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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. A lot of things one wants in a QB. Sort of the 'lived and died by the sword' type player. We need a QB that gives our team a true identity and I think what Buck brought to the table can help with that in how we groom our next QB. I think he'd be great for this league what ever that may be.
  2. Answers my long standing off season question about Goltz. Is he done, or does he get picked up by another cfl team?
  3. I'm not understanding your argument about players being easily replaced. Are you saying it's a easy process to regularly turnover players who have the talent fitted to play in the cfl? Sure there may be a few positions compared to others e.g kickers versus qb that have less difficulty in achieving that plug in and play option but overall it doesn't seem that easy. My guess is if you asked any former or existing gm about this, they would be in a better position to explain the complexity and challenges of finding and maintaining a roster of talented players who can successfully play in this unique league.
  4. I'm always intrigued when this term is used in effort to support a 'black and white' argument and to denounce the 'misguided' others who may think otherwise. If you think that this issue is only about public safety and is a fairly easy decision in what to do then you're disagreeing with many professionals in many disciplines, not just mental health professionals. That's a fact. You can have your opinion but sometimes there's no way around the facts and no way around avoiding the complexities of situations like this whether you like it or not. And, not to mention the fact, if people read all the posts here thus far on this issue, it isn't just about public safety, posters are also sharing their opinions on mental illness, mental health. Therefore, that will open up the discussion further than public safety.
  5. Generalization that is way off the mark. A lot of people who have been touched by mental health issues would take offense to this remark. That's why we, as a collective group of people trying to co-exist with one another, rely on professionals (i.e Mark H's point) in these chosen vocations to apply their education, expertise, experiences and emotional intelligence to the most relevant information/evidence available. Usually no one case is identical to the other that warrants a particular decision for that situation. Yes, sometimes they get it right and sometimes they don't. That's true for any vocation. It's called the complexity of life.
  6. I'll agree with you on that. But being committed doesn't mean you're a leader. I agree with 17. He was a more lead by example type of guy. I've already tried to provide specific examples (commitment was not one of them btw) of how he actually demonstrated his leadership qualities on and off the field. I'm sensing based on some the posts here that Buck doesn't posess the leadership qualities necessary to be an effective leader. If that's the case, then provide some specific actual examples of his behaviours/actions that would suggest this is true other than identifying his injuries/stats which have nothing specificaly to do with his leadership abilities. Even a mediocre scout team player can be a great leader for his/her team if used appropriately.
  7. Completley disagree with this statement. Buck showed on and off the field needed leadership qualities for this team, especially the young guys. Things like loyalty, in-game coaching (whether playing or not) of his teammates, how he presented himself to the media, his honesty with his limitations and knowing it's negatively affecting his ability to be on the field consistently. Buck would be a great QB coach in my opinion. Buck was a leader on the field when he first got here, but it didn't last too long just because he got so broken. I really don't think he was ever the same kind of player after he buggered up his elbow. Yes but one of my points was you don't have to be playing to be a leader. His elbow issues, for example, didn't change how he demonstrated his off-field leadership qualities with his teammates, with the coaching staff, with management, with the fans.
  8. Completley disagree with this statement. Buck showed on and off the field needed leadership qualities for this team, especially the young guys. Things like loyalty, in-game coaching (whether playing or not) of his teammates, how he presented himself to the media, his honesty with his limitations and knowing it's negatively affecting his ability to be on the field consistently. Buck would be a great QB coach in my opinion.
  9. Lol I didn't see the teammates crying or twittering a storm about Buck when he was traded away, when Korey Banks left BC we saw team mates really upset that a leader was being shipped off. Buck as a "leader" is just something the fans created... He was the Andrew Ladd of the Blue Bombers... a tough hard nose player who tried to lead by example.... unfortunately for Buck he was awful the last 2 years so that leadership had zero effectiveness. I never seen such a sad uninspired team as the guys last season.... that leadership of Buck really didn't look like it made any impact. Hey remember a few years back when Elliott was firing up the club and the players instantly responded compared to how lethargic they looked when Buck was at the helm. Buck was no great motivational leader, so get over it. Absolutley he was, when he played ( I appreciate his injury issue), he played full out which, as many of his teammates would comment, influenced them to play full out, not taking any plays off. That's called motivation.
  10. No really, I thought there was only 2 CFL Teams........................... I don't want Glenn here, I actually think it's unlikely for him to sign here, but why waste assets on him when we could either pick him up if he's released or if he doesn't want to come here waste picks and players for nothing. At the same time, what other team would want Glenn ? maybe Montreal and/or Edmonton, but I don't see BC going after him, nor Calgary, Saskatchewan, Toronto, Hamilton. Why wouldn't bc go for him? He's more reliable then Buck. One reason would be leadership issues. When it comes to that, Buck is more reliable.
  11. What I'm curious about is whether it would be better for our team to have a QB coach who played QB in the CFL (or just had CFL experience) or is it better to have some one like Dahlquist with his wealth of coaching experience and probably wealth of experience on how to deal with athletes one on one? Time will tell I guess. You would think that with someone like Willy who is still fairly new to our game that having a former CFLer would be more appropriate than having a non-cfl coach but who knows. I guess it's a win just having one.
  12. Ironically, on the surface, Higgins demeanor and approach to how he coaches seems very similar to Trestman's. Maybe that was one of the draws. It proved quite successful for Trestman in his time in Montreal.
  13. It's usually the reverse where the job of the O-line is to ensure the QB and RB's can do their jobs, i.e., poor QB play is mostly a result of the O-line BUT it's a good reminder it works the other way as well..
  14. Actually saw that he asked how the search for a DC was going .. *shrug* I think Sears could be one of the big beneficiaries of an Etcheverry defence. He is just the type of player that Etch loves. Although how Sears is coached and used has never really been the issue, it's him staying healthy long enough to be coached and used
  15. We did no such thing, he retired on his own terms which I respect enormously.
  16. Please restrict your use of the internet for sports related products. Please.
  17. No mascot budgets in Oregon? I especially like the second one from the right. Are those eyes or do trees have breasts now, not that I'm complaining?
  18. He's got that look that seems to be whispering through his clenching teeth, "Their f****ng going to kill me, call someone, send help"
  19. Not sure how you can compare Lavoie to Nik Lewis at all. Their skill set is entirely different. I don't know if you can compare anyone to Nik Lewis. He is one of my favorite guys to watch when they catch him on the sidelines after a big play or a contoversial ruling. He's friggen hilarious love him or hate him.
  20. Quite impressive and as you say, good motivation for any young players who may be more suitable for coaching.
  21. I hear what you're saying and I agree. Going in a different leadership direction for sure and will be very interesting in what tone is set and how accountability is shared with all of this staff and player turnover.
  22. If you're readiing this Terrence, thanks for all the years of entertainment and being a true blue bomber. You're part of an elite group.
  23. cmon give the guy a chance. let see what he got during TC. I'm not talking about his OC talents...I'm talking about his crappy recruits he got them to bring in. Boltus was one...there was another one from Hamilton. A WR...I can't remember his name. You must mean Aaron Kelly, who was nothing short of amazing for us down the stretch. Odd how a few highlight reel grabs equate to people thinking he was amazing. Seems an odd contradiction in a way. (highlight = not amazing) I think fans were just waiting for something, anything to happen, and some of those catches were a breath of fresh air. I think more of the issue, at least for me, is improving our success in having potential turn into reality. With certain players, you know what you get, they either are stars, their functionally average, their role players or they get cut. But with others there's that 'he could be better' feel that takes more of an investment of time, energy, money and focus. Over the last while we haven't had the returns of this effort knowing there's always going to be busts. Also, imo, compared to most other teams, we've sucked royally at having depth to cover off our injuries. No depth, no success.
  24. Not to mention the fact he answers back, "Sup".
  25. At the gym I went to in Winnipeg before we left, they had a sign by the hair dryers that said, "Please use for intended purposes". They also had a sign by the couches that said, "Please do not sit naked on the couches". True story. Pal of mine In downtown TOR Goodlife says there are signs asking members not to have sex in the stalls, showers. Killjoys. Hmm why?
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