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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. No real surprises here- Jones seems to have lost the edge he had last year. Maybe he never got over his injury?
  2. It will very interesting to see what Collaros' and Glenn's numbers look like in couple of months compared to Willy's on an admittedly less talented team. That should tell us if Walters made the right decision or rather, if we got lucky.
  3. I seem to recall that Etienne did catch a pass in the first preseason game and was on punt coverage.
  4. It all comes down to cost/benefit ratio. Had we picked up Glenn, we may have had a shot at the playoffs, but realistically, there is still a significant lack of talent here and some big question marks about the O-line. If we had paid a long dollar for Glenn and had him get knocked out in the second game, we would be really upset. The chances of the Bombers making the playoffs this year is less than 50% and we are probably playing for Glenn would be a band-aid fix at best for a steep price.
  5. Hall had every chance to separate himself from Brohm and Marve and even had a head start but it just wasn't there for him. Too bad but I hope the rest of the team understands that nobody gets a free pass.
  6. The truth is that Hall was given every opportunity to separate himself from Marve and Brohm and even challenge Willy, but it just wasn't there for him. O'Shea has shown that no one gets a pass.
  7. Looks like the real thing- doesn't get happy feet in the pocket, good and quick decision-making, good arm and not afraid to run. If he can adapt to the CFL, he could be another Dunigan. Doesn't wimp out on the running plays too much.
  8. Hickman was/is good but not so much better than what we have to make it worthwhile chasing him.
  9. We do not have the luxury of having the passing attack carry the offense until we get the running game off the ground. This team has been losing badly for so long that it will not have the emotional resiliency to bounce back if we get our butts kicked in the first few games. We need to have all guns firing to be competitive- hence the calls for Messam.
  10. Any port in a storm. Or, if you're in university: any sport in a dorm.
  11. Please don't let it be Etienne who becomes available and gets picked up by the Bombers.
  12. Maybe he was referring to trouser snakes?
  13. As much as I believe that Marve has great potential, it comes down to Hall vs Brohm for the backup spot. Hall had the inside track, or should have had, but so far he has not shown any better than last season. Because the O-line is going to take a few games to gel, a lead-footed quarterback will be dismembered. So- do we want a QB who seems to be as good as he can get at this point or one who is at least neck and neck with his rival but has nowhere to go but up?
  14. West: Sask Calgary (dogfight with Sask) BC Winnipeg Edmonton East: Toronto Hamilton Montreal (dogfight with Hamilton) Ottawa (closer than most think)
  15. Ummmm....maybe not. He hasn't wowed anyone in his admittedly limited game reps.
  16. Well, its not as if this is a big surprise to most here. Hall has his supporters who have been keeping the faith even though Hall has been fading in the stretch, as they say in horseracing. Considering the beating he took last year, I would have wished a kinder fate for Max, but there is little room for sentimentality this year. I'm not totally sold on Brohm being ultimately better than Marve, but Brohm does have the CFL experience and that counts for a lot. If Marve progresses as I think he will, I hope Hall hasn't signed a long-term lease on his apartment. This regime is making each player earn his spot.
  17. Did you want Cotton to personally come to your house and punch you in the mouth so you could say "WOW!"? Cause he pretty much did everything else perfect in two pre-season games. 11 carries for 97 yards long of 26. Probably the best RB screen pass we've executed in years against Calgary. What did you want to see? The ol' 60 yards untouched into the endzone play. For that to happen, you'd have to have receivers blocking. Besides, how often does that sort of thing happen in the regular season?
  18. This was from Kowalczuk facebook page. Pretty classy way to handle it hopefully he sticks around Winnipeg. Good to hear that there still are classy athletes out there. Good on you, Chris and thanks for your kind words.
  19. Something we have not had emerge this year is a pass rusher who engages two opposing linemen, and we are going to miss that- badly. I think you'll see Turner and Anderson getting a fair amount of double teams, but there's no such thing as a DL who takes up 2 gaps at the CFL level. I'm pretty sure Doug Brown got double-teamed most plays when he was in his prime.
  20. Something we have not had emerge this year is a pass rusher who engages two opposing linemen, and we are going to miss that- badly.
  21. Once "Taylor Field" is history along with hemorrhoid hill, the CFL will lose a lot of its "poor cousin of the NFL" cachet. About freaking time.
  22. Hmmmm.....Goossen looked pretty good as well, I thought. Does this mean that we are looking at Morley at center, Greaves at left guard, Goossen at right guard and Neufeld at right tackle? Thar would mean a dogfight at left tackle for an import and a possible answer for our ratio problems.
  23. Can we speculate where Bear Woods poops?
  24. With any luck at all, we ought to be better than 6 and 12 but I would consider this as a rock-bottom improvement. Etch had better get his fecal matter together, though or he will be gone by Labour Day.
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