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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Well, we need the CFL experience at MLB, and Lord knows he has the aggressiveness, but if he cannot stick with a talent-poor team like the Esks, what does that say?
  2. Better than I had expected, considering the gawdawful name for the team.
  3. And more good news for you- Kelowna has been identified and having the best, purest tap water in Canada, and that probably means the USA as well.
  4. Yeah, that isn't a nice area to be sure. But the new stadium in Regina is going elsewhere & I believe that the Mosaic Stadium site & neighbourhood will be razed for mixed development after that. Considering that this is Regina, how will they know where to stop bulldozing derelict buildings?
  5. I vote for Australian lawn darts championships and international tiddly-winks. What the heck, if they can consider poker as appropriate for TSN, there ought to be nothing wrong with my suggestions.
  6. It confirms my impressions from the highlite video. If this guy isn't brittle or have an NFL yearning, he ought to tear up the league for us. If he runs sloppy routes, it could also mean lack of personal discipline.
  7. A puzzlement, to be sure- perhaps he had a change of heart and didn't want to be here.
  8. Lets keep this in perspective, folks. No big project is completed without a problem or two-sometimes big ones in spite of the best efforts of all concerned. Way back in another life, I worked for a major supplier to the construction trade in Winnipeg and from first-hand experience I can tell you that there were problems with the construction of the Concordia hospital, Convention Center and Eaton parkade. Those were the ones I knew of, and I was told of others in Toronto, Edmonton and (ugh) Montreal. About 4-8% of every construction budget is allotted for "contingencies"-unforeseen owies. The current problems are unfortunate but not not unknown in the industry.
  9. Nose guard for Etcheverry. Now, who would make that trade?
  10. The problem might be the media has no idea about the rules also, the refs would have to explain to the friesens of the world what the rules actually are first. But they would have to use small words and lots of pictures.
  11. From what I could see in the highlight video, he would seem to have it all-good hands, decent size, speed to burn, not afraid of traffic and he even blocked well for other receivers. If he can keep his parts together, he ought to be worth watching in training camp.
  12. This may have been Etienne's wish- his stay here was not a good one for either him or the team, so a fresh start may have been the best for all. The problem is, with him gone, who do we pillory now?
  13. As much as a pain in the butt the ratio rule is, it is what makes the CFL the CFL and provides this forum with grist for the mill.
  14. Confucius said that there are two kinds of farmers: one will go into the farmyard looking for eggs and finding them, the other will go out looking for chicken poop and finding it. We see things not as they are, but as we are.
  15. Its all an Illuminati/New World Order/Left-wing/Fascist/Communist/satanic plot to make sure that the Bombers never have a dull moment. If only we had a benevolent dictator to sort out all the problems so that we could all live happily ever after.
  16. Except that the stats show Etienne had more yards per game than Kelly did.... Mike isn't trying to pimp Etienne here, simply saying that Kelly was less productive yet people ran Etienne out of town on a rail so why does Kelly as an import survive? Maybe because Kelly in his short time showed more than Etienne did in his 3 years
  17. I think its safe to assume that the new coaching staff (and probably the GM) have been over the videos of the past season or two and have made decisions about who has zero potential to make the team and who who has shown enough promise to be kept around. Decent NIs are pretty rare and Etienne has obviously shown himself as a non-starter or even backup.
  18. I took this to mean officials will be made available to the media for interviews, not the fans/public. Though I suppose members of the media could also be drunken louts. I believe that is mandatory for the media.
  19. Not sure if this is a good idea, given the amount of verbal abuse directed at officials during the games, and particularly after a close game. Refereeing is always going to be imperfect, and I could easily see drunken louts screaming threats and obscenities at an official who has displeased them.
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