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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Yes, good mechanics and lotsa zip on the ball, but I'm more interested in that receiver- he had no problem getting open and he caught every ball....
  2. Bluto's right. The improving TV deals the CFL is getting is making the league less-and-less dependent on gate. People in Ottawa like football. They've finally got owners that are not named Glieberman. I hope they're a permanent fixture, and that it leads to Quebec City or Atlantic expansion within 5 years. Amen.
  3. Winnipeg Blue Bombers, Superbowl LIII champions....ahhhh....my imagination is the only thing that has kept me sane since 1990.... We've all been living on a mixture of hope and anger. Yes, this batch of quarterbacks doesn't have a lot of name-brand recognition, but last year, we KNEW what were were going to have to live with in quarterbacks, and it was ug-a-lee. It was one of the few seasons that I dreaded looking forward to watching.
  4. What the heck- he hasn't said or done anything dumb in several months and he is a force when on. Why not?
  5. Part of a reporter's job is to stir up enough controversy to make the read interesting, whether you agree or disagree, and Lawless seems to have done that. As far as optimism for the upcoming season is concerned- set your WABAC machine to 2013 at this time and look at the gloom that surrounded the team then. Mack was spinning his wheels, the QB situation was a laughing-stock of the league, and just about everyone knew the Bombers were going to implode. I'll take 2014, thank you very much.
  6. Sounds promising- at 5'8" and 185 he's not a wisp and can catch to boot. Speed is great but not everything- I can recall one returner the Bombers had in camp in the 70's named Stan Somethingorother. He was 5'6" and 155 and could run like the wind but could not break a grab to save his life and even side winds were a problem.
  7. Any way you look at it, this is all good news for the faithful. The Bombers are showing signs of becoming a professional operation and even if we don't go to the Grey Cup game this year, Walters and Miller are establishing a foundation for years to come. People have a lot of patience if there is progress, and there has been more progress since Walters came on board as GM than in the past three years under Mack. I was hoping for Higgins as GM but am being more and more impressed with Walters.
  8. I find it sad that the Bombers are even talking to Ottawa about Glenn. I foresee nothing but bad stuff coming out of this for the Bombers with this development. I don't think Glenn would really want to come back to Winnipeg, a lot of fans don't want him back under any circumstances, and worse yet, it sure as spit looks like Walters and co. lied to Willy. Not a good argument for establishing trust with the hired help- we don't need to act like Desjardins.
  9. I don't know- if he can't outrun a donut-muncher cop, can he possibly be quick enough for the CFL? I'm betting that either he won't show for training camp or bring his therapist and/or father with him to every scrimmage.
  10. Sound like if this Urrutia can get his act together up here in the CFL, all of the ears in the NFL will pick right up.
  11. Glenn did not beat up nuns or eat puppies when he was here- he was screwed over by Kelly, so he does not deserve all the crap that has been heaped on him. He could still be a useful piece for the right team and the right coach. Good luck to him- he hasn't had much to date.
  12. I'll stick with my Montreal or Vancouver as best bets for Glenn to end up in. I could see disaster if somehow he ends back here- Willy was "promised" the inside track as starter here. If Glenn came back, we would have a quarterback returning to where he was hooped and one (Willy) who would believe he was lied to. Its a lose-lose situation that I hope the Bombers avoid.
  13. Its nice to have our quarterbacking situation not riding all-or-nothing on the shoulders of one pivot- we need competition and not a bunch of wannabes with thin resumes.
  14. Two completely different situations and histories. The CFL situation and the ownership situation in Ottawa gives them at least a fighting chance this time round. Now, if only they had gotten the damn name right….. They should have called the team the "Ottawa Redux" with teal coloured uniforms.
  15. That used to depend on the "protection"- the blocking was always an issue.
  16. My wife says that "hard and fast" is not always the best.
  17. Strange- the NFL scouting report lists Gatling at 6'2" and 235 with only fair athletic performance. Seems like a long shot for rush end.
  18. Ray's clear flaw is not finding a way to become a Bomber. Who needs him and his fancy statistics anyways.
  19. I have been a fan of Nik Lewis for years but does he have any tread left on his tires?
  20. Well, well. A clean QB slate for the Bombers in 2014. Goltz had his chances to step up and faded back instead, while Hall progressed in very difficult times, so goodby, Mr. Goltz. Does this mean his cameo appearance in the Snickers commercial will no longer be aired in Canada or at least Winnipeg? All in all, this group of QBs are thin on CFL experience, which is a bit of a concern, but if Matt Dunigan and McManus vouch for Broehm, he's definitely worth a look-see. And no way is Glenn ever going to be back in Blue and Gold. Florida Dan still has to scare up one more promising QB for training camp. We're already a much better team than 2013 when everyone who wasn't chemically impaired knew that the team was going to suck really badly all season- and they exceeded all expectations in that one regard. If nothing else, its going to be an interesting year.
  21. With all the venom being spat at the Ottawa GM, it will be very interesting to revisit this topic after Labour Day to see who has thrown together the better mix- the Bombers or the RedBlacks.
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