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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. You gotta kiss a lot of frogs in order to find a prince.
  2. I wouldn't worry too much about this. There is a provincial election now in Ontario and a federal election next year, and politicians always like to hand out cash in these times. Or at least make promises- in the last federal election Harper promised $100,000,000 to Quebec city for a new arena if they got an NHL team.
  3. Who knows- the Tabbies may sour on him and perhaps trade his rights to the Bombers. I for one wouldn't mind seeing him in blue and gold in September.
  4. Considering the state of our O-line of late, if Kowalczuk was unable to crack the starting lineup consistently, he is unlikely to do so in the future. Coach Cal once said that if a player couldn't start for the team in three years, he ought to be considered as trade bait.
  5. I am encouraged by the signings. We cannot stand pat at any position and the more intense the competition, the better. As unsure as I was about our new GM, I am increasingly impressed.
  6. This is a game of brinkmanship and I suspect that the final settlement will be a lot closer to the proposal currently on the table than what the CFLPA is asking for. Don't worry- be happy. All will be well.
  7. If you want to see what life is like without unions, look at south-east USA. If you want to see what life is like with active, involved unions look at the most vibrant economy in the world: Germany. Private public services have been repeatedly shown to cost way more than government public services. In Alberta, a surgical procedure was costed at $880.00 and the same service in a contracted private surgical clinic was $1350.00. In Ontario, hip replacement in a hospital was costed at $18,000.00 but over $33,000.00 in private clinics, but the private clinics had higher acquired infections and surgical failures.
  8. Yes. Is your google broken? He played for Hamilton, Edmonton, Toronto, and Calgary as a special teamer. On a side note, D I C K Assman from Regina, Sk (I believe no relation) made celebrity status in North America in the mid-nineties. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Assman Both were probably the butt of many jokes, right up to the end. These jokes keep rearing their heads.
  9. For the record- getting old does not cause bitterness, and this comes from someone pushing 70. Some of us are simply AWOG's- angry white old guys. I just enjoy being a burden on society.
  10. He is described as more athlete than natural football player with talent and good instincts but assessed as needing to put in a lot more time in the weight room make the transition to pro. Apparently he is bright, a car nut but a bit undersized with the dreaded "p" word- potential. Sounds like another Volny rather than another Cornish.
  11. I still think it looks suspiciously like a bed pan. Considering the city, that seems appropriate.
  12. Of course it is. According to Zach Collaros it's better than IGF. Well, now the truth is out. The Bombers didn't sign Collaros because he is totally divorced from reality. Considering how bad the old Ticat stadium was, it wouldn't take much for the renovations to be spectacularly better.
  13. Haven't heard squat about Gilmore so far this year. I thought he was pretty good last year, but not as dominant as I had expected. Anyone have any updates on him?
  14. The old Taylor/Mosaic field was subject to more windy conditions than here in the 'Peg, so I have to believe that it was not factored in.
  15. It seems to me that this may be the best group of NIs at training camp that we've had for some years.
  16. I wouldn't lose too much sleep over this. Both sides will posture, then huff and puff but work out a deal that neither side will be ecstatic about but both can live with.
  17. It appears that Friesen is not easily embarrassed.
  18. With the larger CFL field and smaller defensive people to jump on him, Smith ought to have a longer lifespan here.
  19. I like that Mike likes this... I like that Jimmypop and the unknown poster like that you like Mike liking this.
  20. It's like a "minion" but with lower status.
  21. Dutch aphorism: don't crap where you night to sleep.
  22. As long as all his parts are still functioning and connected, he ought to be exactly what we need to both keep our QB's vertical and get us those tough 3 yards when we really need them.
  23. I'm pretty sure we got the better end of that deal.
  24. Some of us do not have a filter between what is supposed to be our brains and our mouths and stray thoughts keep falling out.
  25. There are surprises every year, but if Etienne couldn't start in three years on a team that was starved for NI talent, I doubt he will crack the starting lineup in Regina. He will likely be a seldom-used back up for a couple of years and then fade away.
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