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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Wally has now officially been diagnosed with Oldtimers disease.
  2. My complaints have more to do with how the cost is continually going up, when realistically a lot of these issues should have been solved from the beginning. My taxes are going up anyways really don't care about that, even if they rose my tickets by $50 -80 I wouldn't care. While I do enjoy the stadium and think it's one of the best in Canada, the fact that these issues are still coming up and the Bombers are still being bailed out without even paying back $1 to the province so far, are the issues for me. Do it right the first time, that's all I ask. I attended every game (save for one, due to my grandmothers birthday) last season, so does that mean I can voice my opinion or are you still against it ? IMO Jets tickets being what they are and people paying it, proved that Winnipegers are not cheap. We just want people to think we are. I suggest that Winnipegers are not cheap, but demand value for their money. In places like Toronto the Leafs will draw full houses no matter how pathetic the team is, and that leads to management and players not giving a spit. Jets fans have given them a Mulligan for three years out of novelty and nostalgia but that ride is probably going to an end if the team does not perform a whole lot better next year. You can be a fan and still demand better, by voting with your feet if necessary. Being a fan doesn't automatically mean you are stupid, at least not in Winnipeg.
  3. He's going to have to have one heck of a raise to live in Vancouver full time.
  4. We need all the help we can get, and tall DB's are a rare commodity. Now, if only they can play....
  5. Elliott's supporters here seem to have forgotten his unwillingness to play according to direction. He had a gunslinger's mentality and this was his undoing- he tried to force plays and thought that if he got the ball in the vicinity of his receivers, they would get it. Too often he was wrong because the long bomb wasn't always the right answer.
  6. Looks like an anatomy class illustration.
  7. The universe is unfolding as it should.
  8. For anyone who is griping about Winnipeg pro sport facilities costing too much, keep tuned into the costs for replacing Taylor/Mosaic Field and the stadium and arena in Calgary.
  9. Those are some acute observations right there... There's nothing cute or acute about a Rider fan... Tell me about it, I LIVE with one.... You have our deepest sympathies, what with having to use small words when conversing and all.....
  10. Do they know something we don't? Did you badmouth Gainer?
  11. From reports, Smith has nothing going for him except aggression, power, speed and smarts. Would make a great center with a little work.
  12. That would be Quinn Smith. Thanks for the correction.
  13. I caught the tail end of an interview on 1290 with a sports writer out of Toronto who was at the CFL evaluation camp. He said that the ones who were expected to do well did- mostly O-linemen, but there were three who surprised- Devon Bailey, Briggs and someone whose first name was Quinn. Briggs was flat-out a tremendous athlete, but this Quinn was an unheralded D-lineman who was dominant against o-line opponents 1-1. He was asked to try out as an O-lineman and was just as effective there-no one got past him. Sounds like there might be a few dark horses out there.
  14. For all his talent, Hall had the habit of going offside at critical moments. They said had he had quick feet, but......
  15. I think this writer had pretensions of being the next Ernest Hemingway or JD Salinger. Could have said the same thing in half the space.
  16. Can we all assume that any man who deliberately hurts a woman or child richly deserves to be a guest of the justice system for a long time (where he will get all kinds of special attention from fellow inmates and guards)? That established, can we move on?
  17. Brian Chiu was a very good o-lineman in his day and apparently pretty intelligent to boot, so he would would not be a big step downward if Wylie is not available.
  18. Thanks for the insight. Too bad there isn't enough data to assess the quarterbacks we have on the line.
  19. How can we go on? It's all pointless now.
  20. Wally is going to milk this for all the publicity he can get- its free!
  21. Much ado about nothing. Nothing to see here- move along.
  22. Good publicity but that's all. He's a bit of an egomaniac but the biggest hurdle will be adapting to the CFL game.
  23. I still like Goossen's combative attitude but it will probably come down to how well the holes in both the O-line and D-line can be filled through free agency and US scouting. By my perceptions, the O-line is more of a need and more traditional for NIs to play. If only Bilikudi would come home....
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