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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Move the goalposts to the back of the end zone like the NFL.
  2. Usually (I hope) the goalie get's upset at the situation (being screened) and not at the player (didn't mean to and/or had to be there). There's a difference.
  3. That's because you don't live in your parents basement. If you're a true blue fan however, you can do whatever you want, no judgement.
  4. I'd much rather see Perreault play the wing. Lowry has all the makings of a prototypical 3rd line centre for years and years... Second line when he hits his prime (hopefully).
  5. Right or wrong, some athletes would disagree with this. Again, right or wrong some athletes expect some sort of security other than being paid for what they deliver. Similar to having a base salary where most of your income comes from commission.
  6. The one positive I take out of this game was Hutch handled the puck with much more confidence than I've previously seen.
  7. Keep the momentum going as long as you can. Start Pavelec.
  8. I was not aware of Stafford's hands. Wow. You can tell Pavelec is playing with new found confidence. No happy feet, his positional play was outstanding last night. For the most part, hooved in the puck, caps had very few rebounds. I watched the Oil game afterwards and Scrivens played like bad Pavelec, i.e., made outstanding saves at times but his positional play was atrocious. Even my 10 year old son pointed it out.
  9. I'd take Bure in a heartbeat. The guy was a great goal scorer. He & Teemu Selanne were filling NHL nets with goals back in 1992-93. When I think of Bure one dimensional doesn't come to mind. You might as well say Teemu was one dimensional because all he scored was 76 goals that season. Sacrilege!
  10. Great point. Terrible ooint. Hey Buff do you want a 7 year deal for $56 million or a three year deal for $18? If you don't take the lesser deal it's because you hate winnipeg. There's something to be said for being close to home and liking where you are but this is his last chance to cash in and make generational money. He might put a value on liking where he plays bits flat out stupid if that value is more than a few bucks. I'm sorry, was that the point that was made? No, the point was, at least for me, was wondering how much Dustin likes playing here (without your type of judgement), nothing more nothing less. Also, suggesting Dustin is stupid if he gives up significant money to play in an environment he likes fascinates me. You casting judgment on things like this doesn't sound very open minded. Historically, some professional athletes, in a variety of sports, have factored in other things than money when making key decisions about their future.
  11. Which reminds me what my wife once asked me while watching one of the few games she's watched, 'Why don't they just put a huge sumo wrestler in net, there would be no place to shoot'. My response was, 'you can't . . . wait a sec?'
  12. Considering how they've been playing over the last 10-15 games, I don't know about that. I just keep waiting for Dubnyk to come back to his old self and it has happened yet.
  13. You're missing a few parts imo. Championship teams also need veteran presence, leadership and grit. Players like Buff and Ladd (I know you didn't say Ladd) are not a nice to haves for this team. They are a big part of our identity, they are a big piece to what we would like to accomplish in the next 3-5 years. They are two special players that would be very difficult to replace. I appreciate cap restrictions may dictate this not being possible but if it comes down to where do we push this pile of money, I know what I'd do. Obviously some of us will have different perspectives when it comes to determining what's a luxury for this team and what are necessities when you really get into the discussion of how this team is being built. Arm chairing gm'ing is fun when there's no pressure :-)
  14. I haven't read every post on every blog site, but I didn't read anyone saying the Jets should buy out Pavs. I did see, myself included, that certain posters thought it could be an option in the off season, not now as we push for a playoff spot. I believe it was yourself who responded it isn't an option due to cap issues.
  15. How unlucky for Paul Postma. Hasn't been in the starting lineup since early January, plays a solid game, out with injury. Geez.
  16. Actually with games I've been able to watch on TV this year, I find the Jets a very entertaining team to watch with the intensity they bring to the game. Lots of back and forth action. A couple of weeks ago I was watching a Jet game with my brother-in-law and he remarked he felt he was watching a basketball game with so much back and forth. Their neutral zone work can't rely on hooking/holding/picking like years previous so it takes more skill to shut down the opposition. Whether the Jets make the playoffs this year or not, most games we've been in most games which makes it that more entertaining to watch although doesn't help much with anxiety.
  17. Huff saw a value in Shomari. Some people here dont. At least Shomari has played & started. For 3 seasons Pall was putting his feet up drinking a few beers at practice for the Stamps, Als & Bombers, getting paid & planning his next adventure with CFL Vacation Tours. They have beer and vacation tours? Dude, I shoulda been a footballer A borderline National like Etienne & Pall? Yep so you should have. Make a few bucks sitting on the PR. No pressure. If they have low standards, sure. But if they're young men who want to make something of themselves, football or otherwise, the pressure is there. PR compensation will remind them of that.
  18. I wonder how many folks setting up these churches share the same "to each their own" attitude as you? Call up a cowboy church and ask if they perform gay marriages? I have a pretty good idea what the answer will be... WTF does that have to do with anything? Call up a Chinese restaurant and ask them if they do fondue, if they don't should they be ridiculed on a football forum? Who's ridiculing? I think organized religion has done far more "evil" in the past 2000 years than it's done good. And the more extreme/peculiar the religion, the more hateful and intolerant they tend to be. That's my opinion, expressed respectfully on a football forum. Enjoy your Chinese food. I am a regular church goer and can readily concede that religions can do and have done wonderful things for humanity. That said, it has been reported that there have been more killing over religious differences (at least that was the excuse) than any other reason. About 20 years ago, the chief theologian for the Catholic church (Hans Kung) wondered out loud in an interview whether mankind would not have been better off without organized religion. Within 24 hours of the airing of the interview, he was demoted to a small parrish in France. Religion is not the problem. It happens when politics and religion get into bed together. Most religions, faiths are not the issue, it's what some people bring to these that cause problems. i.e., if one brings violence and hatred to something, it's on the person, not the religion.
  19. Because goalies need games and starts to grow their abilities and learn from exp. Regardless of what they do with the goalies, they'll want Hutch, Helle and Comrie all getting starts somewhere. I agree, a Helle/Hutch combo would be nice for the Jets...but my guess is they'd rather have Helle start 55-60 games at the AHL level over what, maybe 20-30 at the NHL level. But hey, I work a desk job and have been way off about virtually everything all year.... Kane's still a Jet, right? I agree with this. Helle *seems* like he could be the real deal. No sense messing with it. At 21 years old, take it slow and steady. Especially with Comrie going to the AHL next season, you have two young guys in the A. Comrie will need to ease into the pro ranks too. If they can move Pavs, it makes sense. $4 million would go a long way to resigning Frolik, Ladd, Buff. if they feel Hutch can be the everyday starter. just sign a cheap veteran back-up. What is Budaj's deal? if he has time left on his contract, he could be with the Jets next season in that role. I think another option, and I'm just suggesting an option, is bubblewrapping him, buying out his contract.
  20. True enough but some professional athletes take it more of a challenge to win it back not throw in the towel and say they wan't to play elsewhere. In this particular case though, I'm not sure where Pavelec sits with this as I don't have enough information.
  21. Keep Buff long term and continue in what we are trying to build here. He's a core player. He's a dominant utility player that very few teams (SJ, Det) have at their disposal. He's a big reason why we are in the hunt. I'd like to have that for a few more years.
  22. Yes but it was also a case of Hutch playing positional sound.
  23. My hunch tells me huge game from our third line.
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