Smith try to puzzle out Etch's defense. If Smith is as slow on his reads as he has been for the past couple of games, a good four-man rush ought to get to him often.
  3. Goossen shows every sign of being at the least a good pick, possibly a great pick- we will know in a year or two.
  4. Good foot speed, able to extend plays with his legs, ad-libs well on the run, very nice touch on his passes, but I don't know if he has the arm strength for the CFL field.
  5. Tough choices to choose between…I'll have to get my dart board out, consult the latest Dart Game on TSN, then make the necessary 3/4 arm toss for the deciding vote. Bullseye…I'll watch Golf. I would rather watch competitive knitting.
  6. Well, then the Ticat fans in attendance would be roughly equal to the number of Americans watching the game.
  7. Howard would need the reps, even if they are planning to start Swistun against Montreal. Swistun probably knows the timing and calls, but Howard needs to ready in case Swistun comes into contact with a particularly sharp piece of bread.
  8. Is this like getting spanked but with a foot fetish? If so, it is unseemly to brag.
  9. Big deal. If he could throw it while lying face-down on his goal line at night during a rainstorm with a 300-lb lineman on his back, then that would be something.
  10. The CFL doesn't seem to care. It's all about protecting the guys that do the crime. Easy enough to fix. If an illegal act takes an opposing player out, the offender sits (without pay) as long as the injured player does. If the injured player's career is over, so is the offender's career. If an NI player is sidelined permanently, his team gets the offending team's draft pick or an equivalent player from the roster of the offending team.
  11. Few of the NFL owners have to worry about -30 weather, three feet of snow or short construction seasons. On top of all that, they have wall to wall money, which helps. A lot.
  12. The not-good thing about Grigsby on that play was that it sure looked like Grigsby didn't even try, and that could have put Willy right out of the game. Grigsby gave the rusher a complete free shot- hope it doesn't happen too often. If you watch that play again it looks like Grigsby is focused on the inside rusher which was probably his designated block. It was a matter of choosing between two pass rushers and unfortunately Grigsby chose the wrong one. IIRC, the blocking back is instructed to take the inside man if there are two rushers who break in, so that may be where the confusion came from.
  13. Maybe Federkeil coming off the IR makes Peach available. Regardless, Federkeil is very good and the rich get richer.
  14. The not-good thing about Grigsby on that play was that it sure looked like Grigsby didn't even try, and that could have put Willy right out of the game. Grigsby gave the rusher a complete free shot- hope it doesn't happen too often.
  15. And that's what happens when diapers go unchanged for too long.
  16. Smith is no dummy, but good pressure from our front four/seven will cause him to either force the ball or try to run, so its great that Bryant is back, but that is offset by the loss of Greaves and the defensive juggling that results. I hope Howard is good enough to be worth rearranging the defensive team. I believe that Willy can handle the pressure better than Smith, but our short passing game had better be up to snuff. It will be interesting to see how well Grigsby does.
  17. Anderson will probably toe the line for a week or two but he is who he is and that will surface again.
  18. The type of defence that Etchevery has installed would seem to require that his players function as a very cohesive unit, so changing personnel around would be bad news.
  19. Marve seems to not only have the arm to do well in this league, he also appears to have the smarts and the the competitive attitude. With Brohm, we have the best trio of pivots since...since...forever, and maybe the best depth in the league.
  20. Based on the first two weeks worth of games, Willy ought to be rated (arguably) no lower than the third best QB in the CFL.
  21. So now we can forgive Walters for the Korey Banks transaction?
  22. Less Suber is better. I'm not a fan. He's just too short. Yup. He has to roll his socks down to poop.
  23. The joker in the deck is the performance of whomever replaces the steady Chris Greaves. Bowman looked awesome last game and the Montreal defence will have to carry the game for them, if they hope to win. Troy Smith looked a lot better in his second outing, but he admitted that reading CFL defences is still a struggle for him, so Etch's random guidance unit defence ought to really get him confusicated. Bombers 28, the Larks 13.
  24. Willy might need to learn how to smile instead of playing it Buster Keaton deadpan, especially for those radio interviews. What's a Buster Keaton? Its either an ice cream treat at Dairy Queen or a poker-faced silent film star.
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