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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Last week, the Argos looked like it was the first day of training camp, and this week it was the Riders' turn to take a collective dump. Its gonna happen, so we ought to be prepared for when its our turn.
  2. Ouch. What was Huffer's phone number again? Is Peach still on the menu?
  3. Renaud is mostly OK, but certainly not a top-three punter in the league, and I have not seen him getting better. He is probably as good as he is going top be and the coaches and management will have to decide if he's good enough. I happen to think we need to do better.
  4. No question that Grigsby's running has been phenomenal, and if he could block and catch as well as he runs, he would be in the NFL by the end of next week. If Grigsby wants the job badly enough and wants to get noticed by NFL scouts, he needs to spend some time with our O-line coach and/or assistant coach. If he cannot round out his game, I have no doubt O'Shea will plug someone in who will run and block.
  5. The problem with being a backup quarterback being thrown into a game with six minutes left and the team being way down is that you know you have only two or three series to both show well and salvage the game. So there has to be a temptation to go long and hard with the passes to try to engineer a miraculous comeback- ergo: gambles.
  6. I like Reilly still. But im happy holding on to my Willy. Even better when your Willy is upright.
  7. Whomever #69 on the Hamilton O-line is, he just got rag-dolled by the pass rush. Didn't even slow his man down.
  8. Reilly looks as good as many here thought he was when he was being pursued by the Bombers.
  9. And now we get a dose of Rod Black calling the Edmonton-Hamilton game. Ugh.
  10. BC is making Montreal look good but in reality, they are as bad as last week. The only question at the moment is how long Benevides lasts at this rate. Wally just signed him to a 2 year extension so you'd think he's got decent job security. Ask LaPolice and Burke how secure that was. Unless Wally has had a complete change of personality, he is probably close to stroking out right now. Things are going to change soon in BC.
  11. BC is making Montreal look good but in reality, they are as bad as last week. The only question at the moment is how long Benevides lasts at this rate.
  12. Benevides should start looking over his shoulder soon. The Lions are losing but looking terribly disorganized on both sides of the ball, and I think that Glenn is a bad fit for this team. Either he is not adapting to the BC offense or Khari is not adapting the offense to Glenn's strengths. Either way, it will be interesting to see what happens after half-time.
  13. So, which Import O-lineman is nor good enough? Knapp looked pretty good and so did January for the most part.
  14. I have no problem with the TSN broadcast hyping Ottawa last night. The return of Ottawa to the CFL is a big deal and with a competitive team is good news for all. More teams means a higher profile and who knows- could lead to a 10th team. Toronto is still an ongoing pain in the butt, but the league is in the best shape its been in for decades. And on top of all that, the Bombers had a "character win" against a scrappy team.
  15. You mean buy me more booze? I was thinking more like aspirin, an oxygen tank, nausea suppressant and ice bags.
  16. I want the Bombers to beat the RB's so badly that the descendents of Ottawa fans will only speak of it in hushed tones late at night around campfires.
  17. Its all about the resumption of the slave trade. But that's only my opinion.
  18. The Bombers are 1-0 this year when I am falling down drunk so I guess I'll have to take one for the team and do it again...sigh... Now, if only the Bombers would agree to help you with the morning after.....
  19. Ever notice that a pregnant woman will often be patted on her tummy and be told "congratulations" but the father doesn't get patted on the crotch and get told the same thing?
  20. What is good for one team is good for all and the league- let's hope for a good scrappy game decided (for the Bombers) in the 4th quarter.
  21. We've been here before- again and again with the Argos staggering from one crisis to another. The new stadium will be built, in all likelihood, and that ought to give the team a decent chance of becoming both profitable and attractive to fans. MLSE has the ability to market the team well, so they would seem to be the best option, but the current owner needs a jolt of reality.
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