My cable package always allowed me to get TSN and TSN 2. When the expansion came to 5 TSN channels, I then got all 5…….until two days ago, that is. Now all I get is TSN 2 and TSN 3. With the Jets game on TSN 3 tonight (and U.S. college hockey on TSN 2) I could not get the CFL game. I called Shaw Cable (my provider) and asked why I wasn't getting the national TSN feed that I was paying for, and they explained that this is a TSN decision, not theirs, and TSN 1 is now technically TSN "West" (4 is Ontario and 5 is Quebec) so it is blacked out in the Winnipeg region, and the "free trial"of all 5 channels is now over. TSN 3 now supposedly replaces TSN 1 as the main TSN feed for Winnipeg, and TSN 2 provides secondary programming for the entire nation like it always has. Problem is that TSN 3 has not been showing the same stuff as TSN 1 all the time, and with the hockey game tonight taking precedence in the Winnipeg region, I was unable to watch our one national league on the sole national broadcaster, and apparently have no way to even pay more to order TSN 1 anymore (which I shouldn't have to, since I was already paying for it!). Long story short, I am told there is no national feed anymore, and Winnipeg broadcasting will take precedence over what TSN would normally broadcast on a national basis. So much for expanded TSN channels and more viewing options. My cable supplier told me if I want to complain, complain to TSN and not the cable company.
Just curious if anyone else had this problem, or is my cable supplier mistaken?
Also, if TSN 3 broadcasts something other than the Grey Cup, I will be pissed! Hope there isn't a Jets game on Grey Cup Sunday.