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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. I'm starting to think I'm a humor nerd because that line is gold.
  2. After one game, the reminder already comes? I'll give you this if it's the same mid-season. I dunno man, that hamilton oline looked pretty awful and sask was only send 4 guys if that most times. Collaros didn't look good. I think its likely he does struggle this season. Hamiltons Oline will be their downfall. They just lost one of the guys to injury too. I have no vested interest in Collaros, I hope we pummel Hamilton when we play them, but it's only one game. He's probably allowed at least one mulligan. Not to mention the fact his supporting cast didn't do much supporting.
  3. I have no idea whether he's a d*ickhead or not, but his coaching approach seems to have worked the last couple of years.
  4. After one game, the reminder already comes? I'll give you this if it's the same mid-season.
  5. I really like this quote from O'Shea, "enjoy the victory, but stay humble, and remember the journey has just begun. One game down and 17 to go."
  6. Burke probably has a good sense of what Marcel Bellefeuille is going to try to do. And if he doesn't, it's obviously a player talent issue.
  7. I think what some of us take issue with is his apparent lack of shared accountability displayed here in these quotes. It really had nothing to do with spinning, lying, being honest to a fault. I don't think it's lying, I don't think it's misguided if he had said 'We lost as a team, we, all of us, did not perform to the standards needed and ultimately, as the Head Coach of this football team, I take responsibility for that'.
  8. I wonder attitude had something to do with this. I always see Tate telling people what they should have done after the play. If they messed up, why not tell them what they did wrong so they don't do it again? *shrug* Maybe it's not so much what he's saying (e.g., ran a wrong route, missed a block etc) but how he says it that may rub certain players the wrong way. As a QB leading the offense, a must is being an excellent communicator, knowing individual styles in what what works best for them in getting a message understood.
  9. Ian Wild? Wild will be rotating with Kuale at MLB. Does/can Kuale also play DE?
  10. Remind me, has he ever achieved that with the Bombers? First season maybe? . . .
  11. Stampeders: 14-4 Lions: 10-8 Roughriders: 9-9 Eskimos: 7-11 Blue Bombers: 6-12 Stamps seem to consistently do well with their depth when major injury occurs. If Sears and Watson go down for extended periods of time this year, I don't know, won't be good. Watson and Sears couldn't even make it through training camp. I think our record would be marginally better if we were still in the East.
  12. Yes, can I help you? I'm here all week btw.
  13. I never thought about it that way but yea you may be on to something. I always hold out hope at the start of the season but I have a sinking feeling our defense will play out like groundhog day when the game is tight or within reach. Giving up yardage and points consistently, killling momentum or sealing the game away. I hope our defense is committed to minimizing points scored against not just touchdowns.
  14. And how do you see that playing out when they haven't even played the Saturday game yet, nor do any of us have access to the grading of the QB's that the coaching staff do from the day training camp started? Because as a rule the WBB's will usually keep a developmental QB on the PR. Barring a trade we need to keep both Hall and Brohm on the roster just in case Wiley fails miserably or sustains an injury that will keep him out of games. Eeek is all I can say if that happens . . .
  15. Everyone just assumes Tate will suffer a season ending injury by halftime so Mitchell is the default starter. Not everyone :-). Based on a lot of comments I've read here over the last year or so on Drew Tate cuts against the grain of how Huff and his coaching staff must see Tate. Listen, I'm not a fan of his, he plays for the Stumps, but seriously he has talent and can't yet be placed in the 'no more chances' category. And for people who disagree with this, I would direct you over to Mr. Hufnagel to get his perspective.
  16. Agree with the brain and accuracy point, for sure. But because we are specifically talking about Max Hall, I think it's a legitimate issue to keep in mind with him. Obviously it's not the only thing when looking at him. It is though an important piece to the package he needs to bring, not just a 'nice to have' especially in the CFL, and I do appreciate the point msrg made about relative and his ability to knock teeth out at 15 feet. My all time favorite Blue Bomber Tom Clements didn't have a great arm but had the necessary strength to nicely complement his stellar football smarts and athleticism. Give Tom Clements Max Hall's arm, don't know, might have influenced his high level of play.
  17. Hall has the weakest arm of the bunch, the really windy days won't be his friend. I hope Brohm makes some kind of push now. Keeping a bunch of really good players will help this team get better. Discarding the crapiest players and keeping the guys who win jobs by default does not help this team get better. If Brohm can finally start forcing the issue OShea will have the good kind of hard choice to make. I've read this statement a lot here, and, as someone not to familar with levels of arm strength as a QB, I would tend to agree based on my observations of his play. For arguments sake, let's say this is true. So, in a passing league like the CFL, where it's standard to throw a forty-yard out with zip, does his other skills make-up for this limitation? Yes he's appears decisive but that becomes tempered on some plays with a weaker arm, no? He seems like a good guy who loves playing the game but I'm not feeling it with him. I hope, as I sometimes am, completley wrong and he plays at the level required to run the offense we employ this year.
  18. For the most part, I don't think Etcheverry thinks in those terms, what the defense is willing to give or bend but not break. IMO, his scheme is all about throwing the offence off-balance and making them guess, basically having few tendencies that a QB can read pre-snap. That's basically the opposite of Burke's D, which relies heavily on players to win 1 on 1 battles and really doesn't break tendency or engage in psychological warfare too much. Etcheverry also has a lot of reads built into his scheme, so he's relying on his players to see certain things and react properly according to what he wants, anyone anywhere can basically end up doing anything, blitzing, dropping into coverage. If Etcheverry was a hitter in baseball, he's looking to slug an extra base hit or a home run every pitch, whereas a guy like Burke is going to take a couple pitches and just try to make contact or get on base. He has some other core beliefs too, smaller and faster is better than bigger, slower and stronger being a huge one, and he applies that to every position on the field. Which is interesting as I was chatting with Ed Hervey (with my Bomber cap on of course!) at my 10 year old son's football camp this past May and he wants the Esks to be Bigger and Stronger and way less on the smaller and faster. Would not a balance be ideal?
  19. I listened for a bit and didn't get that impression at all. What kind of stuff did he say that was 'borderline racist'? i didn't listen so i'm just going on what 2 sort of overly dramatic friends say but they mentioned he said something about all the last names and comparing it to being at folklorama, is that racist? probably not but... didn't hear it myself so i have no idea. Based on a couple of posts now, I think you need new friends.
  20. I know it's preseason and I know Etch doesn't want to tip his hand .. but honestly .. watching the Argos run on us (at will) on Monday night made me cringe .. Thing that bothers me is all the "everyone rally to the ball" stuff, but then you watch them on Monday and most runs right up the gut became 1 on 1 in open field, when you should have more guys in the middle of the field when the offense attacks there. If Wild misses one tackle, it's an easy TD. They rallied pretty well when the ball was outside the tackles, but the middle of the field was gaping. I guess we can take solace in the fact that no one will step out of bounds without being hit, but they can just take 10 yards right up the middle if they wish. The scheme was likely very vanilla, but that core principle of everyone rallying to the ball was missing for the most part. In reading this, it sounds eerliy similar to the 'buzz' defense Dallas Eakins tried to instill with the Oliers early in the season. Although a different sport, it also left gaping holes available for the opposition, i.e., 'look how much time I have in the slot'. He had to abandon it which he did. If he hadn't, he wouldn't have lasted the season.
  21. I know it's preseason and I know Etch doesn't want to tip his hand .. but honestly .. watching the Argos run on us (at will) on Monday night made me cringe .. Indeed, hope it's not bend AND break.
  22. If Ladd-Little-Frolik is out number 1 line, we're in trouble. That's our number 2 LW, our number 2 centre and our number 3 RW. Kane - Scheif - Wheeler is #1 across the board. If I looked at those players individually and not as a set, other teams, depending on their needs, may see Little as a 1st line centre, Ladd as 2nd to.3rd line left winger and Frolik predominatly a strong 3rd line right winger. I'm not giving Frolik much love but too inconsistent for me. Based on limited information, out of all the three, I think Ladd wins (Little a close second) for the intangibles he brings off the rink (e.g., Leadership, community work, hard working, comfortable to be around etc)
  23. Are you suggesting hosting or panel member? I'd like to see him as a panel member. I always enjoyed his approach when he was with CBC, especially is disjointed fingers holding the mic for everyone to see, priceless. I like how he'd bring his support for the 'hogs' to the discussion. Always enjoyable banter. Plus, being a Bomber Blue and true could help minimize some of that argo feel you sometimes get from TSN.
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