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Everything posted by gbill2004

  1. Procedurally, what does that exactly mean? Just that it'll be longer that 6 weeks, or that it'll be another 6 weeks?
  2. Wow. What a play from Collaros to Sinkfield!
  3. Reilly is already back practicing on a limited basis.
  4. Higgins = Ned Flanders. We can do better. No thanks.
  5. Popp saying this is Wettenall's decision and the decision to fire Higgins was made prior to last nights game in BC. Popp feels the Als are a 6-2 team and not a 3-5 team.
  6. Keep in mind, all those other events outside the game itself probably generate (awards, banquets, concert series, tailgate party, team parties, post grey cup party) generate significant revenue. I hear all of them are selling quite well and I wouldn't be surprised if at least 30% of all Grey Cup revenues are derived from these events.So you figure there's $2-3 million in profit on a Loverboy and 54-40 concert?
  7. Winnipegers are notoriously cheap too.
  8. O'Shea certainly has his issues, but Higgins sure ain't the solution.
  9. From what I recall Higgins was tired of being Head of Officiating and was desperate to accept any coaching/management type role with a CFL team.
  10. So you're either Wade Miller or Tom Higgins?
  11. Source? Dude has an agenda. The source is in his head. lol okay thanks.
  12. You got a source on that one? Cuz I did hear he interviewed here but instead of him taking a pass, it was the bombers passing on him. That is correct. The Bombers passed on Higgins.
  13. I suspect this has more to do with the handling of Sam and Bowman.
  14. We had about 3-3.5 million in profit this past year, no? 25,500 tickets at say $250 is 6.4 million. Lose $, no. Make less than expected, yes. I think they have to front quite a bit just to get the event here, and then all the operations cost of putting it on. If they grossed $6.5 million on ticket sales they'd likely lose a bunch of money. The city and province fronted a bunch of money.
  15. So with those QBs and coming off a big win? Very strange...
  16. I mostly disagree. If this game was priced correctly most of the tickets would have been sold prior to the season. Rider fans were somewhat optimistic about their team at the beginning of the season and most of those with the income would have bought tickets at that point. At the last Grey Cup in Winnipeg, I would estimate only 3000 or so fans were from Sasky (assuming they all are wearing green). I suspect only a few hundred more would buy tickets if the Riders were playing better.Anyways, the Bombers should not have to rely on the Riders being a good team to sellout the game. Again if they had the proper pricing structure, we would have seen more ticket sold to both Bomber fans and out-of-town fans. It's a combo of a lot of factors:1. Ticket prices too high 2. Bombers not playing well 3. Riders suck 4. HDTV big screen TVs
  17. I'd give up a late rounder for Bowman.
  18. Goes back to them giggling together on the sideline last week. The Stoudermire pic is still hilarious! Maybe try lightening up a little...frankly I find you a little creepy now.
  19. Didn't know that. I assumed it was a dildo, like the sex toy.
  20. ? Can't wait to see the logo.
  21. I wonder if Austin and Collaros share a room on the road...
  22. I'm sure Wade will drum up some discounts and 2 for 1's for his corporate buddies.
  23. I'm pretty sure there were way more people and factors involved into the pricing of these tickets than Wade sitting in his office with a pen and paper.And you do mean potential revenue lost, right? I'm sure the NHL thing cannot be laid on any single entity alone. The timing schedule alone was a big factor.But you can blame Miller if you want. It's more fun to blame Wade. On a fan message board too, right? Uh yea, that's what this so yea. Not sure what point you're trying to make here. Well for starters, it's completely inaccurate. I get it. Wade is your boss so you need to kiss his ass. You've figured it all out, well done. Nice to see you're paying attention. What...did you get fired?
  24. I'm pretty sure there were way more people and factors involved into the pricing of these tickets than Wade sitting in his office with a pen and paper.And you do mean potential revenue lost, right? I'm sure the NHL thing cannot be laid on any single entity alone. The timing schedule alone was a big factor.But you can blame Miller if you want. It's more fun to blame Wade. On a fan message board too, right? Uh yea, that's what this so yea. Not sure what point you're trying to make here. Well for starters, it's completely inaccurate. I get it. Wade is your boss so you need to kiss his ass.
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