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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. And the first part of your sentence trumped the last part of your sentence which should always happen.
  2. Keep fitzgerald in more for protection and run blocking I say.
  3. I thought that as soon as a knee is down, the play is called dead. Much like you see when control tower is checking to see whether a knee was down prior to a fumble. As I missed that particularly play did his knee actually touch the turf because if it wasn't, it's a legit play, no?
  4. Exactly, 'enough' being the key word. Just out of curiousity, how many screens/draws did we attempt, anyone know?
  5. The only surprise is that he was actually brought back this year. He doesn't really do anything well enough to justify being anything more than a backup and we seem to have guys who can do that job better. No not suprising. He had a decent year last year considering our woeful record.
  6. I'd put this as one of the most frustrating types of injury for a football player.
  7. I think you might be writing Dinwiddie off a bit early, I thought he called a pretty good game for Smith in the game against BC. Played to his strengths and got just enough out of him to get the win along with the defense stepping up. Not much more a guy can do when you're handicapped by a passer that inaccurate. Dinwiddie has a lot of experience with this aspect of the game. You would think, and this is only a guess, that Dinwiddie is a better coach than he was a player. You would think. Weird though that my wife, who never wants to watch football, wants to watch tonight when I told her Dinwifddie was with Montreal now. Weird.
  8. It's also a nice reminder that in football, the player that usually makes the 'play' is not the player who scores the touchdown or makes the tackle. This is what we teach at the grassroots level and it seems to resonate with the players.
  9. Honestly, i understand what you are saying but i think it's a bit of a stretch comparing the best basketball player in the game today to evander kane, Kane might be a good player, he might be a super star but he isn't yet.. He hasn't won anything, no individual awards, no team awards. Say what you will but Lebron never left Cleveland cuz he didn't like Cleveland, he left because he wanted to go somewhere else to win. He might even sign with Cleveland this off-season. Honestly, kane might be our best player based on potential but the argument could be made right now that our best player all around is Blake Wheeler. I never said they were equal in talent or even at the same stages in their professional career, I'm suggesting the similarirties are pretty obvious as treating themselves as a business and not just as an athlete who wants to play.
  10. I see a lot of similarities emerging between Evander Kane and Lebron James. They're both selling themselves as individual commodities with absoutley no desire to attach themselves to any team. They market themselves to fetch the highest dollar knowing that their bodies will fail them eventually but it won't matter as they will have built a successful individual commodity that can diversify beyond just playing the game.
  11. Best answer yet. It could be that the Riders just replaced one headache in the lockeroom (Anderson) with another (Messam).
  12. Buck's legacy in this town, akin to that of Old Dutch, Jeannie's Cakes and Honey dill sauce. Wow.
  13. Great line. That's what it's all about. Something to always try to aspire to do knowing no one is perfect.
  14. Considering it's Frolik and who we have as up and comers, I think the Jets management would rather see a two to three year deal max imo.
  15. Yup, just saw the same thing on the Als board. I think I'd rather see us play Troy Smith than Tanner Marsh for the basic fact of reading defences and how Etch probably still has a few more wrinkles to introduce.
  16. You can always form tackle someone who has the ball. It's not that hard, can't hit anyone above the shoulders, can't hit a QB standing prone in the pocket in the knees and below. Somehow not being able to hit above the nipples works for rugby, problem in football is that the helmet has become a weapon and a tool for tackling, some guys like Willis have terrible habits and barely even use their arms to tackle, which is why RB's are usually flying by him into the 2nd level. Yes it would be nice to see form tackling more often from Williis (and most other players for that matter) and Willis doesn't have the greatest reputation. But I did not see him leave his feet, he did lead high but did lead with his shoulder with incidental contact of the helmets. On this particular play, I really don't think there was intent, other than poor form tackling and a chance to hit the QB. It was a bang bang play in a close game.
  17. Thanks for posting. I wonder what that building is overlooking the stadium?
  18. plus a turnstile at tackle it ain't a good situation. I actually felt bad for the guy in how the commentators were regularly profiling his play. Might be his last game.
  19. Near the end of the game, that's one of the worst safety blitzes I've seen for a while which Willy took full advantage. If it was Milt receiving, he would have broken route, cut to the middle, put his hand up and bon voyage.
  20. Thus far he sure seems to being doing the right things other than just planning the football x's and o's. Things like clapping to the fans at the end of the game, things like his approach with players personal situations both good and bad, things like his approach with his coaching staff. This is called respect and seeing the bigger picture of what all this means. I'm a fan, how can you not cheer for him?
  21. Not me, I go after their pair of rookie halfbacks early and often. Yeah, as much as people want to **** on JJ, here's the thing about him: He's always at his best when he has a chip on his shoulder. And he has a MASSIVE chip on his shoulder about being released here. He wants to have an oustanding game, if for no other reason than to say **** You to the Bombers. He might get torched all season, but this first game against Winnipeg? I bet you he's lights out... I think that's the debate. What is his 'best' nowadays, chip or not?
  22. I'm starting to think I'm a humor nerd because that line is gold.
  23. After one game, the reminder already comes? I'll give you this if it's the same mid-season. I dunno man, that hamilton oline looked pretty awful and sask was only send 4 guys if that most times. Collaros didn't look good. I think its likely he does struggle this season. Hamiltons Oline will be their downfall. They just lost one of the guys to injury too. I have no vested interest in Collaros, I hope we pummel Hamilton when we play them, but it's only one game. He's probably allowed at least one mulligan. Not to mention the fact his supporting cast didn't do much supporting.
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