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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. My thoughts, too. TJ Rubley would have been a better choice.
  2. But he might be as good as Kito Poblah.
  3. Isn't this some sort of small Australian bear?
  4. Goossen looks to have the aggressiveness, size and strength to be a good center, but since the center calls the blocking schemes, I hope he has the coachability and smarts as well. This is pure fantasy, but if Goossen turns out to be a decent starting center, and both Neufeld and Pencer step up, our O-line's woes should be a thing of the past. Greaves is not an all-star but good enough and it shouldn't be too hard to find (or keep) a solid left tackle from the pool of import talent.
  5. Sweet Jesus, no. I picked a bad day to quit smoking/drinking/coking.
  6. This is where the rubber hits the road. If the Bomber brain trust are doing their jobs properly, there ought to be a pretty clear picture soon about whether or not there's a winner in the current crop of wannabe quarterbacks. If, despite their best efforts, there is no confidence in this lot, then the Bombers may have to hold their collective noses and negotiate for Glenn.
  7. No argument here, but realistically, January is in the twilight of his career, and we can expect one more year from him at best, so if we can use his experience and leadership as a bargaining chip to get a better draft pick or such, we gotta do it.
  8. Yes, but just look at him now. It was so hard on him that he looks like he's....eighty.
  9. If he was schizophrenic, that would be a sure thing.
  10. Smith's athleticism, aggressiveness, speed and intelligence would seem to make him an idea O-lineman, perhaps at center (if he has long enough arms) or as a pulling guard. We need a smart, tough center to call the blocking schemes and we haven't had that since Picard left. Smith would seem to have a very high ceiling.
  11. Now you're just being silly.
  12. I did some research of this player- he seems to be the victim of bad luck more than fragility, and if that is the case, he ought to be a stellar addition. He can scoot, power through and catch with a good attitude. I couldn't check out his blocking but at 220 pounds, he should be able to be competent if not great. If he proves himself in the CFL, the NFL dream may be too tempting, though. Did you know that NFL cheerleaders do not get paid even minimum wage?
  13. January has been a good solid lineman for us, and one of the few bright lights in a sub-par O-line but I do not think he has much tread left on his tires, so his trade value would be pretty minimal.
  14. To my knowledge there hasn't been anything regarding Lavertu and the NFL. He should be safe for Ottawa or Winnipeg. That's what makes him a rock hard first overall pick. Maybe that was just Viagra.
  15. I suspect that O'Shea will have a strong voice in the choice, being as how he is the one to direct the team on the field.
  16. Wouldn't be a complete surprise- of the top three, he is the only one who has no NFL interest and his versatility is probably a huge asset. If they do take him it leave the Bombers with a real dilemma- whether to gamble on a player who may never play in the CFL or to do the safe thing.
  17. Not to mention having a longer career due to not having 300 lb people chasing and jumping on him.
  18. Maybe this is where Quinn Smith could fit in- he's not 300 lbs, but he is described as strong, very quick, very smart, and very adaptable, so could well be a good right tackle with coaching.
  19. Well, this sorta, kinda sounds vague.....
  20. From the official BB website: Bombers add Receiver and Defensive Back The Winnipeg Blue Bombers announce today the club has added import defensive back Stephon Morris and import wide receiver Jason Barnes. Both players attended the club’s mini-camp in Florida a couple of weeks ago.
  21. Goossen's drop in the ratings is a real surprise. If he's still available in the second round, he might be worth trading up for.
  22. 6 and 12 would be at the low end of the probable scale and 8 and 10 is being overly optimistic unless one of the QBs steps forward and really shines. not impossible, but unlikely.
  23. What?!!? 9000?!?! I'm expecting a 9-9 record. I have several reasons to be this optimistic. Do these reasons come in capsule form?
  24. Welcome to the dark side of the American dream- the American nightmare.
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