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Everything posted by gbill2004

  1. Where did you hear this rumor?
  2. Did you miss it bro? He was released a few days ago by the bombers. Wow, I guess I have tuned out... thought he looked good in the limited playing time he had. Bizarre. No room with Ian Wild signing.
  3. Bingo. I've been saying this for a while now. Interesting that other members are starting to catch on...
  4. Only reasoning I can think of is they're preparing to defend against the "John Cornish Show" and may choose run stopping ability and positional play over pass-rush capability. Good call.
  5. Good OC doesn't always = good HC. Need a good leader who gets most out of players.
  6. Do you mean JFG? Just checked the roster page and Veltung is there too. Cole is on the pr. Weird. I wonder what happened there with Veltung?
  7. Do you mean JFG?
  8. Looks like Veltung is getting benched for his drops last week. Cone likely won't play but he's already on the roster.
  9. He is all of those things, but he is also this season very emotional which leads to irrational arguments that he just keeps hammering away on even if other people show him to be in the wrong, at which point he takes it as a personal slight. I respect his opinion, but when he starts in the old man yelling at clouds act I just roll my eyes. I saw one of your posts today or yesterday where you called out another member & used ***** & ***** twice in a sentence calling them out. If that isn't yelling & showing disrespect then I don't know what it is. You know that I also respect your opinion but please don't point fingers at me & say I yell & scream like an old man at members when you do it here as well. Long time members know you have a temper as well. Hey I didn't say you did it at members, you're ranting and raving about the team a lot though and then take thing personally when people argue with you. You're damned right I use colourful adjectives to describe opinions I don't like, but that's a far cry from what's going on here. I wouldn't really say I have a temper so much as I have an argumentative streak a mile wide and don't give a **** if people get offended. You get a forum full of people with that attitude and within a month the forum is done and done. Why would one feel he has to offend people he does not agree with. People don't do that with those they work with or play with or those you live with so why feel it is an entitlement when you deal with people who just want to express an opinion on a subject of common interest. This thread is an example of what a forum should never be. Instead we should just let morons keep posting stupid crap? No that's a forum I never want to see. If I think someone has a stupid opinion I'm going to tell them so and ask them to back it up. Just the way it's going to go. I'm not interested in a forum that is unfiltered ranting. People want to do that then they should start a blog. Once people get over this idea that everyones ideas are valid the better off a forum will be. And I suppose you see yourself as the "valid idea" judge? You've got some serious issues man.
  10. Agreed, Jennings looked not bad last week.
  11. Perhaps this is just somewhere to let off some steam....you know like the gym?People who take offense are just immature imo. The people who are bullying him need to take a much closer look at themselves. Bullies either feel threatened or are insecure and have something missing in their lives. In a way I feel sorry for them.Uh.. Just curious but have you even been bullied or seen it go down cuz, this is not even remotely bullying..If you think it is, i feel you may have your diaper in a knot, may need to be changed to training pants. Yes to both. And I've had conversations with other members here recently and they agree.I can only imagine who..what, 3-4 posters you have discussed this with could be.. Regardless, you and their definition of bullying isnt accurate. People not agreeing with each other isnt bullying. People pointing out the fallacy of a post isnt bullying.. Insults, degrading or slighting a poster.. Sure. Dont really believe Ive seen that as of late... It has been MUCH worse. People not agreeing with eachother or pointing out a fallacy definitely isn't bullying. I agree with you
  12. Perhaps this is just somewhere to let off some steam....you know like the gym?People who take offense are just immature imo. The people who are bullying him need to take a much closer look at themselves. Bullies either feel threatened or are insecure and have something missing in their lives. In a way I feel sorry for them.Uh.. Just curious but have you even been bullied or seen it go down cuz, this is not even remotely bullying..If you think it is, i feel you may have your diaper in a knot, may need to be changed to training pants. Yes to both. And I've had conversations with other members here recently and they agree.
  13. Not saying you're one of them, but there's definitely a few bullies on this forum.
  14. As the HC, I would expect him to correct that immediately, not let it drag on, we are at game 13 coming up. Also the quote in the paper from the Bomber player calling out the special teams guys for not selling out on those returns. The players clearly aren't buying in to the snake oil being offered to them. The players not buying into a coaches game plan on special teams reflects on players not listening.. Id liked to have seen this weeks ST practice sessions to see what exactly was believed to have gone wrong.Only one practice this week. O'Shea wanted the players rested.
  15. Perhaps this is just somewhere to let off some steam....you know like the gym?People who take offense are just immature imo. The people who are bullying him need to take a much closer look at themselves. Bullies either feel threatened or are insecure and have something missing in their lives. In a way I feel sorry for them.
  16. @CurtisGRush: CFL stats guy Steve Daniel says due to injuries the #CFL will soon total 21 different starting QBs this season. For 9 teams. #QBgraveyard
  17. Wild can't play SAM so no.
  18. I'm sure he sees the Free Press is a sinking ship. Great career opportunity for Lawless.
  19. http://www.bellmedia.ca/pr/press/acclaimed-sports-journalist-gary-lawless-joins-tsn-full-time-basis/
  20. The news conference on the bombes website has MOS saying that they are their record so I don't know where this other statement came from. Not saying he din't say that but that he said the opposite in the news conference. Bauming tweeted it. But he didn't include the full context.
  21. If you really believe that then I don't know what to say... You admit you didn't read the whole thing and then you also assume that travel days are a day off? Guaranteed they are practising the maximum amount they are allowed to. Too many people stuck in the past where coaches in their mind are supposed to be a ruthless task master. That doesn't work in professional sports anymore. Not true. Mike O'Shea has openly said they don't. He says he prefers the players to be fresh and that they can't execute if they are overworked and if their bodies haven't recovered form the previous game.
  22. I've never been a pro coach or ran a football practice. But I've been to LOTS of Bombers practices over the years. The Friday practice right before the Montreal game I attended concerned me. Lots of joking around and seemed to be a real lack of focus.
  23. Lawless is the stupidest sports writer in Winnipeg. I won't read his crap and if he is ever on TV I mute it.What if he's on with Sarah Orlesky?
  24. Does "blacked balled" mean made a head coach? lol
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