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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. For those who felt Walters got the short end of the stick, all they have to do is look at Montreal, BC and probably even Hamilton's situation. We could have been a LOT worse off.
  2. As much as possible, with all the off-season changes, this would seem to be the best strategy for the next while. If the team has found some sort of rhythm, go with it. If it ain't broke....
  3. It's starting to look that whichever team gets their quarterback dismembered last wins. Both O-lines look pathetic, but Edmonton's is worse. I hope Reilly brought a spare body.
  4. Too bad for Watson- good hands, good speed, good routes, linebacker mentality but maybe he should take up badminton.
  5. I'm sorry but JJ did everything this organization asked him to do and never complained publicly, ever. I think there were huge 'attitude' problems last year... once the coach visibly quit on the team and the GM vanished. The description came from Wiecek, so take that for what its worth. Considering how little Poblah and Banks have contributed to their respective clubs, this looks like a lose-lose transaction.
  6. There have been broad hints that both Brandon Stewart and Jovon Johnson had attitude problems last year which didn't help the team culture at all. Having gotten rid of those two problems, Walters and O'Shea were probably very loathe to bring another prima donna on board.
  7. For those few who are detached enough from reality to believe that the team is going to play that well in every game from now on, Willy (along with the rest of the team) is going to have more than one crappy game this season. As much fun as it was to watch the last game, there are going to be games when we are going to get flashbacks to 2012 and 2013, so lets look for improvement and keep the past couple of years fresh in our memories for awhile.
  8. And we didn't fold in the second half. A refreshing change and perhaps a sign of things to come. Last season the team collapsed so often there was talk of moving the team to the Philippines and renaming them "The Manila Folders".
  9. FWIW: there is speculation that Lulay may be done. Matt Dunigan was saying that the chances of 100% recovery this late in the healing process are unlikely. If Lulay is done for, it would add even more to Wally's rep as a football genius that he went out and got Glenn before Lulay's situation became obvious and drove the price up.
  10. I vote for Taylor Renaud, but who knows what a trade might bring us?
  11. Like the heir to Johnson & Johnson- abused his son for 4 years and got 6 months probation?
  12. Speculation on the 1290 pre-game show is that Burke will bring the house on pretty much every play- early and often. They felt that the Bomber best hope would be to play a ball-control game, but with a very questionable running threat with Grigsby, that was judged to be very unlikely.
  13. You may want to check and see what the Norwegians did with right-wing neo-Nazi Anders Brevik. There are those who are criminally insane and need to be kept in closed custody for the safety of all, but there are very, very few of them. Thank God for that.
  14. It isn't your fault- its probably a genetic thing by spending time in Saskatchewan.
  15. Completely agree, we need to keep these kids out of jail if we can. Canada has one of the highest youth incarceration rates in the world - it's not working. And there is a direct correlation between the length of time an offender spends in custody and the likelihood of re-offending. The Dutch model is much more effective. And what would that be? They all pay their own way? Touche. All non-violent offenders are required to live with families trained in rehabilitative strategies. The offenders participate in household life and duties, go to work but live on an allowance and attend group therapy. The Norweigans and Danes have copied the strategy with success. Here in North America, the recidivism is close to 80%, whereas in Holland it is close to 20%. The cost savings to the justice system is enormous.
  16. Completely agree, we need to keep these kids out of jail if we can. Canada has one of the highest youth incarceration rates in the world - it's not working. And there is a direct correlation between the length of time an offender spends in custody and the likelihood of re-offending. The Dutch model is much more effective.
  17. I pick Edmonton and Ottawa to fight it out tooth and nail for dead last. Jim Popp and Wally Buono are too shrewd to let their teams collapse.
  18. What could have Mack threatened Burke with.....firing at the end of the season? Public humiliation along with the players? Damage to Burke's reputation?
  19. What? I was referring to Browning, but I didn't specifically mention him. I suspect the "What?" was more along the lines of if you consider that a big splash signing, Hinse should get the Bobby Hull Portage and Main treatment. But I shouldn't speak for another poster. Browning looked like he had all the skills necessary to make it big in the CFL, and his resume was pretty impressive as well. And yes, Hinse would be a welcome addition.
  20. Can we agree that this was a case of a very lame horse being ridden by a very bad jockey?
  21. I will be happy if Toronto doesn't march down the field and score on their first two possessions, if we don't go two and out on our first possessions and if we are still in the game in the third period.
  22. What? I was referring to Browning, but I didn't specifically mention him.
  23. Big splash signing, leaving with hardly a ripple. I wonder if his ego wouldn't allow him to play in less than the NFL, or he thought he had a better offer pending.
  24. Funny how all this is clear in retrospect. Its also curious how none of the supposedly astute sports reporters called it for what it was last season.
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