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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Homophobia is, by all reports, a BIG thing in the NFL, NBA and MLB, so it wouldn't be a big stretch to see Sam get drafted in late rounds and decide to come to CFL in order to make his rep and force the NFL to notice him. It happened to Doug Flutie, Warren Moon and other players who did not fit the NFL profile. The US of A is a very regressive place in many instances. All you need do is get off the interstates in Alabama or Mississippi and visit some of the small towns.
  2. Women and men both have been known to sneak peeks at the scantily clad or nude bodies of others- not necessarily in sexual interest but in curiosity. It's human nature- the first thing we notice when seeing someone new come into our field of view is their gender. Its hard-wired in.
  3. But Sochi took 50 billion dollars.... making our team's cap number look like a drop in the bucket Now, if Taman had had 50 billion dolllars.......he could have afforded to do his writing at Quizno's instead of Subway.
  4. An imminent announcement expected about Bourke re-signing with the Larks. A swing and a miss (again). Sad, but not surprising.
  5. You may not be aware that in armed forces in some countries, men and women shower together without them falling to the floor in writhing heaps.
  6. The resentment on Glenn's part as reported would seem to be accurate. This would be a very good argument against bring Glenn back to the 'Peg- it sure seems like Willy was promised the starting job and parachuting Glenn in here would mean that Willy would be "disgruntled" And I used to think that "disgruntled" was a term used to describe a retired pig.
  7. Wow. If Glenn is PO'd now, he is going to be worse as time goes on. DesJardins is off to a baaad start, and unless he can flip Glenn real quickly to a team who will let him be a starter (and he has earned that), he is going to get hosed in a deal. The only real situations that Glenn would fit well into are Montreal and maybe BC.
  8. He must think that he is so devastatingly attractive sexually that he couldn't be resisted. Life must be difficult with all those guys and gals hitting on him.
  9. Stupid is as stupid does. I've been around long enough to remember when blacks were excluded from playing certain positions on football teams and were not even considered for coaching or management because they were "not smart enough". The same bigots who feel that God has franchised them to discriminate against one group or another are the same ones who would have been stoning infidels in the streets not that long ago.
  10. I like his size and if I recall, he's a pretty good DB. You can't coach height.
  11. BC would be a natural for Glenn, given his distaste for cold weather.
  12. I have three things to say,iso: And fourth... I mean four things, I have four things to say: I didn't realize there was a minimum sentence rule at these forums. Why Jacquie, I've not known you to be so …fourthright. I'm a little disappointed. I had you all set up for a Spanish Inquisition comment. But nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
  13. As much as I would love to see a CFL team in Halifax, it has to be a long shot, but the stars are as close to being in perfect alignment as they have ever been.
  14. It goes like this: if O'Shea and Walters think Will is the real deal, they will probably bring in a couple of young challengers, maybe even Nichols. If they have reservations about Willy, expect them to bring in Glenn (if he wants to be here). Either way, I hope they didn't make any extravagant promises to Willy that he would start and finish every game that he's well enough to play. If they screw him over, a disgruntled QB is not a productive QB.
  15. Time for a reality check. Willy is a promising newbie, but his portfolio is still pretty thin, so lets not anoint Walters as the next Wally Buono just yet. I am of the opinion that We should pursue Nichols if the price is not too high. Hall has improved but not enough to believe that he is good enough to ensure a competent backup. So, if Nichols is not an option, then Florida Dan needs to beat the bushes for a a hot QB prospect- something that hasn't been seen in these parts for a very long time.
  16. Okay, now that Willy is on board, if we can also sign Nichols, we ought to be in good shape. Let them and Hall fight it out for the starting position.
  17. Reminds me about the "Airplane!" movie where LLoyd Bridges' air traffic controller character was saying, " I guess I picked a bad day to give up smoking/ booze/cocaine". Some days are like that.
  18. Nichols is definitely an upgrade over Goltz, but then there are no end of QB hopefuls who are. When Nichols was healthy, he was effective in a very lame offense, and unless Max Hall has improved a whole bunch since last year, Nichols is way better than him, too. The only question is whether Hervey is going to be rigid in what he thinks Nichols is worth.
  19. Based on the assumption that you're moving at all as opposed to stagnating at the bottom. I suppose it shouldn't be hard to equal or best the 2013 record. The bar has been set very low- ground level.
  20. That's it. My worst fears about this team realized.
  21. You should stick to quotes from Harry Potter - they're more magical. Apart from the #2 QB from Sask. Willy, there is one of Crompton or Nichols, Toronto still has 4 QBs and ….Glenn. Out-maneuvered? By not paying $450-465000 for a stand-in QB? Out-maneuver me all night long. I wasn't referring to just the Burris thingie, or even Walters- its been one damned thing after another when it comes to quarterbacks. We've brought in one QB dud after another for years, and its monotonous if not infuriating. It seems we're almost always a dollar short and a day late.
  22. This stinks. I don't know what is going on but there's a James Bond quote that occurs to me:" Once is happenstance (Reilly), twice is coincidence (Collaros), but three times is enemy action (Burris)" . Walters is looking at other teams rosters? Apart from the #3 QB in Saskatchewan, there is NOBODY else out there if we don't sign Willy. Nothing today to inspire confidence. Walters may have been the victim of being out-maneuvered and all may yet be well, but Jeeez.
  23. I am becoming more frustrated every day. I cannot believe that Winnipeg has such a rep as a graveyard for football careers that no decent QB wants to come here. If DesJardins is determined to start bidding wars, there is really nothing to be done, but it would be comforting to hear from Walters about how the dynamics of this latest boondoggle played out and what he is planning to do about it. The lack of a good quarterback was the main reason Mack, LaPolice, Burke and several other GMs and HCs lost their jobs. We were asked to trust and believe that all would be well, and it sounds like that all over again. If we have to go into the next season with an all-mediocre batch of QB's, we might as well give up on the season and tune in after Labour Day for the autopsy.
  24. This is getting repetitive. Do we collectively have cooties that no one wants to come and play at our house?
  25. Burris may be trying to get the cost of a full body cast and iron lung included if the O-line isn't upgraded.
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