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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Sounds like this guy is not worth the pixels to discuss him.
  2. If memory serves, Messam was a decent pass-blocker as well, and with the O-line being a work in progress for a while to come, it ought to make him useful.
  3. Willy had the good fortune to be backup to a very good quarterback in Sask with lots of opportunity to learn from a quarterback who an both pass and scramble. Being part of a championship team doesn't hurt, either. He seems to have a high ceiling plus smarts.
  4. Since Cameron's punting average in the pre-season was pretty much identical to Maher, it would make sense to find a way to keep a local boy on hand as insurance- maybe even instead of Renaud- we have two of those anyway.
  5. On 1290 this AM, it was announced that his ankle is broken and the ligaments have been damaged, so if he's back this year, it will be as a spectator.
  6. I vote for bringing Messam in if he wants to be here. He can't degrade that badly in a couple of years- can he? We could use a good short-yardage back, particularly an NI back.
  7. Willy is a gamer. The line-backing is not good enough and Kuale has a long way to go to be useful. The O-line looks like it will be good enough if we can get rid of whoever is throwing lookout blocks (Howard? January? Jones?) The receivers as a group show promise but have to learn their routes and hang onto the damned ball The D-line is still concerning-no pressure Hard to tell the defensive team from the Keystone Kops We have to find a way to keep Maher and Lirim. Our punt/kick return team coverage sucks Etcheverry is starting to scare me. Greg Marshall is starting to look good. Brohm is gaining ground. Hall is not, and he ought to be way better. Marve did not wow us this time, but he gets a Mulligan. Cotton has the edge but we wouldn't suffer too much with Grigsby. Walters is going to earn his money in the next week or so.
  8. We should get some important questioned today, whether we win or lose: Is Goossen game-ready and if so, will he be a center or guard? Was Morley's performance last game a fluke or will he be the center we've lacked ever since Obby got sick? Is Hall good enough to be Willy's backup? Who will get the short straw- Brohm or Marve? Will one of the running backs step up and seize the job? Who will be cut- January, Jones or Knapp? Can we start four Canucks on the O-line? Is our linebacking good enough?
  9. For me, thinking about the Little joe era makes me want drink the day away. So I often wake up and think about it.There are three things griller's do best, party, grill and party! #livin'lagrillaloca. Kind of embarrassing for me as I defended Mack and many of his picks and I've now been proven wrong on most of them. I do hope Bilukidi and Mulumba can still find there way here in the future, but I may be delusional again. If you were delusional, how would you know it?
  10. Realistically, Brohm is going to have to significantly better than Hall in order to supplant Hall as #2 quarterback. If it is the same offence as last year, Hall ought to be head and shoulders above Brohm or Marve and maybe even pushing Willy with that kind of head start. Either way, this has to be a make or break year for Hall.
  11. Well, the waiting for the next big thing is over. Hard to believe that someone that big and mean couldn't make the grade as least as a backup. Can we fire Mack again, or at least bad-mouth him severely? I was really hoping he would step up this year- it would have solved so many problems, but instead it was a complete waste of draft pick and money.
  12. How so? I thought he was fired for being an a hole? Can't he be both?
  13. Agreed. Occasionally the CFL gets a Calvillo or Kent Austin who are good enough in the pocket to win consistently, but having a QB like Damon Allen or Matt Dunigan who were threats to run opens up so many options and makes the defence wet themselves. Even if the QB chooses to not run, the defence has to respect that option and this makes life so much easier for the receivers and even for the running backs. We've see that Marve can and will run but the big question is his durability. And he seems to be smart enough to not look at the run as his first option.
  14. The resisting arrest charge was pretty mickey mouse, but you have to admire his determination in pursuing a QB career even after three big knee owies.
  15. I'm not ready to panic yet, but Neufeld and Pencer had better start showing up because Goossen is still a raw rookie but he is showing promise. I am keeping the panic button real close by, though.
  16. As far as I could tell, nobody on the O-line last night played well enough to be guaranteed a spot. Yes, January got beaten badly, and so did anyone playing right tackle. We're gonna have to suffer through this sort of thing, folks and our QB's will pay for it if they can't roll away from the pressure.
  17. Lets hope Worman gets the help he needs- even good people can have the world fall in on them and feel overwhelmed. Sometimes folks use booze to self-medicate to cope.
  18. Not to excuse Hall's performance entirely, but he deserves a chance with an oline which allows him enough time to make plays. Brohm had the same oline and the same results, but Brohm has the excuse of being new in town. Marve looks like a keeper but anyone can look good in garbage time for a few minutes. I do not expect O'Shea to show any mercy based on last year, so Hall should not think himself safe.
  19. Weird if true. Must have done something really dumb or ticked Popp off.
  20. competing against a fading Montreal team, an expansion Ottawa team and the Argos? Yeah I suspect they'll wind up looking like they're a better team than they are again. A gutted SSK, gong show in EDM, iffy Lulay, iffy QBs in CAL ....is there anyone left ...? competing against a fading Montreal team, an expansion Ottawa team and the Argos? Yeah I suspect they'll wind up looking like they're a better team than they are again. A gutted SSK, gong show in EDM, iffy Lulay, iffy QBs in CAL ....is there anyone left ...? BOMBERS vs. redblacks Grey Cup 2014. Book it. Sask lost some good players but still have enough to compete with Calgary and Glenn going to BC gives them instant competitiveness. I expect Toronto and Hammy to fight it out in the East but even if Montreal's quarterbacking is good, there are too many holes and changes for them to be much better than Ottawa.
  21. I still think they should have Steve Smith as an investor and then the team could be "The RedGreens". Rod Black could be the PR hack and Vanna White the mascot.
  22. What strikes me is that we don't have enough NI's to field three starting O-linemen or two receivers. Yeah, its only a pre-season but it seems to me that we have fewer blue-chip NIs than I had hoped. On another fan website there was a consensus that our NI talent will be an ongoing concern, and might even be worse than last year (brrr). I suspect Walters will be on the phone a lot over the next week or so.
  23. Looks like a demon if we can put him in the right spot, but then, I was wowed by a certain running back and look how well that turned out.
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