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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. The longer this goes on, I think the worse our odds are. And Willy is not a gimme either.
  2. Or we can wait until he's officially a free agent in 2 weeks? Playing the waiting game has not worked well for us lately. Kinda reminds me of that old poster of two vultures perched on a tree in a desert, with one saying to the other "Patience my a$$. I'm going to go kill something."
  3. Just for the heck of it, lets look at reality. If the Stamps have any real interest in Burris, we're in tough- it would cost Burris somewhere around $15,000 to live here VS living in his own home in Calgary. For those who are bad-mouthing Burris consider this: in 2012, Burris threw for 40 touchdowns Between 2012 and 2013, the entire bomber quarterbacking corps threw for.....29 touchdowns.
  4. No! We absolutely cannot sign him. Then we'd be looking at someone else's Willy all year. Ick. Free Willy!
  5. If I'm the RedBlack's GM, I would be drooling at the chance to sign a ratio-busting all-star potential hall of fame MLB who is an unrestricted free agent. Come to think of it, pretty much all the CFL clubs would be. I expect heavy competition.
  6. My first reaction was "oh, spit", but if Brett couldn't beat out the weak competition here with the coaching of a an all-star punter, there has to be a good chance he's not what we had hoped for. If he does really well in Pile O' Bones, we will have something to ***** about.
  7. AA larger | smaller STEVE PATRICKSTEVE PATRICK It is with love and great sadness that we announce the passing of Steve: husband, father, grandfather and friend, on Saturday, January 11, 2014. He is survived by June, his wife of 58 years; children Kim (Shinsuke), Carolyn (Ken), Sandra, Stephen (Carrie), James (Deborah), Lisa (Danny), Tara; grandchildren, Brennan, Quinn, Madison, Nolan and Amelie; brother, Walter, and sisters, Anne and Tara. He was predeceased by his beloved parents, Alex and Catherine, and his brother, John. Steve was born in Glenella, Manitoba in 1931 and spent his early years watching his parents homestead the family farm, where he learned the value of hard work and overcoming challenges. After moving to Winnipeg, Steve enjoyed a successful 13 year career with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. He played on four Grey Cup Championship teams and was later inducted into both the Blue Bomber and Manitoba Sports Halls of Fame.
  8. Can't wait for a certain TV sportscaster to try to pronounce this guy's name. He could be the answer to several years of misery- does he both place-kick and punt?
  9. What, and give up this wonderful weather in Winnipeg and Regina????
  10. And Buchko and Mack sip on their Mojitos and smile.....
  11. They might chant, "Go RB's" but then everyone would want to go for fast-food roast beef sandwiches.
  12. And the Tabbies show a flutter of a pluse.....
  13. If anyone was harbouring faint hope that the Tigercats were going to mount a comeback, that interception ought to douse it. So much for Kent Austin's halftime adjustments.
  14. Well, its make or break time for the Ticats in this quarter- both on defence and offense.
  15. Its a blowout so far. Lets see if Austin can rally the troops, tweak things a bit and make the second half competitive. The fans who paid big bucks deserve an actual game, although the Rider faithful are probably wetting themselves in ecstacy.
  16. Some of the best coaches in various sports were disliked (but feared) by most of their players, but worked their butts off and even won a lot of games. Coaches would rather have the obedience and respect of their players than be best buddies with them or the media. Lets hope for competence instead of likeability- there are not too many Mike Rileys out there.
  17. I don't know, Taman may be tired, and may have had a 'rough rider', but to me, he's attempted, and always succeeded, in having the "dishevelled" look down pat. Hey, it worked for Columbo for many years.
  18. OMG, you are...your…avatar. Sadly no. I wanted Kelly gone 1/2 thought the season. I dispised him with a passion. My avatar was changed out of my immense displeasure with the circus that has grown around these parts since last offseason and thought this season, I love the bombers, but after the abusive relationship we've had the past couple of seasons I begun to secretly hate them without being able to leave them.. This sounds like a very bad couples' relationship.
  19. To try to put this thread onto a more positive note- this matchup is one of the best that could have happened to the CFL. Like them or not, the Rider fans are the most ardent in the league and probably the most numerous ex-pat group you could imagine. Hamilton has suffered with a decrepit stadium and pathetic teams for what seems like decades and they have had a core of diehard fans who make up in enthusiasm what they lack in numbers. Both teams were underdogs and since this happening in Pile O Bones, the amount of media attention ought to be contagious for the rest of the CFL. We are all hoping for an entertaining game, and the edge has to to be given to the Riders unless they choke under the pressure. If they get behind early, the fans will be merciless. Go CFL!!!
  20. Berry has been the best head coach we've had since Dave Richie and has done a very good job getting rookie QB Smith in Montreal up to speed in the CFL. He didn't help himself by getting into a public hissing contest with a certain kicker. I would welcome him back, particularly since he is now available.
  21. And when Kelly was here, we thought it couldn't get any worse. At least we haven't had any more coaches or GMs in the docket. Small comfort, but sometimes you have to take what you can get.
  22. 1 for 1 so far. Now let's see if Kevie does his usual choke and the Riders walk in to the GC.... So far, the Calgary defence's collars look tight....
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