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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. And to make a point- we're back, baby!
  2. Hope Player Safety will react to that.
  3. O'Shea is NOT gonna like those dumb penalties
  4. Sphincter beginning to unclench.....
  5. Gotta have irrefutable proof to overturn field call.
  6. Its his right arm, but he will be back.
  7. It has to be the Gawdawful uniforms. No pressure on Maier at all.
  8. The game is still within reach but unless the middles of our lines stiffen up, that will change quickly and we will be out of it by halftime. WE need a TD!!!
  9. If the Stamps march down the field again and score a major, we are in trouble.
  10. With Calgary's patchwork o-line, this should not be happening. Dammit!
  11. Bomber defence not looking good.
  12. Big Stan not looking good, either.
  13. Bomber O-line getting beaten almost every play so far.
  14. "Deep" doesn't necessarily mean "best"- it means they have the most receivers, That's all.
  15. For all of the hyped changes, Riders did not look a lot better than last year. If it wasn't for the inept Elks and woeful Stamps, they would still be bottom feeders.
  16. Oscar Maier? Plays like a wienie- looks good and hard at first softens if played too often.
  17. And I don't think they are all that scary, either. Good set of receivers but a quarterback who is mediocre on a good day.
  18. Hailstorm Results in Spain 12 hours ago:
  19. to be sure, she heeds to have a stake put through her heart.
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