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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. It's called depth. This is where GM's earn their paycheque. I'm cheering for Chevy.
  2. Not wanting to derail this thread but I had no idea about this. Taken from the TSN website: "McKenzie noted in a tweet that trades are permitted post-deadline but the player is not playoff eligible".
  3. I don't understand this logic. If they were periphery players or players with loads of skill but with no or negative lockerroom presence than sure trade them away. But they're not. You trade away Ladd and Buff, you trade away a big part of our identity, a big part of what we are trying to build here. Hard to replace the leadership, the tone, the intangibles these two players bring on and off the ice. Even with the remote chance you could find guys of equal identity and talent, why make a lateral move like that? Age? The age argument doesn't hold on its own either. Sure their older, but we trade for a younger guy and by the time he's at Ladd's and Buff's level (see above), with salary cap, he's more than likely gone anyways. You don't just build around age, you build around your core.
  4. Maybe for league minimum. He isn't very good. Yup. Good specials team guy I seem to recall.
  5. If we were the Leafs, Sabres, Coyotes sure. But we're not. Technically true but there are some players that would be very hard to part with, i.e., what we are trying to build here. Management has a blueprint that would make it very difficult to let go of certain pieces. If you trade away your core, your saying your blueprint isn't working. I don't believe the Jets are in that position. My core would be Little, Ladd, Buff, Trouba, Wheeler, Scheifele, Lowry, Hutch ands probably Meyers. We also have four to five core development players coming up that would be very difficult to part with. On the bubble of my core would be Stafford and Perrault. Sorry no Frolik. The rest of the existing roster, development players and upcoming draft picks can be used if need be.
  6. I'll post it again, worst move we could make whether we make the playoffs or not this year. Buff gives the team an identity I like, tough, multi-dimensional, team-oriented, takes risks, humble and funny. We build are team around that. Don't give it to someone else.
  7. I wish that were true but no, it will not be positive simply for the fact that Dallas doesn't have to account for him in their game plan.
  8. You think they keep all of them around? Unless Grigsby got some balls surgically added in the offseason he's not as good as the other two guys. I was thinking a similar thing. He may not make it out of camp. I'm assuming no guarantees were given to him.
  9. I'm just asking out loud. With all the goaltenders who presently play in the NHL, I wonder if Vancouver is at all interested in acquiring Pavelec with Miller down? Maybe it could be a win, win, win. Win for Vancouver, Win for Winnipeg, Win for Pavelec himself with a change of scenery. I don't know enough about Vancouver's team to answer this question in terms of their farm system and cap situation. Would it be too risky for us to part ways with one of our starting goaltenders? It seems like we're pretty good with our goaltenders in our system.
  10. That wrap around by Khadri had Hutch doing the happy feet.
  11. Hutch gets a shut-out, Stafford has a huge game, Ladd fights, Trouba plays lights out, Buff vaporizes someone, mayb, hopefully Phaneuf, Meyers scores from centre, Lowry collects three assists, Slater is unbelievable on the PK, Little has the puck on a string all night. Or not, and the Leafs win, Sunday is ugly for us Jet fans, that horrible, knawing feeling of oh oh. However tonight unfolds, Leafs commentary believes the Leafs are one or two key pieces away from being elite, what's with Kessel talk, is Nonis a genius or a buffoon, probably a few mentions of Wendall Clark and 'Dougie' Gilmore. No mention of the Jets, well maybe a few comments about Kane, the recent poll of no one wants to play here and our push to the playoffs.
  12. My key uncertainity with him is his fit in the lockerroom. Based on his history, has he grown more into a professional hockey player, team first attitude? How was that element of his game been in the KHL? Completely from a homer perspective, we're building something special here in how tight these players seem to be. Yes winning solves everything but even that isn't enough. Being here in Edmonton, there appears to be little chemistry within the Oilers team, loads of individual talent but no connection. The Jets are leaps and bounds ahead of the curve when it comes to this imo. My hunch tells me to dangle him in front of another team to allow us to tinker with a character we always need to add , i.e., proud to jersey regardless of 'you want me to play how', it's-30 degrees, there's lots of snow, jeez this Canadian Dollar, my kids can't go to the beach in February, etc etc
  13. And people are responding by saying he's proven to be mediocre. That's all he's proven in his CFL career. So why not go with someone who has yet to prove what they can do, but have looked decent/exciting in their limited time? We all know what KG brings to the table. And it isn't good enough to get the team to where everyone wants to get to as a back up or starter, even while playing with teams that were arguably better than the current bombers. Brohm looked decent and even Marve played well against calgary late last year (cgy's effort suspect in that game). So why settle? when you need to move past mediocre. Mediocre (like has been said on this topic already) should no longer be an option to this franchise. Because some people are tired of rushing quarterbacks gambling that they can be good when in reality gambling and rushing qbs usually ends in disaster. I'm interpreting the use of the word 'rushing' as if a team didn't 'rush' a QB, then different story in how he pans pans out. I'm sure you'd agree though that sometimes, not always, but sometimes QB's not consistently playing to level needed to stick in this league (or being an Elite QB) has nothing to due with rushing them. It has to do with them not being good enough to play at a certain level (e.g., Max Hall comes to mind for not Sticking and Kevin Glenn comes to mind in not being an Elite CFL QB). I would like you to name me ONE backup QB that is elite. I don't think anyone here, in this entire thread has suggested that. When first or second year QBs are thrown into the position of having to be number one...that is generally a recipe for disaster. Not always, but more often than not. Just to be clear, all I'm suggesting with Kevin Glenn is when he was a starter wasn't good enough to be tagged with the Elite status. As for your statement about first or second year QB's being thrust into a starter role when not ready, yes, sometimes it would have turned out different for them if patience was shown. The big however is sometimes first or second year QB's simply are not good enough to stick regardless of how much patience was or wasn't shown. I'm just suggesting we can't generalize the impact of thrusting someone early in their career into a starters role as the main reason for their demise.
  14. I think any discussion for Eberle starts with two of Trouba, Morissey, Ehlers, Petan. Myers. Not that I want to give up that much, but I think that is what Edmonton would be asking for. Watching Eberle over the years, not a huge fan. Yes, high point total (39pts 57 games) and yes very very soft hands but very soft when it gets physical. Just doesn't seem to play the style PM has put in place. Definitely would not sell the house to acquire his services whereas if Lucic came available . . . Lucic has gotta be the most overrated player in the NHL Completely disagree with you, I love the way he plays notwithstanding some of his antics. As far as I know (but I'm willing to be corrected), when they poll NHL players (who probably would know the best) on whose the most current 'overrarted' player in the NHL, Lucic is not top of the list. I believe Rick Nash and Dion Phaneuf are the usual culprits.
  15. And people are responding by saying he's proven to be mediocre. That's all he's proven in his CFL career. So why not go with someone who has yet to prove what they can do, but have looked decent/exciting in their limited time? We all know what KG brings to the table. And it isn't good enough to get the team to where everyone wants to get to as a back up or starter, even while playing with teams that were arguably better than the current bombers. Brohm looked decent and even Marve played well against calgary late last year (cgy's effort suspect in that game). So why settle? when you need to move past mediocre. Mediocre (like has been said on this topic already) should no longer be an option to this franchise. Because some people are tired of rushing quarterbacks gambling that they can be good when in reality gambling and rushing qbs usually ends in disaster. I'm interpreting the use of the word 'rushing' as if a team didn't 'rush' a QB, then different story in how he pans pans out. I'm sure you'd agree though that sometimes, not always, but sometimes QB's not consistently playing to level needed to stick in this league (or being an Elite QB) has nothing to due with rushing them. It has to do with them not being good enough to play at a certain level (e.g., Max Hall comes to mind for not Sticking and Kevin Glenn comes to mind in not being an Elite CFL QB).
  16. I think any discussion for Eberle starts with two of Trouba, Morissey, Ehlers, Petan. Myers. Not that I want to give up that much, but I think that is what Edmonton would be asking for. Watching Eberle over the years, not a huge fan. Yes, high point total (39pts 57 games) and yes very very soft hands but very soft when it gets physical. Just doesn't seem to play the style PM has put in place. Definitely would not sell the house to acquire his services whereas if Lucic came available . . .
  17. Yup, considering you have to give something to get something. The however is where's Vermette's head space with his future. Something I'd want to know if he's willing to share. Chevy comes across as a good communicator so he'd ask the right questions to tease this out if possible.
  18. Would Stafford be considered a 'rental'? Hard to say. My guess is Chevy brings in guys he believes he has a realistic chance to re-sign. If he goes for a guy like Vermette that would tell me something.
  19. Tate is a hot-head, but for the same price, I'd probably prefer Tate. I think a change in scenery may help Tate. I'd definitely take him.
  20. Actually, never thought of that comparison, makes sense. You got me thinking. I'll go deeper into the Jets future, how about Dougie Smail but with hands?
  21. May be the fact that Kane is unavailable to play until next year. This makes it difficult for a fan who follows their Sabres to feel they received something good in return. As Kane/Meyers were the central figures, no instant 'gratification' for Sabres fans so to speak.
  22. I just don't see Glenn wanting to sign here even if it comes down to Winnipeg being the only team showing serious interest.
  23. LMAO at one of the comments. Kane, Scheifele and Morrissey for Kessel
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