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HardCoreBlue last won the day on January 12

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    Sherwood Park

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  1. Ouch, that’s gentleman sweep to you.
  2. Just make the damn playoffs. I assume nothing until that's confirmed.
  3. I did say praise and/or blame is distributed in varying percentages across the players, not distributed equally but the point remains QB1 is the guy who runs the show but can't do it all by himself, needs to be surrounded by a good supporting cast and have coaches/management who field this supporting cast and put them in positions to be successful that play to the QB's strengths. So when autopsies of games are done, yes bad QB play is exposed but what also is exposed is bad supporting cast play and bad coaching/management decisions. The beauty of breaking down game tape that as fans usually don't see and have the skill to understand what transpired from plays being whistled in to whistled dead. I've attended these game tape reviews in minor football and things were flying over my head constantly and/or helped me understand what was really going on that I didn't catch in real time.
  4. Interesting with some valid points but losing 3 straight GC games does not fall solely on the shoulders of ZC. Football is the ultimate team sport ergo win or lose as a team. Praise and/or blame is usually distributed in varying percentages across the players, coaches and management.
  5. He gave us years of high quality affordable entertainment.
  6. Like it or not it seemed he really led his life with no F’s to give.
  7. In the case of Rider fans it's not that don't read Riderfan forums its that they can't read no matter how hard they try. 🙂
  8. I don't think anyone is suggesting we lost because Ambles didn't play. I think its adding to the debate about dressing starters at 50%-70% versus dressing depth players at 100%.
  9. What happens when Fleury is ready to go and no D go down in the meantime? Anything? It will be interesting to see what happens.
  10. If anything, I thought he was TO bound. Guess not.
  11. Yup, just because you're good at/knowledgeable about (insert topics) doesn't mean you're good at/knowledgeable about (insert topics). The lower one's self awareness is the blurrier this becomes.
  12. I would add: in an uncomfortable way.
  13. Can we have our money back DD you milked from us? Oh wait it was the BB's fault for not being family friendly enough for you, sorry I forgot.
  14. Great finish. LA looking for a pi at the end but ref says nope.
  15. Jets playing really well but one wicked shot 1-0 bad guys.
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