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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. It is quite possible that with Ottawa up next, we could be 2-0 and the fans would be quite giddy, but it sure is going to suck when reality arrives. Burris & Co. may put up more of a fight than we expect.
  2. And how many know what a toilet is? how many can afford a two-holer?
  3. My point was that now long ago, we were casting longing eyes at other teams' practice rosters, and suddenly with the horrible showing of the O-lines in BC, Edmonton and Hamilton, our NI O-line depth doesn't look so bad and may actually look good to those teams. Could Pencer have been worse than some of the linemen we saw in the recent games?
  4. This is all funny- a couple of weeks ago, we were speculating that the desperate Bombers would be scouring the other teams. (mostly Hamilton, Calgary and Edmonton) for NI talent. Now we're sellers?
  5. We were wondering out loud if he is too concerned with getting himself into the NFL that he's kind of lost interest in the Als and is just half assing it. Might be time for the Als to shake things up at any rate. If you had any current head coach in the CFL who could step up to being A GM, it would be Higgins, with Doug Berry backfilling.
  6. Thank God we didn't get the Riders in week one.
  7. Brohm must down on his knees that he's here and not in that game replacing Collaros.
  8. Austin may want to burn the tapes of this game, along with the machines that would have played them and never speak of it again.
  9. It was kosher. Desperation sometimes pays off.
  10. Hammy must have been watching game film from last year's Bombers.
  11. Wow. Two first downs in a row. The Cats are comin' back.
  12. Right now- his arm must be getting tired.
  13. Collaros has had happy feet since half-time and he looks like a third-stringer thrown in.
  14. except we're not talking about what Banks did, we're talking about our GM giving up an asset and then paying a decent signing bonus to lock this guy up only for him to never play a snap for the team. That's just a poor move from a GM and there's no two ways about it. You pays yer money and ya takes yer chances. I'll give Walters a mulligan.
  15. Giguere is the fourth or fifth option, his stats reflect that. Four catches today though. I'd deflect that question to Jordan Sisco. Same organization gave that look. Yes, but Sisco has been sidelined a lot with paper cuts and diaper rash, so he might have an excuse.
  16. Speed. If all the NFL scouts were on it, that would explain a lot.
  17. And the import O-linemen are getting beaten as regularly as the NI ones. Sad.
  18. Giguere has caught what- two passes today. That ought to equal his production for all of last season. How the heck did he ever draw the attention of the NFL?
  19. Kent Austin is going to blow a gasket at half-time. I hope he wasn't the one who chose Collaros, but the Hammy O-line is having the worst performance of the season so far. Yes, Sask's D-line is good, but jeez......
  20. Didn't the Riders pick up Hugh Charles a few days ago?
  21. This game was the worst I've seen Glenn look in at least two years, and I do have faith in the BC coaching staff that they will fine-tune the offense around Glenn. Lets revisit this conversation at the end of July.
  22. This certainly wasn't Glenn at his best- a new team, a new coach and an O-line still not gelled, but he will get better. Reilly is going to get worn down with the pounding he is taking. He's tough but not unbreakable.
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