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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. I continue to be amazed at the constant stream of players whining and embarassing themselves on twitter, and I'm not even paying that close attention. Maybe the Bombers twitter problems of the past couple years weren't just a Winnipeg thing after all... The players are acting like they're in a CBA battle with a group of millionaire/billionaires like the NHL and NFL. Someone should remind them that in places like Wpg, Sask, and EDM, if the teams lose money it is the taxpayers paying the bill. Lord knows we have already. And in the other cities the teams will just fold if they lose enough. This maybe makes me sound like a shill for the league, but in many ways the CFL is essentially negotiating on behalf of the fans way moreso than in any other situation we've seen in sports. The higher the salary cap and ratification bonuses are, the more money the province and city (ie. the fans) are on the hook for if the Bombers ever come up short.
  2. I looked it up... Lemon was replaced by an injured Jyles and a poorly performing Dalton Bell: http://www.cbc.ca/sports/football/cfl/argos-drop-quarterback-cleo-lemon-1.1000012 And Pickett was replaced with... nobody? They just cut all their QBs in the offseason. I'm assuming they signed Cleo Lemon shortly after that? http://www.tsn.ca/cfl/story/?id=311051 sigh. I miss the days when the Argos were terrible and couldn't find a quarterback.
  3. You don't think that a lot of scouts and NFL resources who look highly on a player doesn't mean anything? I know some guys slip through the cracks but for the most part anyone with talent is on the NFL radar, cfl radar or even arena football radar. Ricky Williams, David Boston, Bethel Johnson, Limas Sweed, J.T. O'Sullivan, Aaron Maybin and hundreds of others say otherwise. A lot of those guys were washed up in the NFL before they even came to the CFL. Who beat out Cleo Lemon and Cody Pickett for their jobs? Stephen Jyles? This is bugging me now.
  4. Does anyone on city council realize that the Bombers first home game is supposed to be in less than two weeks. I sure hope there's enough time to get it figured out. Maybe the Goldeyes have a game that day too...
  5. Who owns the stadium? If this is how the city wants to operate, considering the U of M location was probably the Bombers last choice for location but had it forced on them by politicians, then they should at least have full ownership of the facility if they're going to get screwed over every time a politician has a bad few monhts. Anyone remember last year when the team was terrible and suddenly Seligner decided to crow about how the province should have more control over the team if they weren't going to be able to pay their debts? Just months after they were all smiling away at the grand opening taking all the credit they could get their hands on.
  6. I would buy it, except the person who runs the Twitter account has been in trouble before for similar stuff. In that case I guess it's not a bad way to get a comment like that out if that's how they really feel. Put it out there just long enough for everyone to retweet it, screenshot it, etc., then remove and say it was an accident.
  7. I actually believe that... or whatever minion was manning the twitter feed got in some fast trouble. Wpg Blue Bombers @Wpg_BlueBombers · 18s @Brent_Neill It was an accidental RT, the Tweet was brought to our attention and we were reviewing. Not an official comment by any means.
  8. I'm guessing it won't be up for long.
  9. Funny that the Bombers official twitter account just retweeted that comment... Wpg Blue Bombers ‏@Wpg_BlueBombers 24s RT @garrettbillan1: @Wpg_BlueBombers Sammy still crying about his buddy Rabb being rejected by the BOD I see.
  10. Of course it is. According to Zach Collaros it's better than IGF.
  11. If that story is true, then I'm curious Bible school he went to, because that sounds a bit ridiculous. We have older, more numerous, and thus far more reliable manuscripts of the New Testament than any other book from the ancient world. It actually doesn't contradict itself either. In fact, it has an impossible number of predictions in the Old Testament that were proven correct hundreds of years later. As for Luke 19, just read that chapter in the Bible yourself. If you want to cherry pick single verses to make the Bible look bad, you could do a lot better than one that is clearly just part of a parable Jesus is telling.
  12. come on now, Mack moved up in the draft as well and he wasn't afraid to go and get the player he wanted in the draft either. I swear some of you just make **** up all the time. The difference here is that Walters is going more by the book, remains to be seen if that's the correct strategy or not. Yeah, everything everyone is saying about Walters, we were all saying about Mack for the first couple years. But it's kind of a Winnipeg pastime to trash the previous regime mercilessly in order to build up the new one. One of these times we'll be right though - hopefully this is it.
  13. So you're cool with the KKK too? Give it a rest. You're clearly being more "hateful" than any of these football players tweets.
  14. It's frustrating to read this stuff when it appears most of you have no idea what the actual Christian position on homosexuality is. You seem to all have a warped view that lets you paint anyone who disagrees with you as a hateful bigot.
  15. The Ottawa BLACKBLACKS.
  16. This isn't a serious comment is it?
  17. Point Douglas is close to Main Street. The area is run down. That entire part of Winnipeg would have to be bulldozed. As bad as the U of M site is for access & egress of traffic it is still better than Point Douglas. But that was the whole point. They were going to bulldoze a good portion of that dump and improve it. And if you're that scared to to leave a football game with 30,000 other fans around you at night then I don't know what to say. I am pretty sure people said the same thing before they built the MTS Centre too.
  18. Safeway? They don't have those in Toronto? Talk about small-time...
  19. The Point Douglas plan was amazing. But they would have had to tear down a handful of old, decrepit slum houses, so that was a no go. The bleeding hearts at the Free Press were in a full-on freakout within hours of the announcement.
  20. In other words, not the stadium that Winnipeg needs, but the stadium that Winnipeg deserves? I think it's a little early to be jumping to those conclusions.
  21. Well maybe that's true... but on 1290 yesterday morning some anonymous caller who claimed to have worked at the stadium said his other anonymous friend said that it would be smart to not sit in the entire west side of the stadium in the future!!! That's the kind of anonymous panic-mongering I can get behind. The fact that the hosts didn't laugh him off the air, but took that comment seriously made me turn the radio off.
  22. Obviously the Bomber board doesn't have a great track record of making good decisions lately... but if the agreement is to have a representative from the City of Winnipeg on the board, then shouldn't that person be... oh I don't know, a representative of the City of Winnipeg? As opposed to just some buddy of Sam Katz. And as the Bomber guy pointed, Katz will probably not even be the mayor shortly, so then where's the city's representation? Seems to make sense to me. On the other hand, who knows what kind of BS goes on in the background with these people, of whom I know exactly none of.
  23. Why can't they just have a hard cap like the NHL or NFL, where they literally can not go over the cap, because the league won't approve contracts that would cause them to be over. Is it so hard for them to track the cap throughout the season instead of this bush-league honour system that they seem to be using?
  24. You make it sound like it's been falling apart from the start. What are the other black eyes again? The traffic issues that they managed to pretty much solve within a week? Or the *gasp* handrails that had to be replaced?!?!? Or maybe the open-air press box that no fans will ever use, that will be enclosed in time for the Grey Cup and Winter Classics. I guess if you add those up you have half a black eye, maybe.
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