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Everything posted by TrueBlue4ever

  1. What a jumbled mess Can we not count syllables? Worst. Haiku. Ever.
  2. Congrats on the win MOBomberFan Well played!
  3. Advantage MOB
  4. Reynolds is on at the 2:49:00 mark, but watch a likely very high Kirsty Alley at 2:45:00 for some context to his speech.
  5. Well, last chance here, so for the first time all season, got to go with Andrew Harris.
  6. Who did everyone pick last week?
  7. Of course there is an excuse. It’s “The GOP has the numbers and can manipulate the system to get their guy in”. It’s the same excuse for denying/stonewalling Obama’s pick for a year under the pretence of “can’t allow a pick in an election year, should be a ballot issue”. Oh, you wanted a GOOD excuse..... If Ruth Bader Ginsburg passes away (can’t Imagine her retiring with Trump in power, even if she is 84), it is quite astounding to think that 33% of the highest court in the country for the next 30-40 years could be shaped by Donald Trump. And a sad indictment of both the US court and political systems that a supposedly non-political body is seen as acting in such a partisan manner depending on who sits on it.
  8. What a stunning rebuke of the current Presidency delivered by John McCain’s daughter Meghan during his eulogy. Never thought I’d see a funeral used as a place for character assassination against a sitting Commander-in-Chief. Guess McCain didn’t care for the “my heroes don’t get shot down and captured “ jab during the campaign. The times we live in.
  9. William Powell -OTT
  10. By my calculations, the current results are: Player Strikes (Pick) BigBlue xxx (A. Harris - NO) TrueBlue4ever xxx (K.Jorden - YES) WinnipegGordo xxx (A. Harris - NO) biggjay xxxx (D. Daniels - YES) blueingreenland xxxx (LATE - but picked A. Harris anyway - NO) kelownabomberfan xxxx (J. Wilder Jr. - NO) MOBomberFan xxxx (B. Banks - NO) WBBFanWest xxxx (J. Wilder Jr. - NO) Eliminated Big Blue204 xxxxx (A. Harris - NO) Fire Kid xxxxx (A. Harris - NO) Jpan85 xxxxx (S.J. Green - NO) rebusrankin xxxxx (J. Wilder Jr. - NO) SPuDS xxxxx (NO PICK) Throw Long Bannatyne xxxxx (M. Reilly - NO) Tough week, only 2 correct, and almost half the remaining field eliminated.
  11. They should make a tape of Randle's attempt on the Jorden TD on "how not to tackle". Body checking belongs in hockey, try wrapping up with your arms. That was beyond awful.
  12. Aww, did I hurt your feelings? Play better.
  13. Funny, no one criticizing Calgary for their failing short yardage passing scheme.
  14. Win the turnover battle and the time of possession.
  15. Kamar Jorden
  16. Esk passing attack vs Als D makes this obvious, but which weapon to choose? Let's take Duke Williams.
  17. Cactus would respond "A man who is an institution, or instead maybe should be in one".
  18. Sorry, was channeling Cactus Jack with the name snafu. And was going off of Bob Irving's radio call.
  19. Honestly, even though he's a prima donna, I feel bad for Carter here. No denying his talent, and Jones throwing him on defence after an all-star season as a receiver was just plain dumb. Then to find out from his teammates and Jones' response when Carter contacts him - well, no one deserves that treatment.
  20. 1. Bighill - could Durant quitting the team be the biggest move of the year? Without it we can't afford to sign a star MLB. 2. Harris - the engine that drives the offence 3. Medlock - 44.7 yard NET punting avg. (same as his overall avg!) is unheard of. Controlled the field position battlr. HH - loved Petermann's YAC yards and blocking contributions, but give it to 3rd string QB Bryan Burnett for making a tackle (and a good one at that) on special teams!!
  21. It's almost a badge of honour to still be in this thing and not have picked Andrew Harris at least once yet, but that day will come. Just not today. William Powell for Ottawa.
  22. I remember Omarosa giving an interview shortly after Trump was elected saying how everyone who crossed him during the election and doubted him should beware, because he is motivated to prove everyone wrong, payback is a b*tch, and revenge is sweet (at the time she was on his staff and said these words with glee). It's obvious by his comments and actions that he holds grudges and vows revenge on any perceived "enemy", much like Nixon had his list. In fact, much of his Presidency seems to be bent on dismantling anything Obama did, and I often think it's solely because Obama humiliated him publicly at the correspondent's dinner [where he mocked Trump's whole birther movement by displaying his long form certificate, then showing a clip of "The Lion King" as his actual birth video, while sarcastically trashing Trump's decision-making with false praise based on his "Celebrity Apprentice" firings (this was the same night the Bin Laden raid had been authorized on Obama's orders)]. All this to say, in light of his latest public spat with LeBron James, I wonder who is on Trump's enemies list, and why? It would be long, but for starters: Hillary (for calling him a puppet?) Colin Kaepernick (for kneeling, or is it the colour of his skin?) Comey (for not finding enough to jail Hillary, or not burying the Russia probe) Mueller, Sessions, Manafort, Rosenstein (Russia probe) Sean Spicer (not lying well enough to justify Trump's contradictions, having a conscience) Cohen (no loyalty, unsealing the vault) LeBrom (see Kaepernick) Seth Meyers (correspondent's dinner joke) Stephen Colbert (every night's monologue) CNN, Jim Acosta ("fake news", a.k.a. criticizing Trump's presidency) Vincente Fox , Angela Merkel, EU ;ustin Trudeau (not blindly buying in to "America First" policies) So who else?
  23. I swear I didi not see your post before making the same switch. Great minds....
  24. 6 game injured list. Great. Let's switch to Kamar Jordan since it's the only game left.
  25. Eric Rogers - Calgary
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