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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. No coach on Earth could have won with those QBs and O-line but many probably could have done a bit better, but not well enough to make the playoffs.
  2. I think what Burke said was dead on- he didn't have the talent (quarterback and O-line) and he certainly conducted himself as if he neither wanted to be the head coach nor expected to win.
  3. Depending on his injury and the prognosis, I would much rather have the Bombers go after Richardson than Bryant.
  4. Anyone who thinks a team other than the Argos will finish first in the East should replay the exhibition TO vs Hamilton game. Toronto had 8 or 9 sacks against Hamilton with mostly their starting O-line. The only question mark is what will happen if Ray gets injured.
  5. Kinda makes you feel more forgiving towards the IGF construction process, doesn't it? Doesn't excuse the bare-faced lies about the completion date, though.
  6. It sounds like it is basically a physical and then he will be signed if he passes. O'Shea sure sounds like he is pretty much sold on Bryant. Okay....judgement first, assessment later.
  7. Sisco's retention is a surprise- he has been getting as much love in Regina as Etienne was getting here. He was described as having good hands and reasonably quick, but ran poor routes and was more brittle than Buck.
  8. And I really like Doug Brown, but when you're done. you're done.
  9. What the heck- let's sign Etienne and Bryant- go all in and hope for divine intervention to take us into the playoffs.
  10. Wally has made his bonafides, so he gets cut some slack. Besides, BC had a pretty decent team, but if we are expecting Bryant to win us some close games or worry the opposition, its time to up the meds. If I am wrong, I will cheerfully admit it, but its sad to think this is the best option we have to improve a lackluster receiving corps. Upgrading the receiving corps had to have been a priority in the off-season as well as replacing Muamba, but here we are.
  11. Including a home opener win over Toronto. I am expecting a lot of wild inconsistency this year, but Toronto on Thursday is a real challenge, particularly when the team has been through all these changes and with all these question marks hanging over the team.
  12. I have a strong feeling we are in for a real roller-coaster year full of lots of surprises.
  13. Burke wasn't the pompous ass that Kelly was, but he was utterly lost as a head coach and it showed almost from the first game on. If we'd had an even average quarterback like Glenn, things would have been better but the end result would probably have been the same. For the last half of the season, I felt sad for the players who were trying to play for pride and in those games, when the team came back onto the field after half-time, you could see the resignation in every step.
  14. Are we that desperate or that lousy at finding good import wide receivers? And the Freep ran an article this weekend on this hotshot scout and his system.
  15. Considering who we gave up, and the salary dump, we are still ahead. Poblah wasn't even a decent backup.
  16. We've been on the receiving end of too many fast shuffles between other teams (ie: Reilly, Collaros, Ray etc) to play nice. The other teams can go pleasure themselves. That's all well and good except for one thing ... we have first year Canadians on our practice roster too. If what another team has on their practice roster is significantly better than what we have, I say go for it. We've been eating dirt for too long- nice guys and all that.
  17. We've been on the receiving end of too many fast shuffles between other teams (ie: Reilly, Collaros, Ray etc) to play nice. The other teams can go pleasure themselves.
  18. Don't think that will happen, tone is set. Mike O'Shea expects to make the playoffs and compete for the Grey Cup. Tim 'dear in the headlights' Burke, well, I would dare to say #1 in all time loser coaches for us, even ahead of Kelly and Reinbold, as at least those two took charge. Burke didn't take charge and set us up for failure. I think O'Shea, by years end, will be a front runner for coach of the year. I would tend to agree that Burke was the worst head coach I have ever seen this team employ. Now obviously there's a lot of years I wasn't around to see, but we've had some bad ones in the last 30 years and Burke was as bad or worse than all of them. Never have I seen a team fold at the first sign of adversity like last years team did and that all comes back on the guy who is supposed to lead this team. Actually, it comes back to the smarts of the man who thought Burke was the answer to replace LaPolice. And that includes some of those here who thought the same. Ouch.
  19. Considering how little we used a running back as a receiver in the past few years, his hands of stone shouldn't be a big deal- as long as he hasn't contracted fumblitis.
  20. I hope you are right, because Kuale has shown very little in pre-season and the linebacking this year sure looks iffy.
  21. I vote to judge the man on his own merits instead of those of his sperm donor.
  22. God knows the BB staff ought to know what they are doing, but the wisdom of essentially benching our best holdover linebacker from last year escapes me. Wild wasn't just just the best holdover, he was very good. I hope this move is clarified because this plus the lack of upgrading our NI talent through waivers is beginning to concern me.
  23. I am having difficulty believing that our talent is so good that we are not looking at the cuts of other teams to at least challenge the incumbents.
  24. Smith looked very good last year,but maybe all the changes has set him back a bit. Given Popp's record of finding talent, I wouldn't write Smith off too soon, unless you're secretly rooting for Brink.
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