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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. I would say Bilukidi is in tough to make the team. They will likely roster four defensive tackles... Domata Peko is 30 years old but he has played his whole career in Cincinnati, I can't see him being cut. They also have Brandon Thompson and Devon Still who they used a 3rd rounder and 2nd rounder on, respectively, in the 2012 draft. The other likely DT is Geno Atkins who just signed a 5 year extension.... BUT he also tore is ACL last season so it is unclear if he will be ready for the start of the season or not. There are likely going to have to be some injuries on the DL for Bilukidi to crack the lineup. Also, I believe he has played in too many games to be signed to a practice roster. Having Bilukidi on the BB roster would be a real surprise, more than welcome, and is starting to sound possible.
  2. I agree with this post. For pretty much everyone, there comes a time when what we loved to do as a career begins to fade in interest and the fires that drove the career start to die out so that the edge we may have had dulls. Its not that we become stupid or disinterested, its just that our priorities begin to shift. Mack may have understimated the effort required to turn the ship around and just didn't have it any more. When Mack was fired Bob Irving said that Mack's wife was battling or had just finished a battle with cancer. He didn't say how long she was sick for but that is certainly something that can change your priorities. That would do it.
  3. Sears or Washington. Maybe one of the new guys. I thought they wanted that to be a Canadian spot? I always thought it would be Alexander at Safety with Bucknor at Field Corner. But If Alexander is better at Corner hopefully Newman can really step up and be a good safety for us. I just can't see two Canadians in the secondary. I see it as 4 OL, 2 REC, 1 rotating on D Two NIs starting in the secondary is unlikely, but ocassionally occuring as part of 3 OL, 2 REC, 1 DB and 1 rotating on D is quite possible. This has to be Walter's/OShea's backup plan if none of our NI's meet the minimum standard needed for a starting right tackle. Agree with this. I'm not a huge fan of Neufeld, and I don't think it will be that hard for Newman, Thomas, Lucas and Bucknor, maybe Stephan and Briggs as the season goes on, to cover all defensive snaps one at a time. Having 2 NI's on the field defensively is much less of a liability (given the guys we've added who can play a little bit) IMO than having Neufeld chasing after edge rushers, not allowing any of our QB's to confidently set up in the pocket. If Neufeld is capable of starting at RT, fine. But I'd hope we wouldn't stick him in that critical spot out of ratio desperation. I think we also need to see him healthy before he can be pencilled in. I'm betting that both Pencer and Neufeld will be solid linemen and Newman will win a starting role. I'm not sure if these will be great surprises, but if this works out, it would solve a lot of ratio problems for time to come.
  4. I agree with this post. For pretty much everyone, there comes a time when what we loved to do as a career begins to fade in interest and the fires that drove the career start to die out so that the edge we may have had dulls. Its not that we become stupid or disinterested, its just that our priorities begin to shift. Mack may have understimated the effort required to turn the ship around and just didn't have it any more.
  5. lmao!!! It's funny cuz it's true! Look at the bright side of that- people don't have to go very far for compatible organ donors.
  6. Aaaand.....what are the chances of that?
  7. I would like to add my appreciation for the efforts to create and maintain this forum.
  8. Newman. Glenn Suitor has said that he thinks Newman is very underrated and should make a good cornerback or safety.
  9. The reality is that a stadium isn't a concrete bowl with seats any more. Fans of all sports have come to demand bells and whistles which were unthinkable back in the 60's and that costs money. And that doesn't even talk about the need for decent facilities for the players and team staff. You just can't build on the cheap any more, and I can't blame the Roughies for trying new ways to finance the new stadium. Good luck to them.
  10. On local TSN radio today, Glen Suitor was very complimentary about both the new Bomber management structure and Walters' drafting this year. He described Goossen as a "gimme", but the other picks as very astute, especially the third pick Derek (Jones?) and the last one who was born in the mideast and has had a rough go of it for many years.
  11. Briggs might be the steal of the draft- athletic and smart. At the very least, he will be a good replacement for Labbe and might even turn out to be a solid starter.
  12. Well, we did OK, but Huffnagel made out like a bandit.
  13. Better there than behind the Bomber bench. Actually, he's not bad.
  14. The plot thickens....thought he might be going to Montreal.
  15. Bombers take Goossen to absolutely no one's surprise.
  16. Gotta admire Huffnagel for his finesse.
  17. There is no "Christian" position on homosexuality because of the vast diversity of beliefs with that group which calls itself "Christian". The same holds true for Judaism, Islam and other faiths. Those within the Christian faith who condemn homosexuality do so on the basis of the old testament, and in the new testament, Jesus says categorically that He came to supercede all prior laws with one commandment: Love one another as I have loved you.
  18. Morley has always been barely good enough and would not be a starter on most other teams. If we can trade him for value, great. He won't be missed very much.
  19. the difference is when I say **** like that with my friends they know it's just jokes made in bad taste. When you put it out there for the world to see it no longer falls in that being classless amongst friends and becomes "this is what I actually believe" with as many people as you can reach through twitter it just floors me that people say some of the stupid **** they do. Some of us have been infected in childhood with racism and intolerance. Some of us have such low confidence in ourselves that we need to create a class of people we can pretend are below us.
  20. Kuale is certainly tough and durable, but he was pretty slow to start with and hasn't gotten any faster with time. I sure hope he has some fierce competition in training camp.
  21. Not everything is open to interpretation. Some rights and wrongs are black and white. in 2014, we know people dont choose to be gay. And thats still the basis for a lot of the religious buffonery. A moderator of another forum I argued with about this actually professed his believe that being gay is a choice. I assume thats how he reconciles that being gay is against God but God made people gay...well, in his mind God made everyone straight and the evil gay people choose that orientation. We know thats not the case. So its black and white. There's a fair bit of irony in all this. Fundamentalists typically use the King James Version of the Bible as a reference but King James II who ordered the translation of the Bible from Latin to archaic English was openly homosexual. And that doesn't even mention the several popes, at least two Canadian PMs and USA presidents as well as J.Edgar Hoover.
  22. We are likely to not have the horses to play firewagon football and with all of the coaching changes, we are probably going to have to go with a pretty simplified playbook until the team gels, so get ready for some boring football.
  23. There are almost always surprises on draft days- trades, swaps of draft positions and dark horses emerging. This year promises to be one of those times.
  24. Personally, I think we ought to have a trial before the hanging. Good form and all that.
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