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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. That is a Terrelle pun ... just the way I like them So......you like to be pun-ished?
  2. I think this would be a far more productive discussion after training camp breaks. Right now there are so many ifs and maybes for almost every team in the league that its totally unrealistic to even take a shot.
  3. He looks like a blue-chip prospect, as long as he hasn't had any Pryor convictions........
  4. They could then suspend Glenn and not pay him. And then Ottawa would hold all the cards until Glenn retires or caves.
  5. Could all be just a wild Goossen chase.
  6. Considering how porous the O-line was for the past couple of years, we gotta go with the big horses.
  7. Were we really losing because the rookie Americans weren't good enough though? I thought you guys all liked to point to lack of veterans and NIs as the big problem? Too much blind hatred going on. We were losing because almost every facet of the team wasn't good enough- not the general manager, the coaches, the scouts, the drafting and most of the players. There's enough blame to go around, so line up.
  8. A note of reality: coaches like Hufnagel and Kent Austin who are immediately successful are very, very rare. With that in mind, as much as we would like to see O'Shea wipe the field with every opposing team, we are probably headed for a up and down season. If we get to 9 and 9, that would be wonderful, and making the playoffs would send fans into ecstatic rapture, but the odds are against us, what with so many changes and new faces. As a follower of this team for several decades, some seasons, the best we could hope for is to not be humiliated too often, to still be in the game at half-time and have the team be seen as trying hard. Therefore, let us not lose our senses of ha-ha- it will be a long season, and we are going to need all the patience and humour we can get.
  9. Or, its "jump before you get pushed".
  10. Montreal can't officially sign him until next month. That would make him Ocho Cinco de Mayo.
  11. Come on, folks. Football is a sport and sports are meant to entertain, and this will be entertaining. How well Etcheverry does will also give us an idea of how sharp our new coach's acumen is. Sort of two spectacles for the price of one, besides- compared to last couple of seasons, how could it possibly be worse?
  12. McGrath seems to have a very positive attitude- not bemoaning missing out on the NFL fantasy at all. And his credentials seem impressive, so I will pick him to come in to camp and blow his competition away.
  13. http://www.bluebombers.com/article/the-etcheverry-difference The way I remember it, Etch's defense was fun to watch. Hope that's still true. If nothing else, it will be interesting to watch.
  14. Or a substandard British vehicle. Or a substandard British vehicle. This prone gentleman looks like a Prisoner.
  15. Or a substandard British vehicle.
  16. I think this is called "high risk, high reward" and the last big proponent was a rookie head coach we had named Jeff Reinbold. Not a history to inspire confidence.
  17. Good to see that the Marvellous one is doing well... If he makes it here, we have to name him "Captain".
  18. Harper's Record: Sneaking the bodies of fallen soldiers home at night to deny them full ramp honours Voter suppression Muzzling of scientists 8-15 billion dollars lost in Afghanistan Wailing over the Senate while appointing the most senators of any PM The Robocall scandal Conservative senator scandal Election (in and out) scandals Even his chief policy adviser has turned on him as a dictator Trying to impose media control
  19. At the time of the combine Coombs said he put on 10lbs of muscle. Brian Dobie said he has put on about 20lbs total since training this offseason. If Ottawa takes Lavertu, I would not at all be opposed to taking Coombs. Do we really need a NI running back who gets two touches per year?
  20. You'd think that someone as big as Armitage would be able to make the team by just getting in D-linemens' ways for a few seconds.
  21. Interesting. I wonder what the Bomber brain trust sees in Goossen that leads them to believe he should be ranked lower. Attitude? Lack of speed? Teachability? Fragility?
  22. Why be different from all the other Suncor readers/viewers?
  23. Maybe even a Crocodile Dundee reference.
  24. Got busted last summer for DWI and then cut from the Denver Broncos. 6'3" and 305 lbs- seems pretty athletic, but the question is was the DWI an isolated dumb incident or part of a bigger, dumber problem.
  25. Looks to have good body control and peripheral vision, but lacks breakaway speed and didn't seem to have broken too many tackles. Reads blocking well, and had some darned good line blocking in the clips. Could be one of those good-but-not-great players who hangs around- he didn't get all those looks by teams on the basis of a sparkling personality alone.
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