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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Actually saw that he asked how the search for a DC was going .. *shrug* I think Sears could be one of the big beneficiaries of an Etcheverry defence. He is just the type of player that Etch loves. Although how Sears is coached and used has never really been the issue, it's him staying healthy long enough to be coached and used
  2. We did no such thing, he retired on his own terms which I respect enormously.
  3. Please restrict your use of the internet for sports related products. Please.
  4. No mascot budgets in Oregon? I especially like the second one from the right. Are those eyes or do trees have breasts now, not that I'm complaining?
  5. He's got that look that seems to be whispering through his clenching teeth, "Their f****ng going to kill me, call someone, send help"
  6. Not sure how you can compare Lavoie to Nik Lewis at all. Their skill set is entirely different. I don't know if you can compare anyone to Nik Lewis. He is one of my favorite guys to watch when they catch him on the sidelines after a big play or a contoversial ruling. He's friggen hilarious love him or hate him.
  7. Quite impressive and as you say, good motivation for any young players who may be more suitable for coaching.
  8. I hear what you're saying and I agree. Going in a different leadership direction for sure and will be very interesting in what tone is set and how accountability is shared with all of this staff and player turnover.
  9. If you're readiing this Terrence, thanks for all the years of entertainment and being a true blue bomber. You're part of an elite group.
  10. cmon give the guy a chance. let see what he got during TC. I'm not talking about his OC talents...I'm talking about his crappy recruits he got them to bring in. Boltus was one...there was another one from Hamilton. A WR...I can't remember his name. You must mean Aaron Kelly, who was nothing short of amazing for us down the stretch. Odd how a few highlight reel grabs equate to people thinking he was amazing. Seems an odd contradiction in a way. (highlight = not amazing) I think fans were just waiting for something, anything to happen, and some of those catches were a breath of fresh air. I think more of the issue, at least for me, is improving our success in having potential turn into reality. With certain players, you know what you get, they either are stars, their functionally average, their role players or they get cut. But with others there's that 'he could be better' feel that takes more of an investment of time, energy, money and focus. Over the last while we haven't had the returns of this effort knowing there's always going to be busts. Also, imo, compared to most other teams, we've sucked royally at having depth to cover off our injuries. No depth, no success.
  11. Not to mention the fact he answers back, "Sup".
  12. At the gym I went to in Winnipeg before we left, they had a sign by the hair dryers that said, "Please use for intended purposes". They also had a sign by the couches that said, "Please do not sit naked on the couches". True story. Pal of mine In downtown TOR Goodlife says there are signs asking members not to have sex in the stalls, showers. Killjoys. Hmm why?
  13. Jim Daley's time his past. His last stint as a special teams coordinator was woeful to say the least. That being said, here's more news if you will about the Argos coaching staff... Kirk Penton ‏@PentonKirk 28s Casey Creehan and Will Plemons both on #Argos new coaching staff under DC Tim Burke. #Bombers Burke implied and sometimes even more than implied it was our lack of talent for our woes. I guess he and Creehan get a second kick at the can with the Argo's defense. So, if the Argo defense shites the bed this year, or at the very least regress from what they achieved last year, is it now on them or can they continue to use the lack of talent reason (excuse to some)? Or will they come up with another explanation, new system, players left, injuries, head coach etc etc?
  14. At the gym I went to in Winnipeg before we left, they had a sign by the hair dryers that said, "Please use for intended purposes". They also had a sign by the couches that said, "Please do not sit naked on the couches". True story. Other than that, how did you enjoy your time at the Wellness Centre on Leila? It was awesome save for that :-)
  15. At the gym I went to in Winnipeg before we left, they had a sign by the hair dryers that said, "Please use for intended purposes". They also had a sign by the couches that said, "Please do not sit naked on the couches". True story.
  16. Since Glenn left our organization unceramoniously during the start of Kelly's tenure, I've never been THAT upset that he left even though Kelly took a risk and lost. He obviously would help upgrade our QB options but I do feel his presence and demeanor on and off the field (his tweet the most recent one) has it's drawbacks that don't fit well with the type of culture, the type the approach, the type of attitude Miller, Walters and company are appearing to want to create for this team. I'm probably in the minority as a BB fan but I really don't want him back if I had the choice.
  17. I'd rather bring Palardy back than Congi. Yuck. Same problems, "accurate" kickers with no leg. If they aren't hitting 90% inside 40, they are killing you with lousy kickoffs and lack of range. Biggest pet peeve I have with kickers. If they can't provide reasonable consistent kick-off distant, then no thanks.
  18. I would have thought Ottawa if anywhere but having him here for training camp tryout with no guarantees can't hurt for us.
  19. This is, by far, the most ruthless position to play in the CFL in terms of sticking.
  20. Danny McManus disagrees with you. He might know a little something, something about quarterbacks. He might know something about being a cfl qb in the league a few years back.. But he doesn't have a history (yet) for succesfully spotting and developing cfl QB.. Time will tell and Danny mac was a great HOF QB.. but that doesn't always translate into be a great scout, mentor, etc. I'm hoping he's right.. But i've been hoping for 5 years that the "pros" knew what we needed, could scout, sign and assign roles that players could excel in.. But it hasn't happened yet..[/quote Jeezus can we just enjoy this for a while Debbie Downer ]
  21. Ya kno, it doesn't surprise me one ounce that you already think this without even getting out of the off-season.. Stay classy bud. Keep the faith!! Forget class, sell me on all the great things that have transpired this off season. Granted, he still has many months to make it happen, but so far are you honestly impressed? Or are you just being "positive?" Oy. Can we sell you on the fact that we avoided a giant albatross of a contract on Burris; and that Hamilton and Kent Austin were a flashier sell for Collaros instead? Way too early to be passing judgment on Walters. The mess that Mack left the organization in... pile on all that you want. But way too early to judge Walters. Fair response and I appreciate you indulging my question. Still, he could've easily over paid for Burris and just cut the guy next year. I am fine with Glenn, but Desjardins is going to anally pound us for him. And Lizard is going to have to take it. Which is a great idea if you're looking to solve one problem by creating another one. If that's how he thinks business is done, he'll quickly develop a reputation that is just as bad as the one we have now. We're trying to rebuild our image as an appealing football club to join up with. Signing guys only to cut them a year later for no reason other than money troubles is not how you establish that. .... as opposed to the reputation the OTT management group has after the Glenn thing? No one gives a shite about "reputation" -- they care about money, wins, and opportunity. And I seriously doubt anyone would say "they signed a rock solid personality like Henry Burris and then turfed him after just a year. That guy was all class and deserved so much better!" No one? If your answer is yes, then you're misguided. First, evidence suggests organizations with horrible reputations are the ones who usually don't have the money, the wins and the real opportunities over a sustained period of time. Second, organizations reputations are built by the individuals who manage and lead it. If these individuals, even if their highly skilled in their craft, predominatly lack in the areas of emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills sets, it significantly affects the reputation of the organization, ergo, the ability of the organization to attract quality people, from a player perspective, from a management perspective, from a sponsor perspective etc etc. Reputation affects an organizations bottom line no matter how you spin it, some more than others, but plays a part in the equation of success.
  22. What exactly were you expecting Henry Burris to win for us? And yes...Walters should be sure to sign Steve Myddleton, the mystical free agent NI OL, just give him a blank cheque. It is going to be a couple years of rebuilding in terms of NI's and QB's. That's the price we pay for relying on Buck Pierce for 4 seasons, wasting picks on Etienne's and Pencer's. If this rebuild isn't done right and we chase mediocre players like Burris to the detriment of developing better players, it will take even longer. But if the fans sit through two more years of medirocity there won't be any fans left to pay the bills... Pierce was a stop gap to help fill the void while we looked for / developed a future starting QB.. it didn't happen.. The qbs that we had failed to perform and have been cast off. If you are okay with 2 more years for 4-14 - 6-12 years you will be mightly lonely in the stands.. The major fallacy spewing from yourself and a few others is that Burris and a couple free agents in this year's market are going to change the fact that we are the worst team in our division...they won't. Need to rebuild this football team from the ground up, starting with management and coaching, now on the field. Simple yet sophisticated. Absolutely bang on.
  23. Actually I'm looking at it the other way. My first thought in seeing yet again another headline of missing out, in this case the headline that Burris will be signing in Ottawa, is motivation. Motivation to build a culture that players/coaches want to come/stay here. After the last few shite years of mismanagement at all levels, what did we expect? It's time to right this ship, look at the players we have who want to play here and use that as motivation. This year we turn the corner in moving back to respectability, mark my words.
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